L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] Anand Rao 00:03 How's my volume? By the way? Is that okay? Is that working? Good? Okay? Great. Okay. So let's just get present centred, grounded. So if you just have your feet on the floor, take a breath. Bring your attention to the present moment, your body sensations, whatever thoughts, feelings, reactions, just do a little inventory of your current body mind energy system. And just for the time that we're together, you can let go of anything you don't need. That's not relevant to this time, it'll be there, when you, we finish and you pick it up again. And be open to the possibility that as we go through some of this material, for love and money, that the more we can bring our own attention and our awareness to what's available for us, it's shifts and changes in each moment, the more we can get from anything we put ourselves into. So it's not so much and uniquely that I'm going to do something from the front and tell you a little story in a moment. But we do with what comes in from the world, what suits our purposes. If you look at people's lives, you see that they take in this infinite complex thing that's going on. And we make out of it, what suits our habitual meanings, intentions, outcomes. Sadly, for many of us, some of those aren't very helpful, right, so we're going to be looking at repatterning, releasing old programming conditionings and realigning yourself, with your own intentions, your own wisdom, and your own desires, your deepest desires, your true desires in the world. So with that in mind, wiggling your fingers and toes, open your eyes. I don't know everyone here. So I'll do a little intro. I know quite a few familiar faces from other trainings. But first thing to say is welcome to love and money to these free sessions. So there's going to be one today, one next Tuesday and one the following Thursday, so week today. And the intention of these really, is to use a whole set of tools and techniques and methods and processes that release an undue internal contradictions, resistances places where we've been fighting or struggling with ourselves, to allow for more ease, more flow, and more wellbeing in the world. So my name is Anand Rao, and I'm coming to you live from people from Buckinghamshire in the UK. And I started personal development, spiritual development, this kind of work maybe 25 years ago, for probably the main reason that a lot of people start which is I was very unhappy. And so as looking for answers for solutions to the kind of fundamental kinds of questions of that we have in life, which is, why am I here? What am I doing? How do I make this more enjoyable experience. And my actual background is in theoretical physics and theoretical physics degree. And then did a master's in engineering join the oil industry. And from day one, I can remember sitting in this atrium looking up at this fancy building in Grosvenor Square, Gregory place in London, and had lunch with these two guys. And they must have been about 1015 years older than me. And they were talking about oil futures or something like that. And I thought I can't do this, can't do this for another 40 years. This is This is horrible. And I think more and more people are having that questioning earlier and earlier in their lives and coming to or what is actually true for you. So in my late 20s, I started doing personal development started in NLP and then moved into various spiritual practices. And really moved into looking also at stage development I'll get into a little bit today, which is about how do we evolve and develop through our entire lifecycle. So not just from, you know, we know that children go through various stages, but adult developmental psychologists have mapped much later stages of development, that kind of move into what you might call spiritual meaning purpose, connection, individuation all these kinds of ideas. So before we get into all of that, put in the chat why you're here. So on the front cover is love and money, have more love and money in your life? Who's gonna say no to that? Right? So it's part of it's the two of the three big ones, right? So love, money and health, right? And health kind of covers wellbeing, as well, in the deepest sense that just putting the shirt why you're here, what are you hoping to get from coming to this session? And this is really your intention, and then we'll just have a couple of shares. And then we'll get into it I would love another perspective gaining balance within myself an internal shift Hi, Sally, good to see you again. I've been dissolved blocks to help particularly in my legs, absolutely. Okay. Further ideas are used to train. So I do train now on a training programme that coaches coaches on how to build their online businesses. And so much of that isn't just about knowing what to do. But it's having the courage to take those actions in the world. Because when you're an employee, if you think about it, you're given what to do, right, someone else comes along, and they tell you, here's what we need. And 99% of the time, they want you to do it exactly how they asked you to do it, they basically don't want to make, they don't want you to make mistakes. But if you're running your own business, and you're exploring the world, you've got to be prepared to try things. You know, maybe two out of 10 things work. And what gets in the way of people doing these kinds of actions. It's not thoughts, it's not beliefs. It's not actual things in the world, it's always a feeling. Right, some feeling comes up, and some narrative or story. And we decide I don't want to go in that direction. And so what we're gonna look at today is some emotional regulation tools that actually come out of trauma resolution, but they're extremely effective, they're extremely safe, the ones I teach, don't teach the ones that could go to the challenge. And the response is immediate, you should be able to notice in your body in the moment, these resistances these blockages, these fears, relaxing, dissolving, dropping away, right. So even though these tools come from trauma resolution, they're very useful for everybody in terms of your emotional balance and your emotional L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] regulation. I'd love to organically increase a greater natural flow of more love and money into my life, allowing to living my potential break through some roadblocks. Health ways to stay focused open myself up to new things. You know, I'm here for deeper clarity from within the man. Thanks me. So, and some of this can appear like magic, right? So when you actually take some of these kinds of frames and models I'm gonna be sharing with you, then you can look at where in my life have I not been attending to my highest leverage kind of place? So years and years ago? I started reading in my early 30s Ken Wilbers work how many people read work by Ken Wilber? Yeah, a few people. Okay, I see some smiles, okay. And one of the basic kind of frames he had about practices is to have a practice for mind, practice for body practice for spirit, and practice for shadow, taking care of, you know, aspects of consciousness that are outside of consciousness that are messing us up. Let's put it that way. And I kind of realised that actually, most of my early life had lived in my head. Right? How many people can kind of relate to that? Right, and tried to solve problems in my head? And it was always like, well, what is this thing that carries me around, you know, it's kind of follows me around everywhere I go. And I really didn't really attend to my body in any kind of deliberate, conscious way. And we know from people like Bessel van der Kolk, he wrote a book called The Body Keeps the Score, which is how you think how you respond to the world kind of gets stored up in our body responses to the point where our body is speaking to us. Or pretty much all the time, right? If we have ears to listen, the problem is most of us try and translate it into English. Right? But the body is speaking a different language. It's literally kind of for some of us sadly screaming because it hasn't been listened to. And what we're going to do today is some processes in order to return and reset your nervous system. So I'll throw in a couple of things because there'll be on recording, Stephen Porges, polyvagal theory, Haven havening, which down regulates the amygdala which has to do with flight fight and being frightened and nervous in the world. So when you start to understand these things, actually, a bit of daily practice, over a relatively short period of time, can increase what you might call your, your emotional fitness, or your energetic fitness. So if you think physical fitness is if my heart rate goes up, because I run up a hill, how quickly does my resting heart rate come back to normal? And you might think of emotional fitness as same thing, something terrible happens and you're all freaked out. And then how quickly and spontaneously does your nervous system come back to I feel calm again, I feel centred again, I feel balanced again. And to me, these are skills that can be trained that can be practised. I would say your energetic fitness is, have you ever heard that phrase I felt knocked off? Or he was beside himself, you know, or I feel crooked, you know? Or out and bent out of shape? Right? Well, what is that kind of talking about? So when we have a kind of energetic harmony and integration, then we're more powerful. We're more agentic we're more centred, we make better choices. On a very practical level, blood comes back to our neocortex. So whenever we want to run away from things blood leaves here, when we make poor decisions and choices. So this is all kind of connected together. I'm kind of throwing a few different models at you, but I'm really going to put it all together in a minute, and just say hello to people. And I would call spiritual fitness is the I Am. Which is that the one thing that hasn't changed your entire life? Is that you are right. 100%, reliable, reliable, right. So your body has changed. Your thoughts have changed your way of making meanings, change your environments, change your relationships with others, people have come people have gone. All these things have changed your taste in clothes, hopefully no, no, no one here wears the same stuff they were wore as a teenager, unless you're having revival course. Right? Our choices, our tastes, change, all these things change. But you're you, right. And that is beyond your description of yourself. Even if your description of yourself has changed. But the real the sense that I am, you can rely on that your entire life. And every time you return to that, I would call that spiritual fitness. No one can take that away from you. It's 100% reliable, that you are you. So here's what I like about what I'm seeing so far on this is that no one here has said, I want $100 million, and a supermodel. That kind of very concrete material thing. And it's kind of I mean, actually a years ago, I was in this retreat, it was like in the Italian mountains. And this, this huge back black dude, he was really glad he had an amazing life like hot. Right. And he was throwing cowrie shells, and it was, you know, late at night. And, you know, there was a fire in the corner. And he was telling people, their fortunes, and it was more like entertainment, really, and telling people what they need to do. And almost everyone, he said, You need to meditate or you need to do this advanced yoga practice. And he said to me, and he said to this other guy had spent five years, five years in the monastery, said you guys need to go out, make lots of money and have lots of sex, right? That was his advice. Because that will develop your that will develop spiritually. So nothing wrong with that. But here's what I want to do with these programmes, right? And we'll do get into the couple of practices is that love and money, you might call them kind of child words. You know, they're kind of the you know, you learn when you're on not only do they have more syllables, but connection and abundance or love goes to connection. Because if you think that love want to be looking for connection, what kind of connection, it can be with other human beings, but it can also be in the morning when you go for a walk and you hear that bird or you see that flower and you have that moment of connection of intimacy. There's nothing there's no noise between you and your experience can be you know, sipping a cappuccino in the morning. That's lovely. So connection is something a little bit kind of more L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] general than love. And of course love can be all the way in lots of different ways as well. And from money if you consider abundance you can be abundant in health you can be abundant enjoy. You can be abundant and freedom in ease and happiness. So there's that side of things as well. And if we move up a level again, in terms of kind of rare reification, then connection might move to something called resonance. So for the physicists amongst us, you know, things that resonate are because they are similar in some way. So if you think about things like the law of attraction, they talk about being in in resonance with your outcomes. And most people, when they think about the outcomes they want in the world, there's some kind of disharmony or discord between the thing that they how they're being in the world and what they actually want. You think about anything that you're actually able to do very easily. You're like, yeah, like making a cup of tea, there's no distance between you, and being able to do that activity. Right? It's just that and this is about being one with it. And now we might get into what might be called more non local ideas of I can resonate with, especially these days, you guys are more like me or are interested, we're all interested in similar things we resonate in that sense, even though we're scattered physically all over the world. From abundance, you might go to what might be called flow. And now we're moving more and more into these ideas of the fact that we're not actually objects, our physical body is an object, but your identity or personality is a process, right? Your mind is the thought stream is creating the idea of a self that comes and goes, actually, you really attuned to it, most of the time, during the day, we're not there. When you're when you're doing the ironing or making a cup of tea in that moment, you're not thinking about yourself. And then you come back to the idea of, you know, I have a history and a background. And then it goes away. And then it comes back. And our mind connects those dots and says, Yes, I was there all the time. Right. And this is the understanding from spiritual perspective, that the ego is constructed, our idea of ourself, is just a very persistent habit. Right? And it begs the question, well, then what are we as a mystery beyond that? Right. So if you go to resonance and flow, we're getting much more into kind of becoming in harmony with our life with our world. And if you ever, if you think about something you do well, and it's enjoyable, you find it easy, you find it natural, especially if it's something that's got a little bit of a challenge, right, but you've got much more practice and skill, you can get into flow states. And this is kind of one of the goals of the Daoists. The ancient Taoists was that we've become so much in harmony with the world, that we less and less need to kind of fight it, resist it. And if people are kind of struggling, battling on through, I must conquer I must overcome, right? Rather than being in harmony with your world. And there are precise and elegant ways to get there. Right? So let's see if there's anything else I can't put my video on. That's okay. Still people arriving. If you can put your video on, I'd love to see. I know quite a few of the names here. Okay. But here's what I'd like to do first, is when you think about this outcome that you're looking for, right intention that you've put into the chat. And we'll slow things down a little bit. And when you think about that outcome, it has a feeling associated with it. Even if you can't get that feeling right now, you must have a sense of what that is. Otherwise, how would you know to put it in the chat? Right? So these words point to something. Right? So just if you close your eyes for a moment and whatever you wrote in the chat, just repeat those words to yourself. And notice what they point to the embodied sensations and feelings. And even if you get a tiny tiny bit of it, right, then you're on your way and they'll get a sense of whatever, whatever is in the way I'm having that thing. Let's call it resistance or friction. And I want you to rate it from zero to 10. Some of you will just fully go into it, right. And this is the understanding that the mental world doesn't operate like the physical world. In the physical world, we have to go linearly through time and through space, but in the mental world, we're not limited in that way. So put in the chat, how much resistance comes up to being able to fully embody this outcome that you want? So we've been it's a nine, Nancy, it's a five Laurie 10 878 4.56868 Okay. Now, right. Now, just for this moment, take your attention away from the goal or the outcome, and bring your attention to this feeling that's come up. One of resistance a notice if you're blocking it resisting it annoyed that it's they're frightened? And can you just for this moment, let this feeling be here. A lot of our suffering comes from trying to resist or fight bodies. And the paradox is, and this is sound systems theory, that the less you resist what is, the more freedom a system has to change? And notice, if that resistance is already starting to dissolve if you just attend to it, don't fight it. Don't resist it. And if it doesn't change, notice what response you have to that. Can you just let it be here? Just for this moment? And now get curious what body sensations? Where do you feel it in your body? Is it a tightness or a relaxation, a warm through a coolness? Are you tensing certain muscles in order to protect or defend knowing that you're here, safe in this moment just notice what happens. And notice in this moment, we're not doing any process as such, which is bringing awareness consciousness to the response of the resistance, and then our resistance to the resistance. And as best you can in this moment. See if you can let that go only as much as releases by itself. Notice any mental chatter It can't go on not doing anything. And then open your eyes. Take a breath in through your nose out through your mouth. And we're not really expecting huge changes, but let's just see, put in the chat, whatever the number was to begin with, and then two or a slash and then the new number. And you think about that reluctance and that resistance. And if it's the same, that's okay. For now. Yeah, so it can go up. And that's an interesting phenomenon. And I'll tell you about that in a second. Point 237 L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] 4.5 2.56 to a seven, eight to a four, nine to an eight. The important point is it's moving. Oh, shoot, man. It's much better. Pop it in again. So seven, eight to a six. Okay, so we're going to do a A round of tapping, which comes from EFT, seven to a three. And we'll see what happens. Okay, just just follow after me. So this method is called Emotional Freedom Techniques. And it's almost best just to explore don't have too much background or theory. And just notice what happens. Okay? So all we're going to do is we're going to tap on this fleshy bit of the hand here, how many people have heard of EFT? Few people, okay? Tap on the side of the hand here. Even though you just say this to yourself, in your own mind, even though I have this resistance. I don't like it. I don't want it to be there. And I love honour and accept myself anyway. This resistance, tap where the eyebrow meets the nose. It's doing something I think it's just getting in my way. Maybe it has its own purposes for being here. Maybe it's just old conditioning and programming. Maybe it's keeping me safe. It's certainly keeping me stable and coherent. Even if I don't like it. Deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth. And put in the chat. Whatever the number was, you should have three numbers now. So seven, three, whatever, 10, eight, whatever. And we'll see. The other day I did this and I got people to put it after their name. But he got too complicated. But it's quite nice because then you can see on the screen a whole bunch of people and their numbers dropping. So 863 4.5 2.5 to 0676432 10 87732. Now if the number goes are, typically what can happen is if we're resisting a feeling, right, kind of holding it down. So one part of us is trying to have a feeling the other part is kind of holding it down. And we release the resistance it can feel like the number got bigger. But what we're doing is we're moving from most of the world lives in this pain, pleasure dichotomy, like away from pain and towards pleasure. We're optimising something else which is in dynamic systems. We're operate on optimising for flow. Because if your emotions are flowing, then you don't actually suffer as much does anyone have like a, and if there are your own emotions, that can be really nice. So like a poignant sadness, if its own, if your own emotion and you're not fighting, it can be quite nice sometimes to feel a bit melancholy. Right? And it moves through. You actually move through different states and experiences more elegantly. Who here has been had a moment of having their own anger? And without the judgement, it kind of feels nice, kind of feels awful, right? I see a couple of smiles. So we're moving more and more towards having your own emotions. We're not talking about becoming this flat kind of nondescript, human, right, the more you can have your own emotions, and the less you have an emotion about your emotion. Right, then the more free flowing, your lifeforce is and your energy. So one day, if you realise that all of the emotions you've ever had, were generated by you, then you don't need to fight them, resist them, block them. There's a very interesting phenomenon with people who are very anxious with some people, because they're anxious, and then they're anxious about the fact they can't do anything about their anxiety, they get even more anxious, right, and this system kind of builds. So if you actually tell them to go, Alright, in this moment, I know it sounds nuts, but I want you to get more anxious. All of a sudden, the whole system doesn't work anymore. It doesn't feel this positive