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For Surprisingly Elegant Change...


Ana Drobez

“When I reached out to Anand, I was in a challenging situation. I had just completed my residency and become a Consultant Anaesthetist, but I felt I no longer wanted to work in a hospital, so I didn’t extend my contract. There was a longing within me to do something unique and different, but I was afraid to pursue my desire. My savings started to dwindle, and I needed money to cover my family’s expenses.

I still remember a call I had with Anand on 20th of September 2022. He began the call very casually, as if I were joining him in a coffee shop. This relaxed and calming atmosphere remained present throughout the call, even when we delved into my deepest fears and frustrations. Anand worked his magic. I was surprised because I felt significant shifts in my body, and the intensity of my emotions decreased within seconds. I didn’t understand what was happening (and sometimes I still don’t, when I see Anand working his magic), but I was certain I felt more relaxed, courageous, and centred.

Anand’s approach is truly unique—it is a combination of all the work he has done on himself, the experiences from numerous personal development seminars, and the insights from his background as a theoretical physicist. I see him as a neuro-psycho-surgeon who helps people create new neural pathways with great precision, speed, and elegance. These new neural pathways lead to new behaviours and spontaneous creations in the real world. Although he describes his work as education and adult development, in my opinion, he is better than any therapist when it comes to resolving past trauma. He doesn’t even refer to it as trauma, but working with him helped me release my deepest fears and develop a broader, more playful perspective on my past wounds. Furthermore, he is the best guide to choose when it comes to imagination and reality creation. He knows what he is doing and continually reiterates and refines his approach so that changes in people’s lives occur even more elegantly and swiftly. He has an extensive background in coaching, consulting, adult development, Stages, neuro linguistic programming, energy psychology, and somatic therapies. He has developed a special skill to quickly recognise what is happening within your psyche, enabling him to guide you in unlocking and untangling complex mental constructions.

After the call in September, my resistance to reaching out to people and inviting them for the first session diminished significantly, enabling me to take action in the real world and start my own business. My private medical practice was fully booked within three months and remained so for the next two years. Group and one-to-one coaching with Anand supported me through the process of starting my business, achieving success, gaining Diploma of Medical Acupuncture, winning a Top 3 Breakthrough Women Entrepreneurs award in 2024, deciding to build my business in England, and relocating there. It also helped me return to working in a hospital while simultaneously rebuilding my business.

It’s not just that I built a successful business, conducted more than 2000 Rapid Pain Relief sessions, and saw people become pain-free after years of suffering from chronic pain. For me, the most important thing was connecting with my authentic energy and discovering my dharma. Anand was the one who helped me remove disturbances so that I could see what was always me. I know that I bring relief into people’s lives, even when I don’t intend to.

Anand is not just a mentor and a coach; he is a brilliant teacher. He doesn’t keep his magic to himself; while he works his magic with a person, he explains what he is doing. I am very grateful to you, Anand, for being so generous and willing to share your unique approach with all of us in your classes. I have learnt so much magic over the past two years and incorporated it into my Rapid Pain Relief method. Every day when I do my work, my heart is full of gratitude to you.

If you have not seen Anand work his magic before, join one of his classes and experience what he is doing. It’s likely you’d be surprised by the amount and type of change that can happen in such a short time.”

Ana Drobez, MD, DESAIC, DipMedAc

Melinda Livsey

“Working with Anand has been nothing short of transformative. When I first started, I was constantly caught up in anxious thoughts—overthinking every decision and scared to take action out of fear of making a wrong choice. I had visions and dreams of how I wanted my life to be and feel like, but something was blocking me from them. Every day, I felt off or misaligned, a constant undercurrent of unease that I couldn't shake.

Since working with Anand, it feels like something has been re-wired within me. One of the most significant changes is the internal peace and calm I've found. I no longer identify as an overthinker, a label that I used to define myself before meeting Anand. Now I handle emotions and fears with confidence and am no longer afraid of them. I approach future uncertainties with a calm assurance, knowing I'll figure things out and have what I need when I need it.

From the very first meeting with Anand, I experienced noticeable internal shifts unlike anything I'd ever experienced with other coaches or methods. It felt as though my mind had been running an automatic (anxious) process my entire life. Through working with Anand, he helped interrupt those patterns and reset them. He helped clear any struggle that my mind so naturally wanted to create.

