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Advanced Inner Entrepreneur Program

A Unique Opportunity for Entrepreneurs:

Your business provides a perfect opportunity for you to progress your personal and professional growth and development.

Get the practical tools and knowledge necessary to clear the path to your online business success, while evolving your self, and extending your gifts further and wider into the world.  

The Practice of Business

Running a successful online business requires many mental and emotional capacities to be in place.

If we don't have these developmental capacities we can quickly find ourselves 'in over our heads'.

In the last few years, I've been lucky enough to observe hundreds of coaches, consultants and other practitioners, as they started and scaled their online businesses. It's interesting to note that many of them had the skills to help other people through the exact same kinds of challenges that they themselves struggled to resolve.

While there certainly are frames to understand and skills to master in running a successful business, the single biggest shift seems to occur when certain key developmental challenges get resolved, allowing people to move from being passive in relationship to their experience, to getting into action and greater engagement with the world.

From there, everything becomes a lot easier, and a lot more fun too!

This is the best personal and professional decision I’ve made in 24 years

“Anand’s coaching and courses are beautifully unique experiences. He artfully and seamlessly blends the energy and wisdom of a guide, mystic, Zen master, theoretical physicist, and developmental coach with his playful and deeply authentic human presence and spirit. Anand brings a remarkable wealth of knowledge, experience, insight, intuition, kindness, and a vast array of tools to his coaching and courses.

I always feel understood, challenged, and supported when working with him. Working with him is the best personal and professional decision I’ve made in 24 years. Anand’s coaching and courses are not just educational, but also transformative experiences. If you get the chance take a class, join a course, and join his coaching.”

Jonathan Logan

An integrated Inner- and Outer-game approach to work and life.

Once you start working with this new attitude and framing, there is the gradual realisation that there are no 'obstacles', as such, in life...

"To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be awakened by myriad things.” Dogen

Introducing the Developmental Mastery Advanced Inner Entrepreneur Program

This Inner Entrepreneur program content came about by asking the question: What if we take the exact challenges that arise from running an online business, and develop protocols to frame and address the (reasonably predictable) developmental issues that come up, related to all the skills needed, and actions that are required?

The key insight of this program is that the challenges that come up are not necessarily at our centre of gravity; they are not often at our leading edge, and they are only sometimes at our trailing edge.

The reality is that in terms of elegant movement towards integration and wholeness, protracted issues that come up are almost always situated in the developmental trajectory much earlier than that.

The expansion of skills gained over a lifetime of development, into the realm of becoming an entrepreneur

“A simplified, elegant take on building an online business that kept the focus on personal growth, rooted in a developmental understanding. I benefited the most from seeing building a business as a practice, with each step being relatively simple, freeing me up to devote my energy to the personal work necessary - the expansion of skills gained over a lifetime of development, into the realm of becoming an entrepreneur.”

Aaron Crowe

A Systematic and Stepwise Approach...

1. Understand the scope of skills and capacities needed to run and grow an online business. An overview of the foundational elements and how they fit together.

2. Put in place the framework needed to elegantly address developmental challenges and issues as they come up in relation to specific business growth challenges.

3. Get the mindsets and tools in place, so the the very activity of building a business becomes a seamlessly integrated aspect of your personal development practice.

4. Understand that resource capacities 'come from' their own levels of development and we can draw on stage appropriate skills, from our centre of gravity, and also from our expanding leading edge.

So, what about fear?

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."  F.D. Roosevelt

Fears are endless! 

Fear of failure

Fear of rejection

Fear of inadequacy

Fear of the unknown

Fear of competition

Fear of financial insecurity

Fear of commitment

Fear of success

Fear of not being authentic

Fear of judgement

Fear of imposter syndrome

Fear of disappointing others

Fear of decision making

Fear of burnout

Feeling like a fraud

Fear of ...

Insights from the leading edge 

As we move out of exclusive identification with the mental and emotional realms and into the realm of awareness, we have an increasing capacity to realise that our fears are constructions of mind, and in that seeing through, a certain kind of 'dis-identification from form' begins to occur more and more spontaneously - a burning off of charge and a release from the grip of these mentally constructed narratives.

We'll look at techniques and methods that make use of this process and can facilitate the progression, helping us awaken to 'Who is the master who makes the grass green?'.

Insights from early development

Well, that's all very well, when we can retain awakened awareness as fears arise, however, what do we do when the near endless fears that human beings experience come up 'thick and fast'?

At the other end of the scale, in the biological world and in the physical body, despite the myriad narratives around fear, it turns out there are only five principle mammalian neurological responses to fear. 

We'll learn techniques to recognise and handle these five principle neuro-physiological responses, and their secondary activations.