feedback loop, and they're anxious anxiety drops. So there are ways where we may not be trying the things in our life that we can do. How many people have tried the same old thing for years and it hasn't worked and we just keep doing them. Okay, so let's do one more. And then I want to go through today. It's a bit of an intro today and kind of show you the kind of style of this and hopefully you're finding it interesting, enjoyable, getting some shifts. So we'll do one more, which is a sacred sensory method, not teaching havening. But if you want to look it up, it's called havening. Because somebody teamed the word, or put a copyright on it, whatever they do, to tune into whatever feeling is there in terms of that resistance. Notice also metaphors that we use for your outcome. The one thing you came here for today, does it feel closer? What does that even mean? Right? Because it wasn't a certain distance? Does it feel fuller? Does it make you feel more possible? Right, all these kinds of things we just keep checking in. Because what's happening is we're learning how to run our nervous systems according to our own intention and our own will. But it was very magical act, actually. So that the way you know something is your own energy and that you're aligned and you're in harmony, is that when you have an intention, all of you moves, right, there's no internal resistance. So Gandhi says, thought speech and action will become kind of unified. Right? And so you can almost everyone's had this, you know, have you had a day where it's like, everything just works, right? And things just kind of flow? Right? And this is intentional ways to get to these kinds of states by observing where in our life, are we doing this kind of log jam, inadvertently, most of us didn't do it deliberately. They got set up with limited ways of thinking and feeling and contradictory actions, right. So I'm gonna get to safety strategies today. And when I was very young, and simultaneously, I was trying to leave a situation, right. And actually, if people have comfortable with the idea of kind of, we have an energy body and energetics and things like that, right, you don't actually need any of that, you know, I've got theoretical science, physics background, I could explain it well, we've kind of much more kind of grounded terms, but these are models of reality. So simultaneously, when I was very young, I'd be frightened and terrified of people, situations, environments, and I would leave my body and kind of dissociate, right. But the other strategy I had to feel safe was to cling to somebody, right? To go and try and be near someone who felt safe, right. And if half your energy is trying to kind of connect to somebody, especially if it was a parent figure that was potentially L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] didn't feel safe, you know, simultaneously, they're meant to provide safety, but actually, moments, they were terrifying. One part of you is trying to leave and the other parts trying to kind of grab hold of them, it creates a mess, quite frankly, because you've got these competing forces, right. And we're going to do something on that a little bit later. All right. So it's amazing, beautiful to have a day of harmony, it was not normal for me truly loving it. And if by the way, if you feel sleepy, get a little bit of water, you can even put the camera off walk, like move your body a little bit. Because these are energetic processes. You can say it you can call them neurological processes. And whenever we make a big shift in one of these things, what can happen is either if we've been using adrenaline to like, stay, you know, then our body can finally I can ever rest and you want to sleep. The other thing that can happen is that our body wants to is taking new input it wants to repattern we programme. So when we're sleeping, we go into what's called delta brainwave states, so very slow brainwave states. And that's why we need deep sleep for regeneration. And the process we're about to do havening can be measured, it triggers Delta brainwave states in the brain trigger, serotonin release, does a whole bunch of things, right. And we don't need any of that. Because what we're doing today is looking at subjective experience, you can test for yourself that if in a few minutes, you can go from a seven to a three to a to a five to three to a two, our brain might come in and go yes, but it won't count. But treat it like learning anything else. It's a skill. You're learning neurologically to build the pathway from stress, to ease to freedom, right, and if you practice you get good at it. It's fitness. So neurological fitness, you might call it alright. So tune in to whatever resistance is left to the outcome that you came here that you're right into the chat for today. And put your arms on the opposite shoulders like this. And then very gently and slowly slide down the outside of your arms just feeling that and to will do 10 three deep breaths in through the nose that's where the mouth full 567 and eight, don't hold on anywhere nine, smoothly and gently last time and 10 deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth. And just notice what that's done to your state, to your physiology, your muscles, your mind. Thoughts have slowed down. And this is the critical component, this is where the repatterning actually happens, which is now from this stage from this new lens, to kind of 3d lens body mind energy, way of perceiving way of being tuned into that resistance, or hesitation or whatever was there and let it dissolve, let this state resolve and dissolve any remaining resistance to you being able to have your outcome. If anything pops up, that's just the next thing. But for most of you, it'll either feels simpler, easier, resistance or feel less that file for me saying it, why don't you check tune in with be truthful with yourself. And then just put that into the chat. You just have phone numbers now, following along. While you're doing that aren't doing that I'll say a couple of things, right. So anything that's like a 567. With these kinds of tools. And with a bit of practice, you can get it down to a one or a two. Or something else comes up. And it's just part of the process, right? And it doesn't even it won't take that long. Right shifts, traits, VEDA havening did it right. And everyone has their kind of pet processes. This is why I went through and collected like 2030 processes, because everyone's different, and everyone has their thing. And oh my god, that's amazing. And then some someone here at least one person will have the like, why didn't I find this 20 years ago, I'm furious and I didn't need to suffer at all. And that one day, you'll see why everything had to be exactly how it was your entire life. And you say I wouldn't have changed a thing. Okay, 732183310 even released a few other things fantastic. 8631. The important thing about this, as you can see, other people can see how predictable This is. Right? It's it's, it's not mystical and strange. I mean, it's magical, because we're all amazing. But with known direct physiological processes, and knowing how to apply it, which is why I'm going to go in into into many different models, we can get systematic change in a relatively short period of time. And this is not just here. So I teach two classes. One of them is about 30 of these coaches who want to develop their own online businesses. And the more they released these old patterns, the more they come back to their own agency, choice and freedom and happiness, a few people here actually from one of those classes, and the other is a big group today, yesterday and 100 people, and very interesting phenomena happens when you have a big group. Because every time maybe you can take this with, you know, for testing later, when one person shifts in a field in a group, it's almost like it gives permission for everyone else to kind of shift. We are social creatures quite substantially. And therefore, in the programmes that I teach in seeing other coaches succeed here seeing other people going down to a one, maybe you didn't write now. But with a little bit of practice, a little bit of repetition, maybe some other techniques that I'll show you, you can get the same kinds of changes. And then the most immediate thing then that next comes up is well, what does that mean? Right? I've been struggling with this for ages with resistance and blocks and resistances. And who will I be is a very common thing that starts to happen, you know, years ago, so Ken Wilber was one of these principal guys would say it takes three to five years to go through a stage development. And if you think about your life, you've probably been in a few stages when you go that stage I was like this and then that stage I was like maybe three or four years ago I got to the point where the cycle time is over. About three months for going, I feel different about myself, I feel like a different person. I'm not completely different. someone here who knew me from 30 years ago. And there's there's a lot of me that still saying there's a lot of me that it just is not the same as it used to be. And this is doable now. So we'll do a thank you. I feel so relaxed, great. Sometimes people feel more relaxed than they L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] have in a very long time. Fantastic. Thank you, Steven. So I want to go through today principally the intensity. Great. Yeah. And it's an it's an thank you for the you know, he's a wizard, that I want you to also get that this is learnable. This is doable. This is available. Right? That you because there's too many gurus in this world. Follow me. That kind of stuff. Not interested. I would love for people to get free, get happy and live their lives. So I'll answer a couple of questions on that. The the SunRype private chat in a minute, I'll include it in my answer. But I want to go back into see what how are we doing for time? How are we all feeling? How's it getting some? Yeah, great. Good. Okay, so was the time. 45 minutes. Okay, so we'll go for about an hour and a half as promised, and then I'll stay for half an hour and do q&a and some laser coaching with individuals. So Okay. Let's go into this thing to do with stage development. Hello. So one of the main researchers, I guess, psychologist, Piaget, who was well, you know, stage development has existed for for ages. But you've confessed one to kind of formalise that we recognise all of us intuitively recognise that a child from zero to two years. And because there's lots of changes in between, it's kind of fundamentally different from one that's kind of four or five, six years old. In as we get older, we're able to manipulate objects much more. And as we get even older than that, we're able to manipulate concepts. So we return concepts into objects, and then we can play with them. But the key idea is this doesn't stop. So there's a few different models. How many people are familiar with Piaget and stage development? Well, how many people have got children? Or have been a child? Hopefully, everyone got no drop ins that came in, in their 40s. Right? So Robert Kagan did it a slightly different way. And he, he structured it. And he basically said, every time you can step back and see what you were previously lost in, that is a stage of development. It's very structural. Right? So a kid who's in this kind of impulsive stage, there's really not much difference between you know, a real dog and a dragon, right? This is the one where the little kid turns to you and they, they want you to be part of as well. Something's gone wrong. I need to give you the ability. Someone put in the chat what's happening. See a large black screen. Okay, that's no good. Okay, let's try that again. desktop file, share. How's that? Good. Fantastic. Let me just give you let me go. Okay. All right. So let's just go back a step. Alright. So this was Piaget stages. The Bay basic idea is that we recognise that children kind of go through step changes as they move through the kind of early life. And Robert Kayden did this slightly differently, which is he basically said that it's going to move this picture okay that work may 2? complexities of having too many swings for us right, what can we see? Can we see a little kid with a a dog and a dragon? Yes, thank you. Okay, good. All right. So, Robert Keegan had a slightly different model of this switch, he basically said every time you can take yourself out of what you're lost in and kind of have it in front of you, essentially turns subjects into object, then you get one more degree of freedom, which gives you more options and choices in how you respond in the world. Right. So this is this kind of early impulsive stage where the, the kid can't really tell the difference between a dog and a dragon. And they might start a story halfway through, and they expect you to know what they're talking about. Right? So I don't know if you've kind of seen that in around that kind of thing. And the idea is that every time you move forward a stage of development, what can you see here that within the mind of this slightly older child, is this previous impulses. So rather than being their impulses, right, this slightly older child has their impulses, right, so they have a little bit more agency a little bit more control over their, what's happening within them. Right, so we can continue. And now this kind of teenage, they can now have their needs and preferences, they are not subject to their not only their needs and preferences. And the idea here is that this is kind of teenage level, and this is why these transitions are so confusing. Third Order is the first time you can reflect on yourself as a person, but now you're made by everybody else, their ideas of you, you think that is you, right? And that can continue for many people through through much of their lives. So if they have the role of CEO, let's say, and then they get fired, then their whole life can fall apart, or if they are a wife, and then they get divorced. Because their identity is linked to the role they're playing in the world is linked to who they are, they think that is them. Rather than this is some they have their relationship, you have a role in them in the world, rather than you are that role. And someone who realises that they are playing different functions, different roles in different contexts, and that their idea of self is constructed, doesn't get devastated or destroyed, when the conditions in their life of their life changes. Does that make sense? So most people in this, you know, Robert Keegan, reckons it's about 30 35% of people never come out of this, they will live their whole lives as a role. And then they might move from role to role, but they won't realise they're the one playing different roles, right? Which is this, what might be called self authoring right? Now in history, this would be you know, a slightly older, middle aged person, but this is happening younger and younger. And the key thing here is your your ability to self regulate massively goes up, which is what happens with these tools as well. Your ability to self author to write who you are to choose your principles, and who your being in the world, independent of others. So if you think about the programme, I train on foot in order to be an entrepreneur, you've got to be robust spin off as a self, to whether the uncertainty of what happens when you try different stuff in the world. And some of it works. And some of it doesn't. It's not a reflection of who you are as a person. So it's better as a with the identity and entrepreneur, to think of the idea of, you're successful if you're continuously testing, putting stuff out into the world, seeing what works, seeing what doesn't L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] responding to the world, so much more dynamic relationship you have with others and with existence. So that's Robert Keegan. And the really the move that makes a big shift is this third or fourth order. And what I talked about earlier, which is moving into this more resonance and harmony and flow. I recently did a programme called Magical Mystery mastermind, because it weaves in this magic because it does, it can seem like magic when you do these processes in groups, and practices, and also moving more into the mystery, right, because the, the whole idea of stage development is, every time you move to a new stage, it's like the world is made a new, right. So if you think about when, if you think about in your own life, right, you will have gone through a transition where how you're thinking was inconceivable to your younger self. And for most of us, we don't reflect on that. But if you do this kind of practice, more and more, you start to move through multiple stages, multiple kinds of ways of being your ontology in the world, how you experience existence, and there is a fifth order, where you start to realise you were never a separate self, we are always woven into this holographic existence, then it starts to become possible to do less and less, and trust in life, and the life process, because that is you more and more and more, and then all kinds of magical and amazing things start to happen. Not to mention feeling sense of harmony, belonging, you know, that you can get a sense that you were never out of place. That wasn't a single moment that you ever experienced. Where something needed to or could have been different once you make that shift, profound acceptance of your life path forwards and backwards in time. So this is kind of moving forward. This is like your future states of what's possible third order, fourth order fifth order. We can go back the other way, which is how many people have heard of attachment theory and the relationship to Yeah, so when we do some of these processes on this kind of level, people get quite big shifts in their lives. Now, what used to happen in traditional therapy is that, you know, the classic Tell me about your childhood, is that things weren't changing fast enough. And so what ended up happening was they were literally practising being the therapy, right? The person who there was something wrong with, because whatever you're doing, you're practising. So if you're going to practice something that solves a problem, it's got to solve the problem faster, then you're practising saying, I have a problem, I have a problem, I have a problem. Otherwise, that's what gets practised. Right. So it's a trade off between these two things. Right. And then the thing I want to do a process on is something called organismic. rights. This is where I'm right, right. So all of these are very early foundations, and you tend to get quite big shifts, if you resolve if you know what I talked about earlier, like top really targeting very cleanly within your holographic system, where the highest leverage points are, right. And so this is the value of being able to kind of attune or have someone that tune you can tell go, okay, just go right there. Because I think that's when your highest kind of elegant movies, I have a friend who's fifth down in Aikido, and he said, if people are pushed pulling like this, there's always a direction, or kind of perpendicular, where there's absolutely no resistance. And so you can think of dynamic systems like that, that they're very stable if you try and push on them in inelegant ways, but sometimes, if you've ever read a book and like one sentence or someone said something to you one moment, and usually your whole world just reorganised and shifted. That is the kind of elegant leverage points that are actually always available in dynamic systems. Right so we kind of look for those Alright, so let's go through these so I'm gonna put them in the chat and stop sharing so I can see your every organism every child is born with these rights or should be Okay, the right to exist, the right to have needs and wants the right to take action in the world to assert yourself, the right for consequences of your actions. So if you think about parent that constantly takes away the consequences of their child, the child doesn't learn to individuate they can't separate, they can't learn that the consequences actions have consequences is the parent always bails the child out when they get into debt. And you know that, at some point, the loving parent has to say, Well, I'm sorry, you got yourself into credit card debt, you're gonna have to get a job and find your way out of it. And at that point, the right to their own consequences might help them to come out of it, if they don't have a temper tantrum, and a hissy fit the right to and then the right to love and be loved to, you really kind of get these foundations in place. A lot of other relationship challenges tend to kind of sort themselves out. What most people call love, might be called trauma bonding or attachment. In measurement, unfortunately, but when you fully individuate, and then you're with another venue, you can have this kind of creativity between you Does that make sense to people? And that's kind of where we're at moving through in this time in existence. All right. So here's the thing about development is if there's a bit missing, it's very hard to move to the next level. So if you think about someone who doesn't feel like they have a right to exist on a fundamental level, right, they kind of they're apologising for themselves, wherever they are, and getting old, sorry, shouldn't be here. And if they don't have their right to their own needs and wants to go, Well, yeah, that's enough about like, what do you want the classic Empath or the, the martyr or the people pleaser, who's kind of always serving others, it's really hard to assert yourself in the world. Because you're being undermined by more fundamental needs of the self. Right. And I see a few serious faces. The good news is we can handle some of this stuff relatively elegantly, I'm not promising miracles, but miracles do happen. So it's good to know that. And here's the question for you all, does this kind of make intuitive sense to you, even though you've never heard it before? It's kind of like you can kind of get you know, people or you kind of make sense that, you know, L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] if you're, if you're completely apologetic for being yourself, it's really hard to kind of individuate and go, I am this in the world, right? It's kind of the kind of go in order. Thank you lots of yeses, right. All right. So let's do a different process. This is from I like to give credit where credit's due tapas, Fleming developed this method called tapas acupressure technique to a tee I see myself more as a kind of a curator. And, you know, I've a