Over the handful of months working with Anand, I continued to notice profound internal shifts. He mentioned that I would start to see these changes reflected externally, and he was right. These changes started to happen rapidly. First, a business opportunity came, then a relationship, and then a move to a new home. It was one positive change after another, each feeling like a perfect fit for me.

Overall, Anand has helped me achieve a profound internal transformation, which has beautifully reflected in my external life. I am more present, less anxious, and more aligned with my true self. Anand's guidance has led me to a life I only dreamed of. Thank you, Anand, for this incredible journey.”

Melinda Livsey
Creative Director at Made By James

Tricia Napor

“I have always been passionate about personal development and living my best life.

This past year, I was interested in evolving in a way that would complement my meditation practice and support my growth as a person, mother, wife and executive. I was introduced to Anand by a trusted friend and within the first thirty minutes, knew that he could help me in a way that traditional therapy and meditation could not.

Over the course of four months, through long sessions, support between sessions and recommended exercises, I experienced a shedding of old ways of being and thinking and then an opening within myself of more space to experience life in a more peaceful and grounded way. I am in awe of how much I have grown.

I highly recommend working with Anand if you are interested in loving your life and the people in it more than you already are.”

Tricia Napor
Senior HR Director, Yale University

Michael Simmons

“Working with Anand is one of the biggest turning points in my entire life.

He is the coach that I always dreamed about working with, but wasn’t sure if I would ever meet.

He has pioneered a form of coaching that rapidly and elegantly leads to awakening and personal growth that is one of the best kept secrets in the world.

After working with Anand, it feels like I am evolving at a warp speed and everyone in my life from my wife, to my kids, to my students, to my peers have commented on the large shifts in such a short amount of time.

I couldn’t recommend him any more highly.”

Michael Simmons
3x 7-Figure Education Entrepreneur / Writing in Fortune, TIME, Forbes, & Harvard Business Review

Debbie Fisher

After 6 months…

“I started the coaching process because I was doing ok but had a nagging sense that something was holding me back and I couldn’t (despite having a high degree of self-awareness and a fair bit of insight into developmental stages and a lot of coaching experience) figure out how to release some shackles that were holding me back. It was like driving a powerful car with the brakes on. Knowing about it isn’t always helpful in knowing how to resolve it. I was also keen to find a way to stretch my consciousness into something new - put my foot down on the open road and like the autobahn there’s not that many places you can actually do that in my day to day life.

Much of the ‘work’ for me has been descending through the earlier developmental stages where i had some unresolved issues that were not so significant that they were causing major issues but were enough to be unsettling and holding me back. I knew I had issues at various early stages eg 3.0 around expertise and knowledge, I didn’t have much stuff at 3.5 but had an unstable ability to hold multiple perspectives - it would come and go. More stuff surfaced as we went back in time to resolve the frozen time capsules and chords.

Why did I want to work with you?

I’ve worked with a few coaches including developmental ones and some of those experiences have been better than others. I’ve made small steps (an increment at a time). They’ve all felt quite cognitive as an experience and I was aware at the time I started considering something new that what I needed was not (just) cognitive, I needed to tap into something more somatic and psychic or spiritual that operated in a different way. In the IE course each time I felt grounded and magnetised and I knew this was something different. I had a sense that this was something I needed to do, I couldn't not do it, I was called to it.

I knew you’d be stretching cognitively, intellectually (you’re super speedy and vastly knowledgeable) and I was attracted to the breadth of the approach and some of the simplicity and the precision of the interventions.

I like that you’re not arrogant even though you’re one of the brightest clever clogs I know! It’s been a combo of brain, body, emotion, meditation, consciousness for me.

What we did that seemed most helpful…

I've had a few epiphanies along the way, too many to mention but some highlights have been cutting the chords, learning to ground, generalising constructs, stepping into and out of systems, merging and dissociating personality patterns.

Where am I now?

Some of the struggles you’ve helped me overcome in this few months - I mean completely resolved ‘dissipated’ poof and not just ‘working on’, mostly in less than 2 minutes each time lol - and you say it isn’t magic!