Doing this work can have a profound impact on one's way of being in a relatively short period of time.

The essence of understanding our consciousness and how it ties into entrepreneurship

"When I first dived into the program, the depth of messages packed within was a tad overwhelming but in a good way. I particularly appreciated how it wasn't just about traditional sales tactics; instead, it got to the essence of understanding our consciousness and how it ties into entrepreneurship. It felt like an exhilarating ride, tapping into our defences and rewiring both our consciousness and neurology.

What stood out was the way the course helped in breaking down big tasks that often lead to avoidance and procrastination. Instead, there was a focus on simpler targets, helping us emotionally process and navigate the challenges we often run from. One thing that really resonated was the distinction made between info-philic (loving new information) and info-phobic (fearing new information) experiences, and the emphasis on flow versus being halted in our processes."

Henrik Wredmark

Program Overview

This 15-week program offers entrepreneurs a foundation for growing their online businesses while nurturing and enhancing their personal and spiritual development. Covering online business foundations, resilience mindsets, strategic planning, and problem-solving, you'll learn to manage challenges and enable a smooth stage transition into a more integrated and agentic self.

Practical weekly tasks and valuable insights provide you with a solid starting point for enhancing both their business efficiency and personal growth journey.


Module 1

In Module 1, we'll cover the fundamentals of online coaching businesses, understanding their structure and operations, while learning how to use business growth as a powerful tool for personal development in alignment with developmental stages.

Discover the connection between personal challenges and the levels of adult development, and start your journey with practical tasks for the first module.


Module 2

In Module 2, you'll learn how to cultivate resilient mindsets for navigating uncertainty, master dis-identification and down-regulation techniques for emotional balance, and embrace a beginner's mind to facilitate lifelong learning.

Understand the importance of these skills in achieving elegant stage transitions in your personal and professional growth, and engage in hands-on tasks for the second module.


Module 3

In Module 3, we'll cover the difference between working in the business vs. working on the business, and boost your efficiency by adopting effective planning, organization, and project management strategies.

Discover an effective action-taking method that really works, and experiment with minimum viable processes and prototyping to refine your business offerings. Complete practical tasks for the third module to solidify your skills.


Module 4

In Module 4, we'll look at the common challenges many people face in growing their business and personal development journey by addressing foundational problems and adapting stage-appropriate approaches.

Explore strategies for progressing towards achieving more effortless flow in both your business operations and personal growth, and apply your newfound knowledge through engaging tasks for the fourth module.


Module 5

In Module 5, we'll delve into the concepts of identity and purpose as you evolve a stronger, healthier more integrated Pluralist (Individualist) / Strategist.

Access the deeper meaning of your personal and professional journey by accessing transpersonal states and learn how to increase productivity by resolving polarities.

Reflect on your experiences, achievements, and aspirations with closing thoughts and final tasks for the fifth module.

Major Elements of an Online Business

We'll also cover the inner game as it relates to the major elements in the workflow for an online business

  • Define your niche

  • Identify your target audience

  • Develop your offerings

  • Obtain relevant certifications and training

  • Create a professional website

  • Develop a marketing strategy

  • Set up a pricing and offer structure

  • Establish a client intake process

  • Choose tools and platforms

  • Develop a client management system

  • Set up a billing and invoicing system

  • Network and build relationships

  • Track your progress and refine your approach

I know very few people who can operate in this way

“What makes Anand stand out is his ability to create change by intervening at a process level rather than just content. I know very few people who can operate in this way, Anand’s intelligence and his integration of many methodologies makes this possible. He understands developmental models, cognitive processes, the impact of language and metaphors, and works with the energy system to get the changes clients seek. Despite his brilliance he is extremely humble, caring and easy to get along with.”

Mark Hawkswell

Who should take the Advanced Inner Entrepreneur?

Requirements: This is an advanced program offered only to those who have already done a fair amount of personal development and are wanting to grow their online businesses. You'll also learn how to use that as an effective process for personal growth and transformation.

The Value of a Curated Experienced Practitioners Cohort

This program curriculum presupposes that all the participants have at least some understanding of adult stage development, as this is primarily an applied program, adding tools, mindsets and techniques, and will build on the foundational understandings and insights from an established basis in personal and/or spiritual development.

The peer aspect of this program is a key component, not only in terms of community and peer support, but also allowing us to leverage the 'intrinsic wisdom in the room' while participants evolve the inner game aspect of their business challenges 'in the field in between'.

I believe the energetic / transmission element is an important component whenever people come together for a common purpose and is a significant factor in transformation and change.