museum of art and the art is all these different methods, processes models. And if you put them together in the right way, you can get a very elegant system for kind of relatively fun change, hopefully, as well. So there's Tasleem. And so we're gonna go through the, the rights, the organismic rights, and so I'm gonna ask you to hold up pose with your hands. And while you're doing this, your arms gonna get a little bit tired, so I might give you a rest in between, okay, but first of all, just have a little stretch like someone did. Okay, and then put one hand on the back of the head where the occipital lobe is. So actually on the skull parts, and then take your thumb and ring finger and put it on either side of the nose, like that. Just where the bridge of the nose is, and then the middle finger just rests. It's gently in the centre of the forehead. And we go, the index finger does nothing just floats about little thing that does nothing. And I'm gonna say some words. And we'll just tune in, see what happens. Trust there's a part of your mind that knows how to do this. All of the origins of any aspects of you that don't feel like a right to exist, or a right to belong. And that could be with new groups with richer, more successful people, not famous people. It could be anyone can heal, release, and resolve now all of the origins of a Any thought that says that you don't absolutely have a right to be here, fully and completely on planet earth at this time, can heal, release and resolve now across all aspects of your psyche across all dimensions across all lifetimes, all across all systems of meaning. So that you can in a very embodied sense, feel that you have the right to exist. How do we know that? Because you're right here. We'll do one more. And then we'll take a break all of the origins of anybody that told you you don't have a right to your own needs and wants, release their energy, release their thoughts, their programming their conditions, their interjections it's called anything you took in from anyone that's not yours that's not useful, can heal, release and resolve. You have fully a right to your needs and wants. And anything that says otherwise, can he'll release and resolve now okay, just take a little rest and shake your hands out. Go take a breath in through your nose out through your mouth, and we'll do the others back into that pose, one hand on the back of the head, thumb and ring finger on either side of the nose, middle finger in the centre of the forehead, and all of the origins of anything that says you don't have a right to assert yourself in the world. Any fear any concern you fear of conflict challenge disagreement can heal, release and resolve now you have a right to search yourself in the world in a very ordinary way. When nothing else inside you gets in the way is just you saying stuff that you believe to be right to be true is backed up by your right to exist and the right to your needs. And once you have the right to assert yourself which just means speak and say your truth any fear concern or worry about opposition can release dissolve you can get conscious to present to feel your grounding solid present available to respond and all of the origins of anything that says you don't have a right to individuate yourself separating yourself and being independent does not mean losing connection. You can be individuated and be connected in more fluid, healthy and more mature and integrated ways. If you can't immediately think one that is just asked for a download bit like Trinity tank I need an instruction manual for X 172 Helicopter some part of you knows you can be individuated and connected at the same time. The breath in through the nose out through the mouth. Relax your hands and because it can be a bit tiring. So shake and release anything from you just kind of just feel across your body and just maybe just pat yourself a little bit. Just let whatever's moving shift and change and then we'll do the last one which is the right to love and be loved. Okay, so last one until the back of the head nor take a little break. thumb and ring finger on either side of the nose. Put little finger in the central foreheads and all of the origins of anyone who said that you don't have a right to love and be loved, can he'll release especially any meanings you made. About thinking you didn't deserve love, you shouldn't be love, you were bad and wrong, any of that, not your energy can heal, release and dissolve out of your body now. When we don't fight and resist these things, they tend to drain away, we basically stopped taking them seriously. And they stopped animating our body. You have a right to love and be love, from the fullness of your being. Anything in your energy or your energy field or your aura that has been getting in the way of that or stopping that. From this lifetime or others can heal, release, resolve, dissolve and fall away now leaving you in a field of loving presence. When you understand where that's generated from, it's literally being generated from your core, the core of who you are. Deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth. Relax your hands and then consider that when we shift like this, how many people are feeling kind of in a fairly different state than when we started? Okay, now some of you that might be pleasant, lovely, nice. Some of you it might be like, wow, I've just put my nervous system and my energy system through a workout. Right? And I'm gonna go gentle, right? If you feel like enough is enough, you can just kind of ease so if you are feeling better, and you're feeling weepy, you know the body, there's a meaning to crying, right. So sometimes the body cries for a couple of reasons. One is we're letting go of energy. The other is we're letting go of tension. Sometimes there's just sadness and grief and loss. And it's really to be honoured with sacredness that we might have held on to something for so long. And we've finally the relief of being able to let it L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] go. can bring up tears in the Kubler Ross cycle, the stages of grief, the final stages of acceptance, and we move through lots of different feelings and emotions, anger, denial, bargaining, etc, etc. But when we arrive at a place of acceptance, then there is a sense of well being. And that might take you know, 24 hours, 48 hours, these processes we've started will continue over the next two or three days, I'm guessing. Drink lots of water, do some gentle exercise, if that feels good to you. Emotions may come up. So don't bark at anyone for 24 to 48 hours. Just just attend to your emotions. And just put into the chat how you're feeling right now. Just a word or two to describe your state calm and undistracted calm on another plane. Relaxed calm. Feeling lovely. Great. Okay, gratitude. Cool. Very aware of how I felt earlier. Okay, so how are we doing for time? So we'll do 15 minutes of the this kind of part of it. I'm tempted to go through the other piece of stage development. Because today we'll I guess this is what we're doing. Right? We're filling in some gaps of where we are energy has got bound up by stages of development that we moved through that we didn't quite resolve. And so it's freeing up energy. So if you guys come on next Tuesday, next Thursday with free sessions as well, then you should feel like you've collected so much more of your energy and we'll do a bit more about recollecting and reclaiming your energy on those days. Let's take a minute but camera off good shake, shake around and get a glass of water we'll just take a minute because I want to get into this piece and spile dynamics and we'll we'll wrap By half past and then I'll stay for half an hour and do q&a and laser cutting. Okay, welcome back I should know by now there's no such thing as a one minute break Okay, welcome back. Hello, hello. Okay. So to summarise just to kind of put it into context, right, so there's two major things we kind of look been looking at today. One is emotional regulation tools and techniques to bring the charge down on a reaction in the body sensations, right? If you do that every day, 510 minutes. And I'll probably send it as a resource list after this. So you can go and look up some of these methods and processes. But you'll have the recording and it is as simple as doing repeating what you've seen. So it's tune into the thing you want to change tune into your body sensations, measure it from zero to 10. Normally I do it as zero is I'm totally comfortable, fine, free, no problem at all. 10 is resistance blockages, do the process that you're going to do either EFT havening ta ti any of those measure again. And then the last piece is you go okay, so how does that change things now, because that's when you're looking through this new body mind lens that you've created. And that's the moment when you see literally see new things, do new things be new things, it doesn't actually have to be conscious. If you do this process enough over a period of time, you know, 510 minutes a day, then you will see shifts and changes. There's just there isn't any doubt. And the reason it works if if if any of you have the kind of systems theory kind of understanding of things, is that we have what might be called attractors or stuck energetics that we kind of circled around, right. And the minute you dissolve one of those, the rest of the system has to reorganise around more flow, ease grace, etc. But the the challenge with this kind of work is that in conventional coaching, it's very linear. You go I do this change I want this outcome was here, we were creating integration and wholeness. And you might find that this area of your life that you've never worked on or never considered suddenly gets better. Right? So we're kind of going for a longest term strategy, a deeper strategy for health and integration and well being and then everything else is a bonus. So let's do a little piece on spiral dynamics. So Back can be in the recording for you guys if you want to review and can you see that? Okay? Oh, good okay, so spiral dynamics is a model that was created by Don Beck and Christopher gown off the work of a psychologist called Claire graves. And what Claire graves noticed was that cultures move through different stages of development. So this model, rather than having numbers, they put kind of colours to it. And the idea here is that how we move through in our own individual development as a human being sort of mirrors history, the entire human history, and also where we're going as a species into the future, right. So it's saying that the individual, each individual kind of comes into the world and then mirrors all of history up to where they've arrived at. And if you keep going, in terms of your development, you go beyond where the masses have got to at this moment in time. Right. So the idea is that 100,000 years ago, the basic question was, am I safe? How do I get myself safe? And that kind of survival level safety is kind of mirrors when you're, it's not a perfect model, but kind of zero to one and a half years old? Right? So what you care about security, shelter, warmth, food, those kinds of basic, you know, Maslow lowest level needs, right? So that's 100,000 years ago, and 50,000 years ago, ethnic tribes, who do I trust? This is, you know, you're learning at a young age, you know, who are my friends, my kinship groups, who can I trust? Who can I play with? Who can I share my toys with? Right, that kind of level? Then no, sadly, years are getting closer together. So it was 100,000 50,000 10,000 years. Now we're in to kind of power who's in charge rules dominance. A lot of social politics starts to occur with children in, in these kinds of ages. They're trying to establish their kind of pecking order and all these kinds of things. And actually 20% of Belleville sadly, never get out of this. Right. I shouldn't use this joke, but some even become presidents. See who laughed. Okay, sadly, right. So, now we're moving into the more kind of the masses and 5000 years ago, democracies, the ability to create rule structures that allowed human beings to be in vast, you know, much, much bigger numbers that up until then Dunbar's number for tribes, 150 people or so we'd get together as a tribe, and then a new tribe would form. But with the emergence of kind of rules, hierarchy, democracies, 1000s, and 1000s of people could now L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] live together, right? And the question is, what is right? What is true? This is the world of organised religion, right? There's Right wrong, good, bad, it's kind of black and white. And 40% of adults are kind of at this level. And you might think of this as kind of being an employee being a good employees following the rules, right? Obviously, some companies don't work like that anymore. But in kind of very traditional companies, or maybe 2030 years ago, so we move into notice how, you know, the timing has gone from 1000s of years to about 300 years ago, something happened and the enlightenment, the Western enlightenment took off. Technology, and things are really kind of zipped forwards. And so 30% of adults in this kind of strategic thinking, which starts in the earliest sense in teenagers, right? So it's a very rational, scientific kind of worldview. How do I succeed? How do I achieve? So most of what you see in personal development, you know, it's it's if it was love and money at this level, it would be how do I get success? How do I achieve, get these things and own them, and I'm gonna do better than others. It's a competitive kind of ladder climbing. I would call it insanity but anyway, it's a necessary stage right? So you can't skip these stages. If you go off and live in a hippie commune That's all very well. Or if you join Greenpeace and you believe in you know, the connectedness of the world. It's much you can't deny progress in technology. And you see companies now why not use progress and technology for the purpose of loftier goals like how do we save this planet? How do we create harmony and sustainable? A sustainable future for the next generations? Right? It's kind of weird. I don't have children myself. And yet, now that I've started mentoring others, the most moving work I do is when you take someone who's in that kind of very early stage of moving into their life, and there's a movement into finding out who they are, who they want to be, not living like robots, and inevitably, it moves into how can I serve? How can I serve others? How can I serve humanity? How can I do something meaningful? Then, so that's where we're going to just for now, we're going to do a little meditation up to there, we might go further. But emerging in the kind of 1960s, in a really big way, was this sense of the human planet? You know, the blue marble, like one Earth, Spaceship Earth, right, which is how can we all get along? Right? Equality, connectedness, you might think of spiritual circles and communities that try and break away and create connected value communities. Right? Now, there's something interesting about this, because often these people every level until now doesn't like the other ones, right? So it's a bit like the smoker becomes the ardent anti smoker before they become a non smoker. Right. And what Claire graves noticed in his research, and you see this is kind of 10% of adults, it might be a bit more now is that this is a big leap to what's called integral. And there's a sudden realisation that this human journey has been going on for a few 100,000 years, least 100,000 years, and that everyone has a right to be where they're at. Right? This is not a hierarchy of status, or anything like that. Just knowing that people develop through stages, and they need different things at different stages. That if you can get people healthy at the level they're at, they will naturally evolve. Right. And the other thing about stages is you when you get to new stages, you can have new problems that you couldn't have before, right? Ask any child who's grown up to become an adult, and they have new problems that they probably didn't have when they were a child, if they were lucky enough to grow up in a stable environment. And so and then it goes beyond it carries on, like, there's other levels beyond that. And so, each of these stages, you might think of it as getting from up to a functional member of society, and then tipping into this self authoring. How do I be an agent in the world? And then why are you doing that? Right? For others for this connected humanity, and for all of consciousness, and if you're a Buddhist, all sentient beings, is kind of where it goes. And this is recognition at tail, which is that you've been on this journey humans have been on this journey, until isn't really another stage. It's like zooming out of the page. And seeing all of this for the first time. By the way, spiral dynamics has been tested 50 years 50,000 People in 50 different countries, it's pretty stable, developmental research. And other people when they do their own models. There's a lot of parallel between all of these different models, they tend to kind of mirror or match each other. Right? So this is an example of a whole bunch of different developmental models, independent researchers, and you can put them next to each other and they kind of line up pretty well. Right? So you don't need the incredible detail of this, but it'll be on the recording. And if you look at Terry O'Fallon is one of the people I, I know, follow. And beyond this kind of teal or strategist, you start to move into what might be called transpersonal levels. So, the recognition, waking up the realisation that we're constructing our universe, who is the master and makes the grass green, starting to get this idea, this sense of a lot of people say, you know, it wasn't from me, it came through me, this transpersonal levels, all the way through to I am consciousness I am people start to say weird things I am university and God through to illuminate the mind, which is essentially everything takes on this kind of luminosity, because the world is alive and awake. And it's kind of is if you think about it from a very basic sense. Your nervous system in your consciousness is making this experience you're having moment to moment. And that is what people describe as being asleep is not realising that recognising recognising this experience you're having it's being constructed by you moment to moment, and then you're living in it. Thinking it's most of us thinking it's real. I include myself in that my more awake days and less awake days. And then into I can tell you about just about talking about pilot mastermind, this is where you the connectedness across space and time is so solid, that you can tune into other people immediately, L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] indirectly. And you're no longer going through your senses. This is also described in the Yoga Sutras, in Diana and Diana, which is the states before Samadhi in that system, so a lot of these systems you can kind of put together and they kind of make sense together. Alright, so let's just do a little meditation on on that can you see that again? Yeah. Okay. So these levels, you can kind of sit, you can kind of map them to safety, trust power rules. And if you do those, we are so much more powerful as agents in the world to take action in the directions we want to do. Right. And you can if you if you if you know a little bit about the chakra system, Base Chakra, second chakra third chakra, broadly speaking, right? These aren't perfect models, models or models, right. None of them are true as such, but they are, they can be useful. So I shall put those into the chat first. don't actually need the colours. But I'm also going to introduce the idea of polarities, because most of us can don't realise we're constructing our world through opposites, and then we're preferring one side, not the other. But we you can't have up without down you can't have good without bad, you can't have warm without cold. Now nervous systems are trained to recognise contrast in difference. And so if we've split our world into them and us, then we're going to be at war. That's, sadly, where a lot of tribal political systems are in the world, as we're seeing, when people get scared, they tend to move down these levels into more, I need to protect my own own self own world. All right. So people have to go feel free, and it'll be on the recording this meditation, and that would be the clothes for this piece. Okay, so put your feet on the floor by saying, put your feet on the floor. And tune into your body, have your spine nice and straight. And then think about safety. And when I say that word, just tune into your body sensations, and what's happening in your body, not your ideas or thoughts, but just your body. And then tune in and what happens when I say the words unsafety or lack of safety. And notice what changes a body sensation level. And then breathe, relax. And notice that both of those are just experiences. And now move back to safety. Notice the preference for safety versus a lack of safety. And then move back to the experience of a lack of safety or unsafety. Notice that you're the one with these words bringing it forward you have choice over the file that you're bringing up, then back to safety and then back to a lack of safety and if you relax, what you might start to find is that there's a sense of something that transcends both safety and a lack of safety that you are here. Present. And therefore the narrative and the story of a lack of safety in this moment is not true because you're sitting there on that chair. Having experiences which is all that's ever happened really And so as you think about that, what's it like to have a deeper level of safety and truly learning the foundations to build upon what is safety and having safety allow for you. And now think about trust. And then think about any doubts or fears or concerns and breathe, relax, release and then return to trust. If you really tune in, you can trust your intuition to know what's safe, and what's not safe. As you get familiar with these distinctions, you're literally learning how to navigate the world, in ever more skillful, and elegant ways. And notice that you can trust that you can attend to your body, attend to your sensations attend to the present moment, and you have a lifetime of experience. As you start to follow your intuition and your trust more and more, you can start to feel a sense of agency of power. third chakra sense of self. When you build power, authentic power on top of safety and trust, it's a much more gentle power. It's an inner knowing and a self