Fears of putting myself out there, what will people think etc - now don’t seem to have any fears, which briefly manifested as an extreme toddler into everything and no care for any other but now has calmed again

Stabilising a multi-perspectival view

I reintroduced some capacities I had but wasn’t accessing - I was actively resisting 3.5 (Achiever) visions/goals/plans and not utilising systemic capacity although not sure why), which you helped me resolve by stepping out of the system and this brought so much capacity back on line instantaneously.

I hit a wall of “I don’t know anything” no knowledge/all knowledge is available to everyone - “nothing to say” which you helped me resolve with “what do you know”

We went down into early stages - released energy cords in that wow meditation which went on for eternity and felt like I’d landed back in my body for the first time ever perhaps (this was deep and at times frightening for me and I needed the compassionate safety you provided) and then learnt about grounding.

You called out the shadow/projection of needing to feel valued, and also had that bizarre experience with the guy who triggered me when he said he couldn’t connect with me or anything I was saying, which was all painful at the time but opened up a load of stuff about valuing self (for own sake- no longer requiring validation) and managing own energy/releasing others energies/knowing my own edges, stepping into my power and respecting others boundaries (inc energetic ones).

- Opened up a load of stuff about love which shifted from being something that comes from self to self and morphed to love as infusion, oneness, a different vibration/felt sense.

- Opened up more into 6.0 (Universal Mind) and formless emptiness, held a couple of light(ish) enquiries into death and soul journeys and tested out how it was to tell my old story without any triggers or charge.

- I’ve transformed but also learnt along the way, holding some meta perspectives about what’s actually happening and some of the theory behind the approaches and tools.

In hindsight it was like having narrow height up to 5.5 (Transpersonal Mind) and unstable foundations especially at 1.0 (Impulsive), 1.5 (Egocentric) and 2.0 (Rule Oriented). I’m pretty sure I was stuck with a centre of gravity of 5.0 (Construct Aware) because of that for about 5 years. And all of my developmental gaps and constraints were entirely resolved in 12 weeks (max) once we got to decent emotional regulation and stabilising that multi-perspectival 4.0. The clean up of the early stages has helped me step into a true me, no longer held back by other’s expectations, I feel powerful, creative. I don’t have loneliness or feel any struggle or suffering or fear. I don’t have this inability to hold emotions back, I’m not avoiding them or getting caught out by them, I feel calm and stable. All those capacities I was avoiding or unable to access came back on line and I can draw on what I need when I need it. I’ve dropped down out of the lofty clouds and got back into my body so I’m operating across the whole range rather than distancing myself from more concrete and some subtle stuff eg not really caring about money, my body, not wanting to feel feelings (like they were stupid), not wanting to make plans or set goals etc (too constraining). I can do and be ‘Debbie’ and know that’s not it, I can cry with the incredible beauty of a rainbow or a sunset and experience a deeply grounded, sensory human-being-ness, whilst feeling connected, expansive, loving spaciousness that is everything. I am able to move freely, liberated.

It sounds too good to be true when I read it back, but it’s the truth of my experience and it’s been exactly what I needed.

I’m the creator of my experience, held in infinite consciousness, unfolding and expanding exponentially in every moment. Mind blown, consciousness expanded, life transformed.”

Debbie Fisher

After 1 year…

“I’ve been working with Anand for a year, both 1-to-1 and in group but don’t let the length of time imply that progress has been slow, it’s been immense and even felt miraculous at times!

I engaged Initially on the Inner Entrepreneur course and was immediately impressed with Anand’s extensive knowledge on adult development and breadth of understanding across many subjects, but it was his ability to cut through and see dissonance or disconnection in me and others, in a way that I haven’t previously experienced that made me convinced I needed to do more work with him.

I was already doing reasonably well so it wasn’t a case of alleviating struggle but I had areas of early arrested development (1.0, 1.5, 2.0) that I hadn’t been able to clean up on my own. Going through and cleaning up, doing the shadow work, facing into the early developmental issues sounds like it would have been hard work but it was surprisingly easy with Anand’s skilful guidance, using the safety and emotional regulation tools and my later stage capacities to release and resolve.