A breadth of invaluable skills and tools for individuals who want to strengthen their coaching practice

“Anand is an amazing human being, and coach, who offers a breadth of invaluable skills and tools to individuals who want to strengthen their coaching practice. Some benefits of the 5-week "Inner Entrepreneur" coaching program are - learning to recognize our internal barriers, how the barriers impact us, and how to break free from our inhibitions. He offers tools and practices to reduce anxiety and fear of putting ourselves out in the world as a coach, while also providing the stepping stones to find our "whole" self. Some key values of Anand are his authenticity, generosity and pure presence. I highly recommend him for anyone who is struggling with launching themselves as a coach.

Laura Johnson

Why take the Developmental Mastery Advanced Inner Entrepreneur Program?

Just some of the benefits...

  • Get a richer understanding of how to run a successful online business.

  • Transform your business obstacles into fuel for your growth and development.

  • Resolve the issues that are currently present for you and are 'asking' to be resolved.

  • Become more integrated and whole by becoming 'healthy at the level you are at'.

  • Free up energy to facilitate the emergence of your leading edge of development.

  • Learn very elegant and effective techniques to rapidly resolve challenging issues.

  • Connect with your peers in a safe and creative learning environment.

What is the program schedule?

With weekly live sessions, small peer groups, in-depth exploration, and practical tools, you'll gain the confidence and knowledge needed to navigate the business side of your practice, while unlocking your full potential as a leader in your field.

The fifteen week program includes:

  • 30 hours of live sessions over 15 weeks

  • Weekly live sessions are 2 hours in duration on Zoom 

  • Three workshop days to make sure of progress and smoothing out any obstacles to your progress (TBA)

  • Three dedicated 1-to-1 sessions to resolve any aspects arising where you need specific and personal attention

  • WhatsApp group and tailored email support as needed

  • All the live sessions with be recorded and available in the program portal 

  • Group practice and co-working sessions with trainer support

  • Peer working to enhance your learning

  • LIVE ZOOM SESSION DATES: WEDNESDAYS, 2.30 PM US Eastern Time (11.30AM PT / 12.30PM MT / 1.30PM CT))

    September 4, 11, 18, 25

    October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
    November 6, 13, 20, 27

    December 4, 11

    Send an email to [email protected]

    or Email me at [email protected] for more details and next steps

    I’ve made more progress in 6 weeks than in 6 years

    “Occasionally people and opportunities drop into your life and you feel like it’s exactly the right thing at the right time. The Inner entrepreneur course turned out to be everything I wanted but also way more impactful than I expected! I went into the course with some specific issues I was struggling with in my business including a lack of follow through and a load of fears, some of which were clearly developmental but knowing what the problem is doesn’t always help you to actually fix it!

    Anand has been a brain surgeon for my consciousness. He sees some tension, limiting belief, paradox, contraction, and uses one of his incredible range of tools and techniques to help unlock whatever needs cleaning up, is stuck or unintegrated. It feels like magic. Developmental mastery is absolutely accurate! The group was supportive and our energetic field made it feel safe to explore, play and share, we had lots of laughs together and learned from each other along the way.

    The shared understanding of the Stages frame acted as a useful shortcut to give us all a shared language for understanding what was being experienced and resolved. I’ve made more progress in 6 weeks than in 6 years and what’s been surprising is that it’s not just on the business side but a total reframing of work and life. I’ve been more creative, it all feels doable and I have much more agency. For me it’s been one of the most impactful experiences I’ve had in years; a return to flow and the business is unfolding with ease and grace.”

    Debbie Fisher

    A Personal Invitation...

    The time is now to elevate your practice and embrace your entrepreneurial spirit.

    Join your fellow entrepreneurs in this transformative journey, and let us create a brighter, more integrated future together.

    What happens next?





    To find out more, send me an email at [email protected] with any questions you may have.

    Next, we'll jump on a Zoom call and make sure this program and the timing is right for you, given what you are hoping to achieve.

    If all of that goes well, we'll discuss how the more personal aspects of the program can be tailored to make sure you meet your specific outcomes.

    After you've signed up, you'll get immediate access to other complimentary resources from the Developmental Mastery library. 

    About Anand Rao, MA, MSc

    Anand Rao studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, specializing in theoretical physics and advanced mathematics. He also holds a Master's degree in Petroleum Engineering from Imperial College, London. He spent nearly 20 years in oil & gas corporate consulting before turning his professional focus toward personal and spiritual development, which he has been studying and exploring for some 30 years.

    Today, Anand is a professional coach, consultant and trainer who uses frameworks of developmental psychology and develother modalities to help individuals gain self-awareness, clarify their path, unlock their potential, and evolve along their personal and professional developmental path.


  • How long do I have access to the program?

    You will have access to the program materials and the recordings, so you can review the material as often as you wish.

  • © 2024 Adventures In Mind Ltd.