assuredness. If anything is getting in the way of that breathe, relax, release. And let your own authentic power be here. As you build that foundation, think about rules. And the right relationship to rules is when you let go of other people's rules, and they're the ones that you want to follow the good ones that are the ones were handed down to you. You can claim those and own those as your own. This is when you start to build what might be changed from rules to principles, your own guidelines built on your own power through your own trust in your own safety. This gives you a self from which to navigate. To decide how you're going to choose to act. If someone in the world tries to move you away from your centre, don't have to fight the fight with them don't have to resist them just no thank you. You do you onto me. And now consider from this state, how much easier it feels to take the actions that you want to take in the world. When you have your own safety, your own trust in yourself and your own power. Following your own guidelines and principles. Actions can start to become intuitive and obvious. Someone's like a red carpet rolls out and provides the pathway the steps to take into your future. And because we're here, most of us want success and achievement in the world not just for ourselves but for our loved ones for our communities. For people we love people we share our lives with people we serve and for everyone that we come into contact with and impact during the course of our lives and this recognition that a writer relationship to the stages of development that we've been through, can build a strong foundation for creating love and money, connection and abundance, resonance and flow, harmony and belonging in your life and with that in mind, gently open your eyes wiggle your fingers and toes in a sense, whatever you're feeling, sacredness, gratitude, peace, acceptance and the fact that you have a nervous system and neurology and consciousness and the desire to explore these things and to evolve yourself in these ways. Okay. Thank you guys, there will be a replay. And here's what we'll do. Right. For anyone who wants to stay, we will have we will have a five minute break. And then I'll stay for half now. And if you have to dash off, put your hand up first. And we'll do a bit of q&a and laser coaching. But this ends the kind of the this piece of the love and money free session number one of three. If you have to dash off, I'll see you guys soon. Let's take a five minute L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] break. And I'll see you back in five minutes. Hello, welcome back just me and you announcing Unknown Speaker 1:43:00 Yay. All right, Miss everybody else. It's great to see you. Anand Rao 1:43:05 Yeah, likewise likewise it's good time zips by. Yeah. Oh there Sue Yay. I see if you can hear me, welcome back. Hi Steven. Okay. So this this part. So one of the reasons I wanted to just kind of get through this kind of content and also, it's not just about lecture, right, you actually want to do something with people slink get real benefit, and they can go away with changes interests and things. But I think roughly about half came for who signed up. So there's the replays will go out tomorrow, but you can use the recording and the replay. Because I covered quite a lot of material fairly quickly. As you need this part I what I thought I'd do, because this is a it's fun, that's the most important thing. But the second is the kind of illustrates that actually, if you learn some of these methods and processes that and you can target them, you can get pretty good shifts and changes over a relatively hesitant say, a relatively short period of time. It's tough, because it's always to me, it's about elegance, and that your system wants to evolve. And there's going to be with all these kinds of different models. There's going to be an angle or an avenue, where there's really elegant change where system just goes yep, that's what I was looking for. Thank you, and you can move and evolve to the next level for your system rearise reorganise then you see what your next step is, which I think there's probably a better way to put it. So this part is Just kind of if laser coaching, be nice if it's really focused on kind of love and money, but happy to for it to be more general than that. We're just questions, questions, curiosity, or reflections thoughts. So far, what's coming up for you leave it nice and freeform and open. Who's going to kick us off? All go? Sure. I really gotten the love Unknown Speaker 1:45:32 and relationships and love. Where I'm finding myself getting challenged, is when I actually know I'm being in a lower level with my partner. And yet there's a part of me that feels justified in wanting to be angry. And an escalating a situation where in my mind, I'm like, What are you doing? Like, step back, step back and I'm so like, he'll escalate, then I'll escalate. And sometimes I just don't want to stop myself, or can't stop myself in and then you know, and then judgement comes in afterwards. I'm like, Why did I do that? That was so silly. And then and then being kind to myself, like, okay, it's an awareness, at least I'm aware of it. But yet, I'm still doing it. Alright, Anand Rao 1:46:31 so the classic, you know, if we do a little bit more structured, can then the kitchen conversations is, what do you want instead? So this is what's currently happening, current state. Right, so what we got within, and I'll do it like this, within the current state, we've got the description of the challenge, right? There's a little bit explicit about why this is a problem or how you feel about it. But for you, it was mostly implicit, which is, let's just use generalise forms don't like it wanting to be different. You mentioned, you know, judgement afterwards, etc. Right? So what do you want instead? How would you like it to be? And this doesn't have to be incredibly detailed. But how would you like it to be instead, Unknown Speaker 1:47:17 I like it to be curious, open, accepting, non judgmental. Anand Rao 1:47:25 Okay. And so we have an outcome state. And now what we have is then to get from our present state to our outcome, state, some kind of intervention or some kind of thing that we do. Now, here's what happens classically, is that the present state has contains within it, all of the things that it tells you to do that doesn't work. Right? This is by definition, because if it wasn't the case, you would have solved this a long time ago, and it wouldn't be happening. Right? So all states of consciousness that are stable over time that are a quote, unquote, problem, right? From an another perception. It's amazing, right? Because a chair can't have an argument with your husband. I'm guessing it's your husband, right? But so you're you're way ahead of a chair in terms of evolution, so well done. But the premises and this is important, the the every state of consciousness has within it kind of all of the doors that seem closed, right. So all the things we try that come out of that this is the Einstein quote, which is that we can't solve the problem at the same level of thinking that created the problem. Right? So we need some way of stepping out of the problem state. Because you've described it, the description of the problem is already outside of that frame. I'm just giving you a little bit of background before we do something, right. But it's not neutral. Right? There's a judgement in it. Okay, that's fine. So if you take another step back L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] and observe the judgement, just for a moment, now have a good description of how this thing is staying stable. Okay, now, have you seen the film everything everywhere all at once? I have not. Okay, required viewing don't ever come back to one of my classes until you've seen that film. Alright. Alright, so in the film, the characters are able to jump realities, they were able to move them I won't spoil it into multiple realities. Almost like changing the channel on a movie. And this is what we're moving towards. I think in the late we're going to be able to do this in the late 2030s. I reckon another 15 years or so. It'll be just mainstream. Alright. So in the film, one is you need to know where you're going, which is this outcome state. And then in the film, they have to do some activity That's so odd and bizarre that you would never think to do. Right, but then gets them to be able to jump reality. So one of it, you know, is I won't spoil it, but there's one way he has to do a finger cut. And another one is very odd behaviours where you go, there's no logic between how you get from the present state to the desired state. And here's the point, the present state, the description of it that you have is only one description from your consciousness, one awareness. Right? But it's not all of the ways that you make meaning. Right? So if you think about when we talk in the night when we dream, and when we sleep, our brain makes associations in many, many other ways that aren't this linear, Aristotelian cause and effect pattern that's been imposed, that is imposed by language, right? So language influences, how we think and what we can and can't do. And all of them are all languages pretty much anything a cause and effect. So, you know, subject object verb, the subject does something to the, to the object. Right? So now, when you describe the two states to me, you showed me physiologically how you do the two states. So I don't need to know what these are. But when you went like this, right, and you went like that, right? You're showing me something about how you put this world together, and then claim it's not you. Okay. So if I ask you, do you remember when you did this? What is that? What are you describing? What is this? Unknown Speaker 1:51:41 That's allowing that to take over? It's allowing, Anand Rao 1:51:54 stay with it. So that takes over me. So in language, you're subject to this thing. And when we haven't constructed statement that, then what was this thing when you when I that? Unknown Speaker 1:52:15 Things I don't like about myself? Okay. Anand Rao 1:52:18 Okay, so what do you do? Unknown Speaker 1:52:21 Smash them down. Instead of releasing them, Anand Rao 1:52:25 alright. Okay. Now this. Now this can work because it's kind of obvious. And actually, the trick is the making subject object is making the unconscious conscious, right? So what's going on. So just out of interest, what does happen? I'll just someone's coming in. When you when you take when you when you don't suppress it, this is holding the system in place, as well as talking about. So what happens when you do you're not trying to work out what to do, etc, etc. Just what happens when you don't do that part of the system? Unknown Speaker 1:52:58 Then it could get really big and explode, Anand Rao 1:53:01 exploit. Great, great. All right, so you don't want it to slow now, given that this is your mind right? Now, open the red, then all that stuff out, but move it away from you, and give it the space it needs. And if it's out there, it can explode. And that doesn't matter. Unknown Speaker 1:53:24 Sorry, everybody. L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] Anand Rao 1:53:28 All right. So notice that's kind of trying to get rid of it or push it away. Right? That's in Buddhism, aversion and attachment are the same thing. Right? Right. Because if you have to try and get rid of something, then you're the one who doesn't like it doesn't want it to be that way. And we're kind of sneaky, right? So when you just take the lid off, out, just curiously see what happens. Right? Neutral witness what happens? Just loading around, okay. And now we're not doing anything. Right. So this is the paradox, which is that when we're trying to get rid of something we're kind of holding on to and neutrality, equanimity. This is the way right. Okay. So now when you think about the whole thing, how does it feel? Unknown Speaker 1:54:25 kind of silly. Anand Rao 1:54:27 Okay, good, silly. Unknown Speaker 1:54:31 Like, not not necessary, like. Anand Rao 1:54:39 Now, very specifically, I want you to answer this question. Do you remember that compulsion that makes you feel like you get caught up in it? Right? How strong was it? Zero to 10. How much was it before? That was probably about an eight. And now to see an eight we're likely to find against push against believe in resist a to, it's like so Now think about your ability to make other choices in that moment. I don't want you to choose to make other choices, just your ability to make other choices. And how much freer do you feel now? Now, here's the weird thing, right? Because it is a system between you and him. When you are like this. What happens with him? Just imagine it Unknown Speaker 1:55:34 yet comes into? Yeah, we have an exchange instead of Yeah. Anand Rao 1:55:50 That's it really thank you. And you know, you can, if you're going to, I don't advocate outcome based to me, if you really want to be in tune with your unconscious, you bring something in really, really gently. And you see what it does. And if the system wants it out, uptakes it rather than forcing and pushing. So now if you imagine your entire relationship and you imagine, this is imagination, right, bring in kind of some love energy, or love, like a cloud above and give it different colours. Right? And let the relationship take in what it needs. That's not the same as I'm going to make it loving, forcing and pushing, what spontaneously what kind of energetics infuse the relationship now with freedom. lightness, Joy. Fun, yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:56:46 Playfulness more, more. So Anand Rao 1:56:50 the system changes itself. Nicely done. Unknown Speaker 1:57:01 So excited. Anand Rao 1:57:03 And then tune into him because we don't want to mess with other people's free will. The way we do this, we just have an intention. Just go. You know any of this that's useful to you make the shifts and changes. It's amazing how many times people say things like it was weird. I went back and they completely changed. You changed it. It's a one dynamic dynamic system. And so we underestimate how much power and agency we have in in, in, in our lives actually. So nicely done, right? Anyone else? Someone's frantically scribbling away L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] Unknown Speaker 1:57:59 did I do that? Nobody else is going might do something else. Sure. Anand Rao 1:58:05 As a ad. Unknown Speaker 1:58:07 i Hi, Anna. So the question I wanted to ask, Anand Rao 1:58:11 can you put lights on your account? Is there a way to put a light on? Unknown Speaker 1:58:16 This will work? Okay, yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:58:25 Okay, so my wife and I just yesterday landed to Croatia, that's our return home. And I don't know quite exactly. But both of us have a lot of same symptoms. We're busy. We like here. It's kind of figuring things out not knowing where to go feeling like we're starting completely from scratch again. And both of us have these identical physical symptoms of literally dizzy, like, hands are shaking, which mine are not. But it's funny. I've never experienced that when I came home before like it was just Anand Rao 1:59:09 I have no idea if this is so I'm going to do two things. Right. So one is a classic for jetlag, right. Which is, which is just practical, tight, you know, time shifting your sleep patterns and things. So one is having some kind of slow carbohydrate, right half a banana before going to sleep. But the other is if you just close your eyes for a second, we were never designed to go at 500 miles an hour through time through magnetic fields and all the rest of it. Right. So just imagine calling back your energy. If it's if some of it is still halfway across the Atlantic Ocean, some of its over France and just call There you go. Okay. And and that will tend to reduce the disorientation caused by jet lag. The other solution is to wait a few days. But they okay. And then for your wife, you can you can offer it right. So you don't kind of make it and you say, you know if that makes you feel better, so the shift you just felt that can help. It helps a lot of people actually, they literally feel like I'm lagging behind. So, how do you feel now a little bit more in your body? Unknown Speaker 2:00:33 Right, I felt like there was like a trail behind me that kind of sucked back. Anand Rao 2:00:41 Yeah, that's the first thing and then I don't normally get things like this, but just it's gonna sound really well. electrolytes. Just make sure you're staying hydrated and have minerals. Just nothing fancy. Just you know, rehydration electrolytes might help. Unknown Speaker 2:01:06 What does that exactly mean? Anand Rao 2:01:08 So you know, when people go for runs, and I think I might have one. So awful No, I don't things like a power pack. That the things that people use to rehydrate, it's like a powder, you pour it into a drink if they've been cycling or doing like, a lot of I heard of it, I should be able to find. Yeah, I mean, I think the one I can remember his power pack, but you know, don't get too hung up on the the actual make power pack. But just kind of minerals, trace minerals. I'll do that. And I don't know, might help. I mean, the other thing is just natural causes of natural sources of minerals. But that's the one I found. So that might help. And the other is that every time you go through these kinds of major reorganisations, it's an opportunity. We it's quite rare that we destabilise our systems like this, right? So you're in a kind of quite a furtive ground for possibility. So without forcing it having intentions right now, while the system is much more distinct, will, L&M July Free 1 audio1761721560 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:21] will be valuable. The other is grounding, obviously. So when we feel disoriented, it's it's psychological, it's emotional and energetic, right? But if you if you realise that your body is stable, and it's here, and you're I am, the fact that you are is stable, right, then both of those can find be a place to stand, so to speak, while the chaos reorganises itself, you don't have to be in the chaos. Right? Yeah. Thank you. And, and also, you can kind of enjoy the chaos. quite rare, you know, to have this, this, this phase is gonna, it's quite unusual, it's not gonna last very long. So, you know, it's part of being a human. So again, Unknown Speaker 2:03:42 so enjoyed while Anand Rao 2:03:43 black, exactly, it's rare. When I was 40, I started counting down to the end of my life, right? Something flipped, right. And most people you tell that to go, Oh, my God, that's like, that's like scary, right? But actually, I don't know how long how long I'm gonna live. So it's kind of out there somewhere. But what it means is that every phase of my life is now finite and precious. So I'm never going to be in my early 50s ever again, never going to be in my mid 50s ever again. Never going to be in my late 50s or however long I live right. 6070 8090 Right. So by counting debt, because sometimes we live like we're going to live forever, and no one as far as we know does. So each phase has become precious, because it's finite. Right? And it's changed my relationship to my life, become more valuable. Don't take for granted. Any other questions? If we got 10 minutes, five minutes, seven minutes. I think with this kind of stuff off. And for those that we've been in coaching sessions before, to make this kind of stuff fun, make it a fun exploration. So many people make personal development, spiritual development into a chore. And you know, there's been, I have to get better, I have to feel better. And what are they practising is like struggle and suffering. And I kind of, it'd be fun to get a bunch of people who just want to kind of explore this stuff, play, evolve, change, grow, and make themselves their communities their lives. better, more fun. Yes, coconut water, you should be able to get that. All right, should we? If there's no other questions, five minutes, we'll wrap up there. And I will be back next Tuesday. One thing I should say is, I think the you guys will be alright, Sally, and Z. But this is an open programme. Right? So these recordings are going to go out. i That's tell me if that's an issue, right? To me, Nancy, if that's an issue, if that was too personal or anything like that, okay. But this is because it's an open programme, right? If you want the privacy, you go to like, close programme with a set number of people and, but these are kind of like, so let me just tell you that the way this is gonna go is, I'm gonna do these three sessions. And then every month, I'm going to do a completely free like, couple of months, couple of hours at the beginning of each month. And I'll introduce one of these topics, right, and then then there'll be on a Tuesday night. And then on the Thursdays I did promise, no sales, but there's lots of free stuff, come and play with the free stuff. And then on Thursdays for the next four weeks, four weeks, there'll be like a deep dive on whatever that topic was that's introduced on the Tuesday, but the Tuesday will not be sales, it will be like this, it will be content, it will be value. So you can kind of come on, you know, once a month for a couple of hours, absolutely free. And if you want to do the deep dive, that will be a paid thing. That will be two hours each week from on Thursdays for the first four Thursdays of each, each month from then onwards. So that's, that's the membership. That's how it's good. That's how it's gonna be structured. But I can I can send out more details on that. But I want to build up that free first, first week of the month, first Tuesday of the month. And people will come to that as long as you like. And I'll make sure there's real value and content and shifts and changes. And and I'll say this, if you guys want to invite others, please do. These are free. And that first one of the every month will be free that will always be free. Come and play and learn some of this stuff. And use it basically. All right. Thank you guys. Have a fun rest of your day, wherever you are. And hopefully I'll see you guys off the weekend on Tuesday. Bye for now. Transcribed by https://otter.ai L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Unknown Speaker 05:02 Hello, can you hear me? Anand Rao 05:07 Hi, Shannon. Hi. Hello Amazing how you doing? Unknown Speaker 05:23 Yes, amazing Anand Rao 05:29 Hello, hello. Well just wait a minute or two that people come in as they're arriving. You just take a breath up on the floor. Get ready get centred, get