I’ve stabilised my wobbly 5.0 (Construct aware stage) and early 5.5 (Transpersonal stage) into a mature, creative comfortable 5.5 and am gently unfolding into 6.0 (Universal stage) in what feels like a very organic exquisite way. I’d not done all the inclusion of the subtle stage so working through to fully reintegrate all the stages leaving nothing out has brought me back to realising my wholeness.

I’ve never been more conscious, more at ease, fully present, more creative and I believe we need more of this kind of work in the world. We all need to be more conscious and allow our expansion to continue. Those of us who are inclined towards helping others to expand their awareness have much work to do and cleaning up our own stuff is essential for us to do that work well; effectively, ethically and sustainably.

I am a different version of my self since I started this work with Anand. The issue with shadow work is it’s so hard to see and resolve, the ego/mind does a very impressive job of fighting to stay in charge and being able to surface and resolve the most fundamental layers requires, knowledge, skill, mastery, safety, compassion, humility. Anand offered me all this with a balance of challenge and patience that’s made deep, ‘difficult’ work feel easy and joyful. It’s been worth far more than the money I’ve invested. I’m beyond grateful to him and for the synchronicity that introduced me to him. A master craftsman, a magician, a genius.”

Debbie Fisher

SHORTER Testimonials

Read about the results of Anand's personal and professional coaching

Anand’s coaching is a profoundly transformational experience of being nurtured through a one-of-a-kind combination of energetic sensibility, intuitive insightfulness and intellectual creativity. With his deep understanding of NLP added to the mix, and an effortless way of holding the space safely, this results in a flowing magic of genuine clarity and perspective shifting which cannot be easily delineated, but it is palpable and its results are quick and undeniable.

Dr. Zdeslav Hrepic

Ph.D. Associate Professor of Physics University Columbus

Anand is highly trained, deeply intuitive and has expertly and gently guided me towards a deeper understanding of myself. The insights I come out with are always meaningful and impactful to my family system, my business and most importantly myself. When I feel stuck, he’s the first person that comes to mind because I always walk away feeling amazing and with very specific ‘how to’s’ so I can get myself to the next level. If you get the chance to work with him, do it. You’ll never regret your decision

Sacha Lalla

Women’s Empowerment Coach, www.sachalalla.com

My role requires a great deal of conflict resolution – an area of personal development that warranted improvement. Anand provided the tools I needed to understand how others may perceive my behaviour and pushed me to review my interactions with my peers, leaders and direct staff; making substantive changes in how I engage – providing the clear feedback and guidance my staff wanted from me. I would highly recommend Anand as an Executive Coach – I have extensively changed my leadership approach. These indispensable lessons will serve me well as I continue to climb the leadership ladder.

Laura Carr

Senior Project Manager, Woolworths Ltd, Australia

Anand RAO

Developmental Coach & Trainer

With nearly three decades studying personal and spiritual development, Anand has deeply explored and refined some of the most effective ways to facilitate elegant and lasting change.

He served as a principal faculty member of a year long coaching training school for 3 years, where he lead the Inner Entrepreneur program, helping around 30 coaches develop their inner-world and outer-world results, so they can perform at their best in bringing their gifts to the world.

   Work with Anand


High level coaching

Ready to make get to the next level? Limited 3-4 month coaching engagements are available for those ready to make an investment into reaching specific goals for success.

Group Coaching

Small group coaching where we work through multi-faceted techniques, mindsets, and frameworks to release learned negative patterns, create personal and business foundations for meeting all of life’s challenges. 

Team Sessions

Professional training

Engage Anand in custom-built trainings to help your business or team achieve your goals and reach their highest potential by applying unique human development methodologies and frameworks to the business environment.


For Surprisingly Elegant Change...

Begin experiencing comprehensive, individuated productive creativity in all aspects of your human experience while living the fullest, most authentic expression of your life.


Anand's approach to helping you experience a more rich and fulfilling life is is not a one size fits all system. Depending on your goals, challenges, and current stage of development, Anand shows you a combination of tools, techniques and methodologies to create personalised growth and development in each of the areas below.

Evolving Your Self!

Get the Evolving Your Self! email series right now, and start evolving today...

  • How to evolve your self  

  • Build a healthy foundation

  • Emerge naturally to your next level

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Anand Rao, Developmental Coach & Trainer

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