grounded. For an hour and a half, we're going to do go through a few things. I never know quite what I'm doing these sessions because they're slightly guided by what happens here. We'll find out together here's see you don't familiar faces, but also welcome to those that I've not seen before or starting a second. Hello, Daniel. Thanks for those comments today. Appreciate it. Hello, Vanessa, welcome. Unknown Speaker 06:44 Okay. Anand Rao 06:48 Yes, it is okay to start with this session, and not caught up in the replay. Because a lot of how this works, that I can say this before people arrive will be on recording as well. Which is a lot of how this works is that you essentially bring who you are right now, in this moment. There's all your thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, responses, karma, contracts, agreements, beliefs, connections to family, heritage. unusual circumstances, events, your whole collection of your experience. And then something happens here between us as a group, a group energy, but also, some of the thoughts and ideas are to stimulate different ways of thinking, different new ways of thinking, which then interacts if you're open to it, and you give permission for your own self, not to me, that you can have that kind of creativity, your fluidity. So there's a phrase wherever you go, there you are. So the presenting things that we bring are the current body mind shape that we're bringing into this experience. And that's what's great about I think, how what's happening with personal development and change is it's becoming more holographic, and more. Systemic, it's probably the best way to put it. And I'll go into, actually, you don't need to understand any of this. The goal here is to come and enjoy experience, and find out for yourself in your own experience, what happens and whether you like it, or you don't like it, whether you get something or this is not for you. So that is the kind of framing which is like a couple more people arrive and then I'll start. Okay, so I know quite a few faces here, but also welcome to those who don't know yet. And so this is the second session. Welcome, everyone, to all these three free sessions on love and money. And my name is Anand Rao, I have been doing this kind of personal development, spiritual development for about 25 years or so. My background is in theoretical physics to a physics degree then joining the oil industry decided on day one, that's not what I wanted to do with my life. But the first eight years of my career took me to Aberdeen, Copenhagen, Jakarta. And so I stayed with the oil company because it allowed me to put myself into different contexts, different situations, different environments, and be influenced and changed by that. And what I'm hoping for these kinds of sessions these these sessions is that it's more of an experience than content knowledge. So we'll be doing kind of processes practices, and the more you kind of engage and play essentially, I think the more you'll get out of it. And the more fun you'll have. Yeah. Okay, so I think we've got a quorum. So put in the chat, where you're coming from just name and while your name is already there. So just where in the world you are just have interests that committee can see we have some Europeans. I wanted to know that because maybe we do these an hour earlier, but then our friend from New Zealand doesn't want to get up to an hour. So at San Diego, New Jersey, Croatia, Portsmouth in the UK, I mean, Buckingham ship I live in UK, Idaho, Scotland, Cyprus, Portugal, Kentucky. Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Nevada. Okay, Fairfield, USA. Excellent. Alright, so there's just a first basic clearing. So if you put your feet on the floor, and close your eyes for a second, and just attend to your body sensations. And it's just your breath going in and out. And arriving here. Often, we can leave bits of ourselves somewhere else, which is really just as our attention is somewhere else. And so calling back your attention to this moment. Allow us to feel more whole and complete and have more of our resources available. To make changes make the changes we want to make. And just experience life more fully. And imagine in front of you, at six to eight, he is a rose. You can make it any colour you like. And then imagine there's a chord going from that rose all the way down to L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] the ground, need to give yourself permission to let go of anything you don't need, in this moment, cutting out that rose in front of you and draining into the ground. Then imagine arose six to eight feet behind do you learn anything, you're ready to let go off, move out of your energy field, especially other people's energies. And I'll explain that in a minute. Right now you don't need to know what that is just, you cannot be wrong about your subjective experience. And whatever you're experiencing is what you're experiencing. Unknown Speaker 13:05 Let that come into the ground. Anand Rao 13:08 And then imagine arose six to eight feet to your left. And imagine anything, you're ready to let go of in that direction that goes most easily to release ago. Some of you might feel the relief of moving our attention in ways that we don't normally move it. Until we find out what happens when we move our attention outside of the habitual way we keep it close to us for most of most of the time for most of us. Imagine a rose off to the right, six to eight feet. And so you get the hang of it because the brain learns from patterns. Letting go of anything you don't need from your entire body mind energy system. Voting off to the right, going down that cord and turning to the ground. And then that that rows go and imagine a row six to eight feet above your head. Unknown Speaker 14:28 That's the practice of Anand Rao 14:29 moving your attention in ways you don't normally move in. And then let go from your body mind energy system, ie thoughts, feelings, reactions, programming, conditioning, anything that's not yours to that rose six, eight feet above your head and then let that go. And then imagine the rows six to eight feet below Though you calling gently pulling and releasing anything that you can allow to drop, release. Notice your physiology notice that there's that and relief breath that happens when our body lets go and feel your feet on the floor or the ground, supporting you perfectly balanced in terms of forces, forces that equal the forces down. Last time I checked now on and I was walking down the street was flying off into the air and getting sucked into the ground. They were perfectly supported in balance by the earth. And then notice, through closing our eyes, moving our attention and deliberate ways, what that's done to your body, mind, energy, physiology and your state. What we're learning in this programme, and all the work that I like to teach people is that there are things you can do Unknown Speaker 16:26 to influence Anand Rao 16:29 your experience and existence without having to get into a fight about it. Just whatever is ready to happen right now is enough. That tends to build quite rapidly over time when we stop bullying ourselves into change, okay. When you're ready, just very gently open your Unknown Speaker 16:58 eyes. Unknown Speaker 17:01 smile back, Anand Rao 17:02 wiggle your fingers and toes, yawn and stretch if you want to. And then just notice your state change. Right, so very simple visualisation. When we close our eyes, we get these bursts of alpha waves. So we know how some of this works. We get the parasympathetic relaxation response. And we can kind of use all of this kind of information and knowledge to harness our ability to be more elegant about change, and growth and development and evolution. So put in the chat, what state how you feel right now. L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Unknown Speaker 17:50 super relaxed. Anand Rao 17:54 Deeply centred, expansive, lovely, relaxed, peaceful, clear, settled. Calm, calm, calm, positive and anticipatory giving you tricky words to say. All right, okay. So the way this how many of you have actually seen the replay in the first one, session one. So not everyone, right? So that's okay. Because of what simply which is that you can pick this up, and then you can pick that up. And they are elements and pieces of the foundations of being able to create love and money in your life. So I'll just go through briefly what the logic of this kind of way of this approach is, which is that most people want love money, right? They want love money, and health is usually the the third one, and then contribution and service and all these kinds of things kind of come in, right? Because when you have what you need, and literally what you need, not what you want, then you tend to be okay to serve others and do good in the world. So I train with a got a co trainer and Elon law as you can one of the people who know put her website in the chat. And she's a loving relationship coach. And we were talking and kind of realised that well in the Big Three love money and health, right? Health is more like a way of being but love and money have like a you know what? They're nouns, right? They're abstract nouns, but you can't get a pound of love actually used to be able to get money. Right. So that was possible. But think about this think about chunking up from kind of more concrete or solid words to abundance and connection. Right. And someone mentioned expansive, right. We're kind of going and I'm gonna go through stage development a little bit building on last time, is that we kind of go when we're growing up we go through a concrete tear, like the world is solid, right intangible, then we enter the world of ideas. And if we keep going in our spiritual development, we would go into what formlessness, or emptiness, right, this kind of infinite realm of beingness, where we're just happy to be alive and experiencing stuff, to be honest right? Now, that from there, because it's almost beyond time and space, right, so then we don't have these physical limitations, we feel more spacious, more expansive, more fluid, and very rapidly, if you go from love and money to abundance in connection to resonance and flow as a way of being in life, right? We tend to, we tend to create the love and money that we want. And what you find is any areas where somebody isn't doing that, right, if you're not getting the thing that you want, how many people feel a stuckness, or a block or, like a resistance or right. And actually, what's amazing about our body mind energy systems, is it shows up shows up physiology, physiologically, right, it's a direct information kind of return to us. And if we train our nervous systems to be able to detect it, then we can return to flow returned to ease. And we don't actually have to go through long narratives in order to get these things to resolve. So the classic kind of coaching therapy was, how do I get a cognitive narrative that makes sense, in order to exit this tangle, or this knot or this resistance I've gone into. But what we're going to do today, and what's kind of foundational in the work I like to do, is that we can go directly at it, right through the language of our physiology, and our body energy systems. So that makes sense. Yeah. All right. So who here has come here with an intention, something that you want? You want to have happen? Anybody? Hopefully, so Alright, so just briefly put in the chat, what that is, like, if you in the next hour and a half hour and 10 minutes, you got that shift to a better relationship with money. Okay. That, that you would know that something's going on here? Because you would know, see, here's the thing, if you write something in the chat, I already know that a part of your mind must have representative. Right? Everybody knows that, right? Because otherwise, how would you know to want something if you didn't already know how you think you would feel if you got it? That makes sense. So better relationship with money? Anybody else? Fear of a lack of money, right? Notice the physiological responses, attracting my beloved. Absolutely. Okay. I want to know that I don't have to work hard to earn a lot of money. Yes. Under times my level of deserve witness sense for an abundant life. Fantastic. I want to say something about that. Here's what happens, right? People put conditions on getting abundance or or any of these things, right? So the claim there is, and I know, Dr. Z, if I feel I deserve it, then I can have what I want. I can have an abundant life. But actually, they're two separate things. Right? So you can have an abundant life. Right? And you might not feel that you deserve, it might not last very long. Right? But actually, what if you felt that deservingness regardless of what you have in absolute terms, but I guess you'd call that an abundant life, right? So we're moving from the physical to the subtle, which is a theme for today. Okay, greater clarity, we actually regarding action for purpose and romantic partner, feel more freedom, release my whole to be in flow and resonance. Okay. better relationship with money, an easier connection to people. More magnetism to my future clients. Excellent. You can do that. Okay, anyone else? going once going twice, allowing wealth and my partner to manifest manifest by graduating my abundance mindsets. Great. All right. So I approach things a little bit differently than going directly at these things. Right. So it's what's what happened in session? One is that I talked about the foundational elements of stage development. Right? So I'm gonna just go over one right now, which is the Reichian rights, right, the organismic rights. So they are the right to exist, the right to need and want the right to assert yourself in the world to L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] assert the right to individuate which has the right to consequences so that imagine somebody like an overprotective parent who takes away all the consequences from a child held, they never learn, right? They never separate out and individuate properly and have the right to love and be loved. And I'm gonna go over these. Now, the point is this, if someone wants to put themselves in the world, right? Now they want to assert themselves in the world, they want to stand and say, This is me, this is who I am. If they brought back from that, if they don't feel like they have a right to exist, right, at some level, that's going to get in the way, it's going to be a major problem. So no amount of asserting actually works. And if you do a little bit of work on the right to exist, a whole bunch of other things can ripple through and work equally, the next one the rights and need and want. So many people have programming conditioning that says you can't have what you want, or you shouldn't have what you want these kinds of things. There's a phrase in the north of England, which is something like one day, they tell children, it's horrible thing to say, but at least say, wanting doesn't get or something like that. So basically, kind of saying, it's not okay to want things, right? How many people have that kind of, if I want things, then I'm selfish, or I'm judgement, selfish, greedy, blah, blah, blah, blah, okay? Now, you can tackle these things at the level of mind and a level of beliefs, right. But today, we're going to tackle them at the level of physiology and the foundational elements of what's called safety strategies in the body. Right. So how many people have heard the thing that people don't change if they don't feel safe, right? Basically, what Trumps pretty much everything else is, if you don't feel safe to make a change, then that change just doesn't happen. It's like a part of our system intuitively, wants to keep us coherent at all times, and it will do that at the cost of not being able to get what we want to know. All right, so we'll making sense, we dive into some exercises, because I want this to be really kind of experiential, and new to get real shifts, we're also going to use some processes, which is emotional regulation, tools and techniques, that many of them come from trauma resolution, right. But they're not just useful for that. They are ways of resetting our nervous system in this moment. So as we think about the thing we want, and then how many people are getting like a, you get a body response, right? When when you think about the thing that you want, or not having the thing that you're you're looking for, there's a physiological component of how you experience that. This is what we're going to work on directly today. So Unknown Speaker 27:45 let's see if the tech works. Anand Rao 27:55 Okay, so Steven Kessler built on the work of John maracas and others, an early bioenergetics actually came from Reich, which basically said that when we're as an animal, I can have a fundamental physiological basis, right? We have these systems, let me just show you, you probably know this already. Because it's popular. I just want to say Unknown Speaker 28:24 we have Anand Rao 28:25 an amygdala response, which is a response to threat, some form of threat, which is to either run away or to fight to get aggressive to kind of freeze and not move. And then there's actually two more which is to completely shut down, or to form to give into other people's needs and wants, right? These the kind of fairly kind of direct reptilian kind of more immediate responses that don't really respond to us just think trying to think differently. For anyone who's tried to think differently, and it hasn't worked. That's probably why I set out to miss. Okay, so I want you to tune in when you think about the desire for that outcome that you just wrote down. Right? And then what comes up, it gets in the way, and some of them are more direct. So it's like there was one here, stop worrying, too. Release my hold, and there was one about having fear or concern, fear of lack of money. So when you just think about what your response is, put that aside for a second and think about what your response is. Stephen Kent Kessler develop this work. Give credit where credit's due per five personality patterns is an excellent book worth reading. And he said that When people get stressed, they have a primary strategy for dealing with it until they repattern, that which is safeties, groundedness, connectedness, belonging, wholeness, all these things. So think about when you when you, when you get the very early stages of kind of feeling threatened is your is your immediate response to want to leave the situation, either physically leave, or some people dissociate, they kind of leave their body, they just kind of zoom out, zoned out. Right. So that's one one type of response, right? Notice if that feels familiar, or whether No, I don't know what you're talking about, that doesn't make any sense, right? Another response for safety is to try and cling to somebody else. So this is go also going into fundamentals of if you want a good relationship, and even attracting a good partner apart, attracting a partner, or even L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] when you're in relationship, improving that these are kind of primary responses that if you handle them, all of a sudden, your relationship starts to improve by all of them, not just your primary one, or your intimate one. Or many if you're into that. So the next response that people can have if they get frightened and nervous, is to try and find someone to cling to, or grab hold off. Right? This is also called grounding through others, as well. So you feel safe and stable when you're with somebody. But when you're by yourself, you can't really do it. Years ago, I learned to skydive, and I was totally fine jumping out of a plane. So long as I had instructor holding on to me, the minute he would let go, I would black out. Right. And, and so of course yet to come back and like pull the cord. So so I got to do it again. Right. And I never got the hang of it. This is 20 years ago now. And so I did 29 jumps. And I could only ever do it while I was connected to somebody. And the minute somebody else was gone, this merging pattern kicked in, or actually I left my body, right. So no one they're out. And I left and I blacked out. Right. Which makes sense. If you're falling through the air 180 miles an hour, probably not a good idea to do actually. Now thinking about it. Alright, so the next pattern some people do is to become incredibly stubborn. And they're like, I'm not moving. Right? We all got a bit of this kind of two year old three year old temper tantrum, stubborn, compliant your feet in the ground, I'm not going to move. Now what happens if you're trying to get your outcome to your goals, and a young part of you is doing this strategy. And it's not even a young pipe. It's because if you think about this, these kind of neural programmes are kind of running. And when they're triggered, they override our, you know, neocortex and our thinking brain. Right. So think about if your that seems familiar to you. Next one is the aggressive pattern when people get scared they can attack. Years ago, I worked for an ace an oil company and as a very gruff, Scottish CEO, and he would come and bark at me and go, What are you doing? And why, you know, why are you doing what are they doing what was happening? Because someone's acting, in a way didn't understand. And one day he came over. And I remember this piece of information, which is that if someone has the aggressive pattern, and you leave your body, they get frightened, and they get even more aggressive. And if you can stay really centred and grounded with somebody who's aggressive but not violent, they will kind of calm down if they're just freaking out because they're scared. Right? Then you can stay present. And what I saw this guy, George, is that I say, absolute president, and I said, I'm not sure George but but we'll figure it out. There's a few things come over here. He was over, he was on the other side of the screen. And I said, just come over here and I'll show you a couple of things. But I literally saw the steam coming out of his ears and the kinds of energy settling down as he kind of thought, Oh, someone here is grounded. Right? And so he started to get calm, and the other is rigid. Some people they will try and hide by pretending they don't exist, you know, they'll, they'll kind of kind of not move a lot and get less animated in their bodies. Alright, so the antidote to these, which we'll come to, but we're not quite going to do it like this. The way Steven Kessler does it is is practice to practice getting your core stable your ground, the edge of your aura or your edge of your space, and then fill your space with your own energy and then really know what's you and not you and I'll come tonight in terms of energies, we might do a bit more subtle, energetic stuff today. All right. So who here by listening to that could identify their their primary and secondary pattern? Sounds familiar? Yes. Anyone who couldn't know? Okay. All right. Now, if you couldn't, that's okay. Because what we're going to do You're almost doesn't need conscious, fully conscious recognition. Now that's a leap of faith. I won't ask you to have a leap of faith forever, but just long enough to do the exercise to see if anything happens. How about that? Does that? Does that work? Yeah. Okay, cool. All right. So I'm gonna show you a pose that comes from looks like this. And it comes from a woman called Taphouse. Fleming. And she developed it. It's called the TA T pose, Tablas acupressure technique. So here's what we're doing with this work, right. The way I like to think of this is that most people when they find these techniques, they apply them to the problems they have, right? But the problem is that if you've got something else generating those problems, problems are endless, right? And you can get, you know, if that system still running, where you want to leave the situation or merge with somebody or hunker down. And it'll just keep generating endless problems for you in your life. And they're all just examples. And if you're lucky, you'll resolve one of those and then it backwards resolves the issue that you have, but not necessarily, right? So in a way, what we're doing is rather than go okay, let's look at a problem you have and how do you fix it? So I'm gonna start saying, You're gonna go and do some sports. Let's work on general fitness to begin with. So I said this in the first session, you can think of physical fitness is how quickly does your heart come back to resting heart rate? You can think of emotional fitness is when you're freaking out. How quickly do you come back to centred and balanced and grounded, you can think of energetic fitness, as if you feel knocked, you know, knocked off or, like out of sorts, or those kinds of things, how quickly do you return to feeling comfortable and balanced in your own energy. And if you want to go further, you can think of spiritual fitness as remembering your I Am, which is there your whole life you've been you, no one can ever take that away from you. Your thoughts have changed, your feelings change, your ideas have changed, your status change, your emotions have change. But you've even your body, you know, even your height and everything else is changing, relationships change and bounce straight. But you've always been you your entire life. And when when that clicks in that recognition, that not the idea of you, but that you are you L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] then something changes quite profoundly. Because now you are not your relationships, you can have your relationships, you're not your identity, you can evolve your identity, your personality. So much more becomes kind of loosened up and free. And I'll tell you a story about applying my head a little bit later. Alright, so let's do this practice. See what happens. Before we start just right, from zero to 10. How much right now it feels like you can get that outcome that you want. And you can do it one of two ways, either how much you can get that outcome you want. So 10 Being Yes, of course can very easy. Zero is no way. It's not possible. It's not possible. For me, I don't know how all of these kinds of things. Or tell you what let's do it like this, when you didn't measure yet. Let's do like this, this measure the resistance that's in the way of getting to be able to fully embody the state Unknown Speaker 38:35 of that outcome. Anand Rao 38:41 So 7883 Yeah, so measuring the resistance 762545. Excellent, two, okay. One more person coming in. Okay, so, the one hand on the back of your head, like this occipital lobe, put your thumb and ring finger on either side of the nose. And then the middle finger goes in the centre of the forehead. So, hands on the back of the head, thumb and ring finger on the bridge of the nose, and the middle finger in the centre of the forehead. And then take a breath in through the nose out through the mouth. And just listen to the statements and intend that some part of you knows how to do this. All of the origins of feeling fearful or scared Unknown Speaker 39:41 that Anand Rao 39:42 persuade you to attempt to leave, avoid, distract, can heal, release and resolve now. Take a breath in through the nose out through the mouth. All of the reasons that conditioning the programming that persuaded you that the only solution was to leave a situation or not address it can heal, release and resolve now we'll give you a break countable, I won't do all five in one go. Okay, all of the origins of wanting to cling to somebody else for safety being absolutely certain that that was the only way you can release and be replaced by your own knowledge in your own safety of your own being Unknown Speaker 40:47 now Anand Rao 41:00 all of the conditioning or programming that tells you that you couldn't be safe in yourself and has been keeping you from your full resources as a human being can release, Unknown Speaker 41:16 dissipate, dissolve, Anand Rao 41:19 and drop away fall away. And we'll have a little break. So relax your hands. Just we'll go back into it. Just relax your arms because it can be a bit tiring. And breathe in through your nose out through your mouth, long out breath relaxing all your muscles and releasing any old energies that you don't need Unknown Speaker 41:47 any longer. Anand Rao 42:01 Pain and then we'll get back into the pose all of the origins of aspects of yourself that have been stubborn, got in the way that you've got grumpy with because they haven't moved or shifted. Find your compassion, kindness, generosity and ease to understand and just for this moment, allow Unknown Speaker 42:37 L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] that aspect to you. Anand Rao 42:42 Habits tantrum it's scared without pushing without forcing, only reassuring an aspect of you that thinks the only solution to fear is to block to try and stop things to try and block things for safety, safety to try and keep things the same. Introduce the creativity, the knowledge the wisdom that you have as a fully grown human being that there are so many other ways while keeping those aspects of you safe. You know you won't let yourself go into danger. So that aspect of you can feel reassured and trust you now. Notice that you can relax and release stubbornness and replace that with centred grounded clarity. It does not mean giving up your power you can reclaim your power by releasing the stubbornness of having to stand against opposition in the world. Unknown Speaker 44:08 Deep breath Anand Rao 44:15 one more all of the temptations to get angry aggressive attack first. While you attend to that notice the part of you behind it that scared one's grounding, stability and draw on that from your very being. That's 100% reliable at all Unknown Speaker 44:39 times. Anand Rao 44:41 Find your stability in your beingness and your ground Okay, relax your hand for a minute. Stretch it out. We go move it around, you go through that process for a second Unknown Speaker 45:18 okay, Anand Rao 45:19 we'll do the last one with a little bit of that one to go. And then the last one to handle the back of their head, on the ring finger on either side of the nose, middle finger in the middle of the forehead. All the times you get offended. Aggressive, because something isn't how it should be. See if you can see that behind that there's often this hurt, when things aren't going your way, and just breathe and see if you can release that soothing. We can hold and support our own emotions. We don't need to lash out or attack the world. And actually, we're then even more capable of moving forward in the ways that you want. And then the fifth one, anytime is you're tempted to pretend like I'll just not be here when you go reaches or you inhibit your behaviour to keep you safe. One of the origins of any younger times, and that was your strategy can be replaced by your adult wisdom of knowing that you know how to hold and handle social social situations. You got decades of practice and as you release that inhibition, you can start to feel light and free. Done they talked about unified thought speech and action. Your behaviours can be liberated, loosened and free, your actions can be loosened and free. You're free to move and free to hunt. When you're ready, just relax your hands gently. Have a nice deep breath. You might want to stand up and just shake it out a little bit. Unknown Speaker 47:58 Okay Anand Rao 48:05 okay, here's here's an important part of this that I think often gets missed. I want you to just close your eyes for a second and tune in to the new state that you're in, and the shifting and moving of energies. And let that wisdom that change, inform more and more of the rest of you that needs to know about this shift and change having happened. Often we go through a change and then because we haven't changed the start of it, we end up repeating old programmes. Give yourself permission to release some old programmes and conditioning now. Don't be too surprised if problems strip away. Challenges drop away. Part of this work is to make these changes as a practice and then find out what happens in 2448 72 hours. Following select these changes report forwards and backwards in time and stay well. And then gently letting everyone you know and an unconscious level and energetic level that you've made some changes. And you might L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] see them at their soul level or energy level. It's an imagination. You can do it as a psychological level because we have maps of others. And if we believe they don't believe we can change them we're keeping ourselves stuck. Whereas if we see them seeing us differently, then we can change more easily. And let this change ripple through to all of the network of all the connections, because ultimately consciousness is one interconnected field of fluid Interaction and Creativity patterns colliding and creating and disappearing Unknown Speaker 50:19 see of play Lila as the Hindus call it. Anand Rao 50:26 And then with that in mind, just gently open your eyes, we're going to fingers and toes. And now from here, think about where you're out with the outcome that you're looking for. So you don't you don't want to jump to it, you want to look at it through this lens you almost want to bring it up and see how it transforms from this new physiology and this new energy and then tune in and see how much is that how much more ease and flow Do you feel towards getting that outcome embodying it being and then just put in the chat whatever number you put in before but the previous number and then what it's gone to now 321221 Since three now 1221262 and eight so we'll talk about that when things go up a little bit at five central time now just tune in again and tune into your how you're how you're being now how it feels we want to measure on a few different other axes other than just the door Am I getting my outcome or not get a sense of where you are with your centeredness. And if emotions come up, let them flow because most of the world is trying to look for positive feelings versus negative feelings, but it's kind of interesting that actually the suffering is really caused by stuckness is and if you move into flow even if you're sad if you're not fighting it, you can be like a poignant sadness or poetic sadness sometimes it's appropriate to be sad if we're grieving we're not fighting our emotions or resisting them we tend to flow through Yeah, so if you do get emotional feet on the floor this ground and think we did this last time if you just do this a few times there you go. And now so that was centering now then tune in how do you feel about grounding how grounded you feel and then tune in and what's happened at the level of safety you can measure another axis How much do you feel you are just yourself not being pulled or pushed around anymore just looking for small changes because small changes over a few days can lead to dramatic results and then how do you feel about your sense of presence? Unknown Speaker 54:43 Okay Anand Rao 54:48 and then let's just do it. pop concert. So one of the by the way, one of the reasons I do it kind of from the front and put it in the chat is so that the recording can be used, you know, without, for people's anonymity. But because this is an open programme, if if you if you just know that if you share, don't share anything that you don't want people to know, what will be shared, there's private programmes, with smaller groups and things, this is going to be like a while it's free as well. It's gonna be a big open programme. So. So just know that, but it'd be nice to hear a few voices. And just, you know, what did you notice we're looking for these more subtle changes of ways of being, because these are the shifts that most of us, it's the water we're swimming in, right. And when these kinds of things shift, all of the other problems or problem creations that were found built on, these things start to shift and change. And this is not kind of theory, I've been coaching a training programme of quite a lot of people notice, but I trained in a programme where I coach coaches, and so they're building their online businesses, and they come up with challenge internal challenges and concerns and fears and worries and the rest of it. And we get predictable changes over time. And there's a few here, actually. And it's not just the outcomes. That's important. Because once the practice and the tools are in your hand, is one of the goals and certainly my goals in in my other programmes is for you to be free of me that you don't need me anymore. You've got enough of the foundations, you've got enough of the the background, and you've got the practices, and they're in your own hands. That's kind of that's where I come from, because there's more than enough people that don't need this stuff. So there'll be honest, Gloria. I need to ask you to unmute again, once, it just just can I just say a format thing. So I plan to go for about another half an hour with another, another process, I'm not sure which one will do. And there'll be there on the recording. So if you want to go through them again, that there. And then we'll have a short break. And then I'll be back for half an hour. And I'll do laser coaching and questions and answers. So if you've got anything that you want some direct help with happy to do that. GLORIA L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Unknown Speaker 57:21 So what was your question again? Anand Rao 57:25 What did you notice on a more subtle level in terms of groundedness presence, safety, solidarity, being more yourself on that level? Unknown Speaker 57:35 So for a while, now, I've been like really not feeling centred and feeling very unstable with the economy. I've been watching, like, stuck, like dropped, you know, just being really uncomfortable. Financially, I have two kids, I'm going to be putting in comp. So just all this stress, like, like, what am I going to do? So that's why I have this fear of like having that lack of money that's just going in my head. But after doing this, and grounding, I felt calm, that I felt centred again in me. And like, when you were saying, just remember, when you're an adult, you can do this. And I was like, oh, yeah, I can do this, I could do that. Or I could do that. But I've been so in my head is so fearful, because if you watch any of the news, it's just really intense, right? And, um, and I just felt like after it like, calm, centred, and capable, and it was really nice. So thank you, I really needed that. Hey, welcome. Anand Rao 58:35 brings up an important point, which is I don't really think of this as healing, or coaching or therapy or any of those things. I think of it as training like as education, a skill. Right? So when when we first learned to drive, it's clumsy, it's awkward. It's weird. It's strange. But if you think about driving and your attitude to it, it's, oh, it's a skill I can learn to drive. I go and have some lessons and then I know how to do it, and I get better at it. And then I have unconscious competence. So it's, I think that's a healthier way to think of it. And the other healthy way to think of it is play by exploration and interest in play. So thank you how was that for people to do that process silence Joe, and then Leon T. I'd love to get her to say your name probably. Joe. It's not them. Oh, that's me. Let's figure it out there. Yeah. Hello. Hello. I'm feel like I have melted into I'm both grounded and melted at the same time, it feels very delicious. Thank you very much. Thank you. So. So, initially, what can happen is you go, Well, what's that going to do? Right? Can my problems are still there, right? But here's the here's the odd thing, right? There's a first step is that when we shift into these kinds of states, new thoughts become possible, literally added a new physiology and a new consciousness, new thoughts. Also, just feeling more stable and grounded, allows us to handle our life and our world much better. There's another odd component, which is then other people start responding to us differently, we start taking actions we wouldn't have otherwise taken, because the world is filled with opportunity, right? Because we we've created a stable self, that isn't at the whims of the uncertainty of the world. And the ambiguities in the world, we're building a different relationship to form the form of existence. So if you want to take it to Buddhism, this world is impermanent, as Ken Wilber, with puts it forms turn up, they present, they talk to you a little bit, and then they leave. So attaching to anything impermanent, right? causes problems. Now, most people think that if you let go of your attachment to something that you will lose that thing, right? That's, that's a misunderstanding that we were never taught growing up. And actually, paradox is when you actually have the ability to let go of something, or not gripping onto it, it creates more freedom in you. And there are many things that actually, paradoxically, come to us when we let go. You can think of think about the law of attraction type of idea where in order to become in order to resonate at the same frequency or the same pattern, there's something in the world that you want. If you're clinging, right, then you can't you can't ever get there. Right? You're literally keeping yourself away from it by clinging, you're keeping yourself in a different state than the resonant state with the outcome that you're looking for. becoming one with because eventually, there's a realisation. There's no outside, there's no out there, there. So but we'll get there if we if we do more stuff. So the the bridge from changing your state to doing new behaviours, new actions and new responses, you can do it like this. If you if you ask if you're saying question in your mind, like, Yeah, but how is this practically going to work? Right? Well, I'm like, how is this going to work for me? Then you think about the actions you would need to take to get to the kinds of outcomes that you want, including? I don't know what that is, because that has a physiological component. And you use these processes on that. Right? And what tends to happen fairly quickly, is that because we are one energetic system with existence, that we're in a new game, and therefore some problems fall away, new choices become possible. Weird things happen, like people show up with money, and relationships. But we'll take that one for checking. But it's happened enough times now that it's kind of predictable. And I see your name, Lee on. Mute some? I know what I'll do. Hang on. I can unmute everyone. We just had it muted to the beginning, I think. allow participants to unmute themselves. There we go. Yes, I do. I say Leontine counting? L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Unknown Speaker 1:04:02 Yes. So thank you very much. I guess I should put my hand down. Anand Rao 1:04:10 Maybe you have to do it. Unknown Speaker 1:04:14 You know, I experienced trauma many, many years ago that I feel like I'm still working through and throughout the halls. Like my whole these many years. I'm a creative, I'm an actor. I have found myself stuck. And in the chat earlier I was saying what I'm going after is that I'm still trying to reclaim my voice. And in this in what we just did, I felt empowered, but at the same time quite emotional. And also, um, I got nauseous which was I and you mentioned that earlier about you can feel a physical reaction I actually did and I'm Um, you know, I think this is all great. I just feel like it's more of me going like trying to figure it out and centre and saying, Yes, I, I am Leontine I belong here, I need to reclaim parts of myself that was that someone tried to stifle. And I know it's going to you know, this is recorded and that's all I'm going. That's all I'm saying. But I just wanted to mention that it's interesting to me that I feel an empowerment, but I also feel quite emotional. Anand Rao 1:05:32 Yeah. So for the emotions, the first thing is feet on the ground and breathe. And you can do that, hey, learning process, right? Just sue that. Because here's the weird thing about human beings is that we can, we can want to overcome something that's happened to us. Right? And it's almost it can be weird that sometimes that part of us doesn't believe we'll ever get there. But it's quite happy endlessly trying to get there. And when a shift actually happens, it's almost like I now in what would happen in a world I wouldn't know. Right? And so sometimes the the, the grief is letting go of all of the years of all of the struggle. And so what I would suggest is drink lots of water after this, move your body, right? Because these kinds of processes, it's almost like you can't even if anyone's ever tried to lose weight, you know that what they tell you, which is don't weigh yourself every day. Right? Because weight goes up and down, it fluctuates, right? And you want to look at a slightly longer arc, right? So with these kinds of methods and processes, it's worth, even if it's just like, a month, like for three to three weeks, let's say, alright, it's like doing them over a period of time and letting go of the idea of the outcome. Just don't worry about the outcome too much. Just, you know, hold the pose, do that process. Don't even think about what it's doing and find out in a couple of weeks. Because what you know, is physiological shifts are happening, right? Right. So the problem with the western world is we try and use our head for everything. And it's very useful, that for these kinds of changes, going straight to the body is Unknown Speaker 1:07:28 very effective. Cool. Anand Rao 1:07:31 Thank you. Lovely to meet you, Nancy. Unknown Speaker 1:07:36 Hi, Nan, thank you for my cookie last week, because it did show up in in my life and my relationship with my husband, and it's been. So thank you for that. And I just had a really, Anand Rao 1:07:49 you guys will know what you mean, when you see the recording. Unknown Speaker 1:07:54 I had a very interesting experience today where I was in a group interview process for a company to run their sales department for a coaching company. And as I was in the middle of the interview, I'm like, I don't want to do this. And I just said, I said, You know what, I don't want to do this. And I said, but what I do want to do is this other thing. And it was a whole business plan that I laid out in like, two minutes, that something I've been thinking about, but I don't have the resources to do. And it was just like that's it like so if you're interested call me. But it was just such a freeing moment to finally realise, like, I've been trying to stick myself in this like, I'm just a coach or I'm a this or I'm a that. But L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] really I'm a strategist and I see things that other people don't see. And if I released having to one it look away, and it's like even if I don't fulfil this idea, it's it is an idea that will help sexually abused women and give them away to in third world countries to provide for themselves. Even if I'm not the one who brings it to fruition. It was on my heart. And now it's out there and somebody else can run with it. Beautiful. And just like not being attached to stuff anymore. I've always held so tightly. So thank you. I appreciate you very much. Anand Rao 1:09:21 Thank you. You're very welcome. So, you know, Nancy, been in other programme has been in other programmes. And it just demonstrates if you do and it's not so it's not me if you use these processes and these kinds of mindsets, it works. It just just does. And you don't need to believe anyone it's in your own experience and your own evidence. Because I don't want followers it's crazy, crazy world to want people following me around. I want people to be free and happy and you know enjoying themselves and and what you just said heard there. That's a clue. Those moments of spontaneous, it's like I just had the whole thing in one go. You hear this with creative people, right? I had the whole thing in one go. And I just laid it all out. And it was like it just came to me. These are the kinds of experiences that we're kind of moving towards as buttons, you unblock and clear some of the star. This is what happens more and more. Is anyone feeling a little bit like? Not me? This is not, it's not working? Why aren't I getting what I want? Okay, good. I've done Daniel, I tell you what, we'll do q&a. So I'll do this piece, and then we'll have a little break. And then in q&a, we can have actual kind of little bit of coaching sessions or little race coaching stuff. Yeah. That sounds good. Okay. All right. So if I, if I was to summarise basically the, the the love and money, this approach, right, because it's kind of is still evolving, is a sort of Taoist effortless effort, right, which is coming more and more into harmony with your own energy. So there is this idea that most people are not living from their own energy. And something in them intuits that and knows that. And so you're constantly like just heard, push, pulling, trying to fit in to somebody else's conditions, right. And initially, if there are so many of them, it can feel like, Well, where am I, where's the room for me. However, as that starts to clear up, and you start to live more and more from your own energy, what you tend to find is, is really strange, that you have less and less control. But you also need less and less control. And more and more just seems to just work out. And wondering if I should play you, maybe I'll do on Thursday, I'll queue up, I worked with a client, and she had issues around eating and also controlling her schedule. And she did. And I've worked with her as a one to one client, the exact kinds of processes that we're doing here now. And all of the missing gaps of her development got filled in, right, and she was diligent about it. Eating Disorder was, which is quite severe. I don't like that phrase. But anyway, it was bulimia for and you know, she spent a year looking online, and it made it worse and worse. And she thought this is something I'm gonna have to suffer with for decades, because that's what they tell you. And she had to kind of control and have a schedule and know what was happening. And a complete system shift from doing some of this foundational work, not at the level of mine, not at the level of beliefs. But these kinds of foundations. Now, the challenge with conventional therapy, or conventional trauma resolution, is they tend to bring these things up, and there is a danger of retraumatization. The because they kind of they start with the problem, right? Rather than start with your normal state, right and go, How can I go from here to more freedom. So that makes sense. Right? And then you're very unlikely emotions might come up, but you're very unlikely to bring up serious trauma. If you do have serious trauma groups, public groups like this is probably not the place for it. And then the advice is to seek out to a qualified individual to help him in that these these programmes this kind of work is for people who are pretty normally organised, have the same the regular set of problems and challenges and issues that we all have. That's what these public trainings. Okay, so I wanted to give you another meditation that who here is okay with things that are a little bit more esoteric and a little bit wacky? Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. So this is called the Seven planes meditation. My masters stopped working when you have a Mac Studio, which is a box, there's actually nothing to press that once you lose the connection, right to me a second. I'll tell you what, why don't we take a five minute break now? Then we'll do that and we'll go straight into q&a about that. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:14:59 So to be back at Anand Rao 1:15:08 16 minutes past 17 minutes past Unknown Speaker 1:20:39 Okay, welcome back L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Anand Rao 1:20:54 Alright, so within the if you think about the, the physiology of the freeze response or the flight flight response. So we're in a, we're in a situation, listen. So this is very primary in our nervous systems, which is when we want to either fight or run away, my blood leaves our thinking brain, our neocortex comes into our body, so we can run away. Therefore, our decisions get poor, our choices our executive function gets is impaired. So the more we recenter and calm our bodies, the choices we make in life, the more options we perceive more opportunities we see. But there's a there's an odd thing that happens with the freeze response right? Now, the first thing you need to know is that just because our conscious minds represent back to us what we think so most of us think we're thinking, that isn't necessarily the whole story of all of the different ways that we make meaning. So you know, this phrase, you know, a part of me wants this, that part of me wants that, right. So, aspects of us in any moment in time in history that have got set up with a certain purpose in a certain outcome or kind of running like an app that's running in the background, taking up system resources. And then there might be another one running and then another one running, we want, what we want to do is we want to start to close down some of these windows that are running in the background that we don't need until we need them or if we need. And the thing about the freeze response specifically, is there's that there's a narrative that goes with it, which is implicit. A story, basically, it goes with it, which is, if I move I'll get in. Right? So how many people have been in a situation where they think, you know, whichever way I go, this is hopeless, right? And human beings are smart, right? We don't do stuff. We don't go, Oh, that's really futile. Let me at it, I want to have a go, right? We tend to avoid things that we perceive to not be possible. And if that's happening at some level of consciousness, then we make up narratives like, oh, I'll just watch one more episode of Netflix, and I'll do it afterwards, you know, that kind of thing. So Unknown Speaker 1:23:22 I just want to, Anand Rao 1:23:23 and then we're going to do a process to release some of this stuff, right? Just to let you know. So. Right, so we heard someone talk about releasing stuck points. So at some point, you start to realise that events are just events, things that are happening, right? In the world, whatever the world actually is, right? So two people can be at a party one goes, our mate was an amazing party. It's incredible. The other one says it was awful. I had a horrible time, right? So the event is just the event, but we label it. Right. So that was a bad event or a good event. Right? Now, already, what that what's that what that's done is it's created a secondary response to the event itself. Right. And in terms of systems, dynamic systems, the minute we start adding, like meanings, on top of meanings on top of meanings, these things can start to get stable. It's almost like we want to strip away these things. And go the event was just the event. It happened, right. So the hardest ones to deal with human beings, where there's injustice, betrayal, things that shouldn't have happened, right? Especially with parents, because children expect their parents to be ideals, and of course they're not. Right. So when it comes to releasing your stock places, there's meanings the decisions and conclusions that we add to the original event, and often that causes much more suffering the meaning that we added than the actual event itself. So someone might, you know, be 16 and broke up with the love of their life. And they might make a meaning I'll never find anyone ever again. Or I'll never be happy again, you know, those kinds of meanings, the actual meaning that's made is actually way worse in terms of shaping behaviour than the actual event itself. Other common ones, I can't do this on them be able to do this, I don't deserve this. They won't like me if I do this. Okay. The world God people doesn't doesn't like me. None of these things are actually absolutely true in any sense. But if we get a physiological response to them, we act as if they are true. Right? So you start to understand where, where relative truth comes from? Why we believe things, the our human beings are set up basically to believe that intensity equals truth. Right, so the more intense something is, the more likely we are to think that it's meaningful. And important, because it's a very good strategy if you're running away from a tiger. Right? So whenever this is running, it shows up as blocks and resistances. And we just don't engage with things that are futile. Right? So today, we're kind of going between with, I'm trying to want to go over these three sessions, kind of major components of, if you deal with them and address them, the whole relationship to love and money and your life and flow and existence becomes so much easier, right? So I'm trying to get that into these three sessions, enough that you can kind of see, okay, there's a range of areas, I can figure out which one, I could hope, the highest leverage for yourself in that area. Right. So here's a list of limiting beliefs, I'll put them up there. So later on, it's not possible, it's not possible for me, it's too difficult. Years ago, I had a juicer masticating juicer. And every time I would use some fruit, I'd put it on the side thinking it takes like three or four minutes to to, to, to clean, I'll do it later. Then one day I measured it, and it took 23 seconds to clean it. And when I realised that what I was measuring was not L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] how difficult it was, but how, how difficult it actually was how difficult I felt it would be. Right. And this is if you look around your life, and consider that you could be very wrong about how difficult things are. Because a lot of it is what we're bringing, rather than how difficult something actually is. So I can't have what I want we talked about earlier, never get what I want. I can't imagine getting what I want. So sometimes people can get very emotional when they've wanted something for many years. And when they when they're on the verge of getting it, they can get incredibly emotional, right, very disrupted, because they're rearranging the meaning of 20 years of something having happened. I was at a phobia cure I used to insist on which banned the point McKenna's trainings. And there was a guy, we did a phobia weekend and a guy came in and he had a fear of flying for, I think, 10 years or 1015 years. And the rest of his life was fine. But he was on a plane once and it shook and his nervous system and just learned it. And so because it wasn't connected to the rest of his life, it was pretty much an isolated kind of meaning making. He was gone by the break in the first morning. And he was absolutely furious that he hadn't found this method and process 15 years ago. And sometimes people are so unwilling to feel that fury, because they know they wouldn't be furious that they keep the problem, they make a choice. Right. And of course not this is not operating consciously. But the more we use these tools to reduce the charge on the emotions coming up havening EFT T at the it's kind of a bypass for these kinds of systems. stuckness is basically Alright, so and then we talked, we're going to kind of go a little bit into this as Barbara Brennan's work on the structure of the energy system. All right, so the question then is, how do you release these things? Right? How do you let go of stuck places that someone mentioned feeling stuck? And the game is this is that every time something gets triggered, a state gets triggered? It contains within it the story that says you can't get rid of it. Right? Or there's nothing you can do, or you can't change this or this is hopeless, or there's no point you know, all of those kinds of things. And what we tend to do if when we don't fall completely into it as we fight with it, we you know, we go to personal development trainings and try and change things and shift things and and feel stuck for sometimes decades right now The The trick is that in order to be able to release these things, you need to be able to access a state of physiology that is sufficiently different from the one that's coming up. So as it's coming up, if it takes over your body, in your mind, you're lost. So there's two ways a couple of ways to do that. There's many ways to do that. But a couple of ways. That classic from trauma resolution, one is called titration, which is you bring up a very tiny bit of it, and let's just do it, right. So if you close your eyes for a second, get centred, which was what we've been practising today. And then think about something where you get a negative kind of body response, emotional feeling. And then rather than bringing it out completely, bring it out over there somewhere, maybe 510 feet in front of you, and then take a tiny piece of it. So that the effect of it, you can either make it very small, or you can take a tiny piece of it. So the effects of it, you can digest it within the current stable state that you're in right now. Take a little nibble, and process that. And the trick to this is to take the smallest smallest amount. And then when you've digested or process that bit, and it hasn't disrupted the current state you're in which is stable centred, grounded, take another little piece. And it's not linear, because what's happening is your learning pattern. So even if you turn it take a tiny, tiny bit in the beginning, you take a little bit more you kind of quote unquote, get the hang of processing as I said, before, you're learning a skill, which is I can be with it, I know how to be with a difficult emotion, without it taking me over with it, while you keep your sovereignty and you have a relationship to the experience. Rather than becoming the experience. Unknown Speaker 1:32:23 This is stage development Unknown Speaker 1:32:26 can take another little tiny piece. Anand Rao 1:32:28 Some people might find that when you've taken three little nibbles, the whole lot just kind of drops away, you might not even have to do all of it and then we'll we'll move straight from there into what's called pendulum eating, which is feel that feeling a tiny bit. And now I want you to open your eyes completely, come back to the present moment, feel that you're here to sit clean, hands on your body, check your hair, look around in the present moment. Right? literally moved, look, look to the left, look to the right. Unknown Speaker 1:33:17 Take a breath. Anand Rao 1:33:20 L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Okay, notice that changes your state a little bit and then close your eyes again, and then pick up a tiny little piece of sculpture undulating, you go between the thing that when you think about arises, shows up, then you come completely back to the present. And you move between those two. This is the realisation that this thing is not happening now. Right it's literally our waking up process of going oh my god, I didn't realise I have complete control over how much I bring this up or don't bring this up that's enough and then open your eyes. Look at the four corners of the wall in front of you imagine the Four Corners behind you for your feet on the floor. Move your muscles so you can feel that proprioception in this moment and notice what's happening Okay, so there's a couple of methods on it. I want to rap in the next 510 minutes or so. So let's just do this process this is a completely different way of doing the same thing which is we're going to move into states of consciousness that make it so much easier to release let go on furl these knots are these tangles right so when we Jung mentioned this last time, we were in theta states and theta, alpha states of consciousness, which is slow brainwave states. And so as we move back into those states, we gain the capacity to re access and repattern and release some of those old structures. We don't need to consciously know what they are. There's a part of our system that knows how to do this. So I like to tell people that no model is reality. Well, you're good. Just checking. All in one piece. Yes, okay. All right. So many people have tried to map reality. And I believe you can't map reality, because it's a map. Right. So you're always left with a map, not reality itself. But the theosophist, in the old set in the last century, reckoned that the physic you've got the physical world, then you've got the etheric, which is your kind of energy system, like in the Indian prana, and Chi in Chinese systems, you've got your aura, your chakra chakras, your meridians, and that kind of thing, you've got your emotional body, then you've got your thoughts, and what's called a causal plane, which is this kind of stillness, you know, when we're just resting in kind of beingness, and that is the top of the independent, separate self, essentially, right, and we'll find out what happens treat this as an experiment. And then we move into what's called the Buddhic plane, which is we go beyond the separate self into this vast interconnectedness. This presents this loving field, and then we won't go too much higher than that bit into the app make plane. No, we may just send a bit, here's what happens. That, if you're when you're in these kinds of states of consciousness, it becomes so much easier to release the old astral, emotional energies. Because imagine trying to move a rug while you're standing on it, it's really difficult. You have to kind of step off the rug in order to move, right. So it's a bit like that. It's like we're stepping off these normal emotional states of consciousness into a different state. And from there, we'll be able to kind of clarify, release, clear some of these emotions. That's the theory. In all of these classes, it all has to be tested in your own experience. That's why I have lots of different models, because some work for some people, if you go back and you see session one, it's not easy to Tarik lightness at all, it's much more psychological. There, there are some esoteric components to it, right, it's kind of useful to be able to come at things from different angles of all ways human beings, kind of mapped existence, because then you find the ones that work for you. Alright, so I will leave it on the screen, in case you want to peek and open your eyes. But here's what we're going to do. So the seven planes, and each of those planes is split up into seven sub planes. And they go from seven at the bottom to one at the top. So there is no need to understand what this is. Right? I'll give you some words. And what we're going to do is we're going to start in the ordinary emotions, everyone is in their ordinary emotions right now. And I'm going to step you up through the emotional body, you'll notice a shift. Even now if you think about your emotions, you feel different than if you think about your thoughts right into the causal plane, I'll explain that for you. We'll move into this Buddhic plane of kind of group consciousness. And you will experience what you experience you can't be wrong about your subjective experience. And from here, I'll give you some instructions to release from the emotional body. Now, it's not really coming from me. So anything in your own system that you want to do that is takes priority. Basically. All good. Let me just check. Well, good. Yeah, it's kind of fun bit floaty, often. But your experience is your experience. Okay to close your eyes, and notice your ordinary, everyday emotions. And just just for this moment, just be with them. Just be present with your ordinary everyday emotions. If you don't like them, just for this moment, relax and see if you can be fascinated by the fact that you can even create emotions. on that level, you're more evolved. I like to say more evolved in a chair, a child, you know, chairs probably jealous because a chair can't have emotion. That's a bit of a contradiction. So just tune into your ordinary everyday emotion. Give them space and let them be and we'll call this the fourth sub plane of the astral and you might think in terms of frequency, you can think in terms of density so things are getting higher frequency or rarer, less dense. So moving to the third sub plane of the astral emotions that are a little bit less dense more fluid more flowing more pleasing and the second sub plane of the astral if you're one that's okay and the first sub plane as the astral, your freest lightest easiest emotions, emotions move freely and easily fluidly. In the seven sub plane of the mental can intensest thoughts notice them don't get engaged with them and go the six sub plane of mental moving into easier thoughts might have thoughts for your thoughts fifth sub plane in the mentor more creative thoughts when you're firing on all cylinders and your mental faculties faculties are working great and then the fourth sub plane of the mentor moving up even though the numbers go down to the Nobel Prize meaning thoughts the most creative genius L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] thoughts you've ever had notice that has a feeling associated with them and then moving up now you're might have already noticed that you're starting to become a lot more present or still. So the third sub plane of the causal and it's if there's lots still going on, notice the background in which it's all happening and the second sub plane as the causal tend to your stillness, your beingness your state shift and change and adjust to match these frequencies first supplying the cause Unknown Speaker 1:43:06 might be called your soul Anand Rao 1:43:15 and just first moment letting go holding on to the separate self. Some people feel they're coming out of the top of their head other people just expand into the seventh sub plane of the Buddhic it's purely subjective notice what's happening spaciousness. Just notice whatever is happening is okay six sub plane as a Berdych attending to some people might call it a spacious loving presence you might think of your core radiance Unknown Speaker 1:44:12 your heart opened Anand Rao 1:44:22 my fourth son playing in the Buddhic many people and kind of move to a level of humanity all of the love that holds easily holds all of the suffering. The love is even greater than that. Compassion kindness generosity. Third supplying the Burdick will rest here this as well. We'll Unknown Speaker 1:45:01 stand Anand Rao 1:45:07 giving yourself permission if you want to move into your more natural and divine nature and from here it's a very gentle intention without any will of force or pushing to see any tangles or knots of emotions to unfurl any loops to unwind especially other people's energies to drop away when you've been fighting with others energy in your space, you can just send that energy back to them and it goes so you can breathe more and add more space for your own emotions the full range appropriate to the experiences you're having releasing old stuckness is loosening up softening up relaxing into allowing all your emotions the day you realise that you make all of them they're yours and we stopped fighting with them getting annoying healings flowing feel great and from here we'll do a clearing just notice the emotions and the relationship you have to money and as soon as I said that word Breathe, relax release don't let it contract your body. So you can process those reactions and emotions the charge on them flow through and release and you can enter a new relationship and money Unknown Speaker 1:47:47 with more flow more ease now let go of the How Anand Rao 1:48:02 will be important but not for this process right now see if you can relax with money so only Association's meanings you can stay neutral and centred and grounded and balanced in the presence of money and then releasing any old hurts Unknown Speaker 1:48:57 my area of love Anand Rao 1:49:01 don't have to do all right now just whatever is ready to let go. Things that drop easily lead to a pattern of being able to drop other things more easily later on and if you want to part of your mind can take over doing that for you tonight as you sleep and dream and over the next few nights for now. Moving back down to the fourth sub plane the Buddhic just track it just notice the change the fifth sub plane or the bunich learning how to navigate consciousness subjective consciousness whether it's real or not. in an absolute sense six plane in the booty seven sub plane the booty now rolling L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] axing back into the separate self, no resistance. This is when you become more and more at one and in harmony with yourself and relaxing into acceptance of who you are at a soul level and the journey that you've chosen. Even if you don't fully understand the third sub plane in the causal bringing all this kind of intuitive wisdom of these other states into the fourth sub plane or the mental, fifth sub plane, the mental feeling that returning now six sub plane on the mental learning what shifts and changes and seven sub plane the mental back into the emotional first sub plane of the astral second sub plan the astral and then coming back to your ordinary human emotions, but now your emotions. Unknown Speaker 1:51:20 then very gently open your eyes Anand Rao 1:51:28 wiggle your fingers and toes, your yawn stretch. smile on your face, wherever a smile has come from your days. And these kinds of processes, because they operate essentially, both energetically but also physiologically, they they activate different brainwave states. So, we're not really looking for linear changes. We're looking for ways ontological way of being changes. What we hear in the programmes is people go I'm not the same broke person hear this quite often. I'm not the same person who joined the programme. And Annie and I, we have to in that programme, we have to kind of go into his bed and go or what do you mean? And it's not that they become someone else? It's like they become more of themselves. Right? Is the you that was already there can now be and has permission to be in the world. Right? So it was a false identification that's actually let go on. And if you're open to it, I'd invite you to have a part of your mind your unconscious, consider that, that you might want to no longer need constructed aspects of self that were necessary at one time for the conditions that were true then. With that in mind, thank you for hanging out a bit longer than I planned. I hope you enjoyed it. We'll we'll we will have a two minute break. I'll do some q&a. Maybe not as long today. But put in the chat how you feel right now. Unknown Speaker 1:53:19 And I'll read some of the routes that'll be on the recording. aligned? Yes, that's what we're looking for. Delicious. Unknown Speaker 1:53:30 Peace. Anand Rao 1:53:33 Amazing. blissed out. Yeah. If you are going to be driving after this, then stomp your feet beat on the ground, you can carry on keep going down the processing for now carry on tonight, that peace, love that feeling very smiling. Good, right? The, the, the combination of these different pieces will all be there for you on these on these three recordings. And I'll figure out a way to get them to you in a way that isn't on the site that doesn't let you download them, etcetera, etcetera, hopefully. So with that in mind, let's have if you want to, that's the end of the session. Thank you. Thank you very much. If you want to be back in four minutes, and we'll do some q&a, and any short laser coaching that people want. I can show you how to how we put this into action directly in the moment. Unknown Speaker 1:54:39 All right. Bye for now. Anand Rao 1:54:42 Thank you for coming. I'll see you guys on Thursday, and I'll see you in five minutes if you're gonna stay Unknown Speaker 1:58:39 Hello, welcome back okay. Any questions? Comments? Request curiosities. Unknown Speaker 1:59:07 Hi. Unknown Speaker 1:59:08 So the last meditation we just did the seven planes. The word wandering was one of the last times I shared in group I talked about me having the seed awakening. And I kept thinking when we were doing the meditation, like show up L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] anywhere on this plane. Also, when we were doing the meditation, I really was kind of having a hard time because I kept thinking it had to, like look a certain way or BS, right? And I actually kind of a little frustrating. Anand Rao 1:59:45 Okay, two things. One is weirdly it doesn't actually matter. Here's why. Right? And this takes a leap of leap of faith but you start to realise that there a period of time is us all getting together. Right? Create It's a field or a group consciousness, right? So just if if one part of your psyche is like, was struggling with it and getting annoyed, and it's worth noticing, right, there's a part of you, that was trying to make it look a certain way and be a certain way. Right? We are affected. This is a claim now, but you have to test it in your own experience. But we are affected by the groups that we participate in. Right. And you you know that, you know, there's two or three people here who've done decades of practice, who are radiating like, an amazing energy field. So if this is this is the paradox of energy work as well, is you can't necessarily trust your physiological, your immediate emotional response. That's why I said test over a period of time. Right? Because sometimes, the biggest clearings can just be feel like nothing, sometimes big drama, and nothing really changes. So the the reason to have this curiosity or interest in your physiology, is because it takes away that second order judgement. Okay, so the reason to say be interested in what you're experiencing what you're feeling, is because, and therefore you just what you do is you go I was feeling one thing, I noticed that I was trying to make it another way, right? So the self that's trying to do that, he's actually already kind of half climbing out of being like fully identified. Okay, the only thing you can do is zero to 10. How strong is that, that was like grumpiness or frustration. Unknown Speaker 2:01:47 That's it like a six. So I would get moments of actually where it would go away. And then it would like jump back in. So it's like, trying to play, you know, whack a mole, actually. Anand Rao 2:02:00 So then you can see the the goal you say is the outcome is a positive state of consciousness that you're looking for a positive feeling. What you achieved perfectly well was flow, because it was flowing from one to the other to the other to the other, which is the process of integration. It's like ping fight. The system knows how to pixelate, so it doesn't. So most people who are in one of my trainers used to call them the love and lighters. They just want the love and light and they don't want the dark. But this universe doesn't work that way. Right? And so wholeness and integration comes being able to hold both about without getting lost in either. Yes, Sharon Stone, who did the film basic instinct for that famous scene where she flashed a bits. But she was very dark character when she played that character. And she said afterwards, people were scared of me. And she said, and by the way, deeply into integral and spiritual staff trained as a lawyer, smart, smart cookie. And she said, it wasn't my darkness they were afraid of it was my wholeness. Right? Because when you are whole and integrated, and then you're around somebody who has split their world and is trying to be the good person, or the good girl on the good boy, you're shaking up their ability to maintain that split in themselves. You're shaking them into wholeness, and they might judge you as evil, which is what they did with Sharon Stone, or bad or wrong. But actually, what's coming up is their system is trying to shake itself into wholeness by resonating with your senses, kind of what's going on? Unknown Speaker 2:03:43 Thank you. Anand Rao 2:03:46 Where is it on that? Map? Oh, I mean, it could be in the Buddhic plane kind of loving consciousness. But I wouldn't just treat it separately. Just go. You know, I had like your experience was your experience. So, but it is a weird one because chasing positive experiences, even peak states spiritual states is it's counterproductive? You almost want to go, can I Unknown Speaker 2:04:14 release it though? I was just trying to show you don't. I don't have anything to compare it to. So I'm just searching right? You know, how you always talk. Like when we have something new that we're not familiar with? We're searching. So like, there's a part of me that still is searching. It's not necessarily like I'm trying to recreate a state. Anand Rao 2:04:32 That's okay. Yeah. Yeah. L&M July Free 2 audio1097437332 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Unknown Speaker 2:04:34 I'm curious. You know, so that's what I Anand Rao 2:04:39 and because you've been doing this for some time, what what you can do is look over a longer period of time, like look over by who was I? Three months ago? It was like six months ago. Because the shifts that actually happen is some really odd we're not there. When They happen in the sense that the emergence of a new self, a new way of being, we don't have a reflect back on it while it's still emerging. Because it's literally who we're being with, it's the water, we're swimming, and the other people might notice it. But we don't notice how the when the new self is emerging, think about how a teenager becomes a, someone in their 20s. And when they're going through that process, there's no external consciousness reflecting back on them. So this is important to understand. Because as we get to the edge of one way of being and kind of breaking through into a new one, it can feel very disruptive, and like I do, everything I knew doesn't make sense anymore, etc, etc. But actually, it can be just evolving into a completely new way of making meaning in the world. Unknown Speaker 2:05:55 Okay, thank you. Anand Rao 2:05:58 Anyone else? You can do some? I do want to Yes? Do you have something Daniel that you wanted earlier to buy? Like you could? Okay. Is it? Chanel? Just curious what you'd have to say anything you don't want to put just curious what your experience was today and how you've, you found it Unknown Speaker 2:06:30 My experience was I was very calm, it just really relaxed me. I'm curious what's gonna happen over the next couple of days. I just have something kind of big going on that I really didn't want to elaborate here. But yeah. So I feel like that's kind of a struggle that kind of like was like, talking to me, and my mind goes there. So Anand Rao 2:06:59 I don't need to know any content, but I can give you something to do you know, do you know these the K 27 points, the kidney points. So you can just think about it, just rub these two points and just kind of breathe. And then if you take kind of two fingers, and just put them in the centre of your chest, and just Yeah, and then breathe. Sometimes that can be quite an effective reset. Tool. Alright, thanks. I know I called on you. Thank you. Anyone else? Should we wrap? That way? We will only be five minutes over. Okay. All right. So thank you guys for coming. The, the what this is leading to I promised you there's not going to be any sales. So I won't do any sales. But I'm trying to figure out a million I'm starting a monkey membership from August I'm going to do it in a way which is free to begin with. Because I think the best sales is actually not sales, it's come and experience it. And if you'd like it then continue. And if you decide to there's no marketing marketing is is the training itself. So I'm thinking of how to do it with all in August, basically say, here's the membership, but the first month, you don't pay anything but if you want to continue then you pay that month and continue. So you get to you know, the the Model A lot of people use is the you know, money back guarantee, but I'd rather do it is just come and do the work and enjoy it and if you like it continue and if you don't, that's cool. That's perfectly fine too. Bye, guys. Lots of love. Have a fantastic couple of days if you're coming back on Thursday. Otherwise, I will see you the next time I see. Take care bye for now. Transcribed by https://otter.ai L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Anand Rao 00:04 Okay, welcome everyone. Good see, if million faces Hello. And Kay, let's just get centred and grounded. So just take a deep breath, your feet on the floor and bring your attention to your body sensations just notice what's happening in your body, your physiology, your muscles. If you have to move gently to shake out any tensions that you don't need, you can do that now. And for the hour and a half, before we go into q&a, itself be open to the possibility that some shift or change is available for you. We're going to be covering ancestral healing, familial healing, a very kind of different way to look at goals and outcomes. And other things that might come up. So arriving present, grounded still. Just gently open your eyes stop people arriving. Okay, so I'll just do a little summary from the last couple of sessions. So in session one, and the recordings, the recording sessions will be up shortly. I had it on gallery view, so I need to do some trimming. I think everyone here is okay with seeing their beautiful faces on recordings. But I thought I'd do that. So just let you know, this is you know, it's a public training. The recordings is going to be available to people in the future. So if you do share, share, and we share what we want to share, who loved the amazing thing about this kind of work is that as you've probably seen a couple of times already, is that content is not quite necessary. It's not necessary. Right? Yeah, to reveal our stories, the minute you know that you have a certain physiological response to the moment, then that is what we work on directly. Right. And it's a kind of fast access route to being able to get transformation and change across multiple patterns simultaneously. So on Monday, we went through kind of stage development and the importance of looking at the fact that as we move through life, right, we evolved from stage to stage and if everything goes right at each stage, then we complete the developmental tasks of that particular age. So from you know, Piaget stages, which he was a he was a child development psychologist, he had like two to three years old, and about four to 567. And then into kind of preteen, and then into teenage, what he called formal operational, the ability to manipulate ideas, thoughts, concepts, which arise now, if something has not been met or dealt with, it has no younger stage of development, it kind of binds our energy, it takes up a little bit of our essence or our consciousness. And it's like it's like an app running in the background still running. That once we can resolve those, we reclaim that energy and we can repurpose it for our own functions in life. Right now. Who here was born into who he was born? Everyone, okay, good. He was born into a family. It was brought up by humans, right? No one here were bought up by wolves or by bears by salmon. Right good. Now, the job of parents is to programme us from the day we're born. So that we are functional members of society. Unfortunately, also programming their their limits their faulty assumptions. there and not faulty assumptions, limited assumptions for what is possible as a human being. And throughout history models like Stein spiral dynamics can demonstrate that as history human beings have evolved through history and bought the Mont Blanc democracies didn't exist, right? So as soon as we figured out that if everyone plays along to a certain set of rules, then we don't need to limit ourselves to a tribe of 100 150 people, we can actually be in cities, and towns and cities have 1000s of people. And everyone functions, so long as everyone functions reasonably according to the rules. And then beyond that, you get kind of the ones entrepreneurship, the people who want to play with the rules and go, Oh, hang on a minute. And these aren't these rules aren't the limits, we can go beyond these. And then and so it goes on. So the first session was really very psychological. I also introduced some emotional regulation, techniques, tools and techniques. So that TAC pass acupressure technique havening, which is one of many psycho sensory methods, a couple of others, which are on the recording the last session who here was that session to see a few familiar faces, right? So we kind of went a little bit more deeply into energetics. Right? So I want to show you a model from woman called Terry O'Fallon. And all these different developmental psychologists, actually, they did all their research independently, and you can kind of put all of their different models next to each other and they kind of nicely neatly line up, you actually get a fairly a mannequin, very amount of consistency between different models. So, can you see that? Okay, so look, you see that? Okay. Okay, so lots of different models, too much data on one slide. We know, for all those who use PowerPoint, right. So I want to focus on this particular woman, Terry O'Fallon, who made a probably the most complete or the most complicated model of all of them. However, she basically said, there's three stages. One is the concrete, which is when we're in the physical world, so children play with physical objects, they can manipulate physical objects. And that's their world, right, and we're learning how the outside world works off our internal models experience, then we move into the subtle realms, and when we're able to manipulate more subtle ideas, and then into more one for one of a better word, spiritual realms of what's called the meta where tier. So we start to get the, into these ideas of awareness of awareness, and those kinds of things. So in this middle, round, subtle realm, is a whole bunch of models to do with energetics, subtle energies. So chi and prana, or chakras, meridians, thought forms, it's a whole realm of the kind of mental world, the imagination world, you might call it. And for the most part, this is where we live, right? We, we don't interact with the world directly, we make maps and models and our experience of reality. And then we live through those. And most people would say, they know the difference between imagination and reality. Because if you don't, then that's technically your L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] more serious issues. That's, you know, causes? Well, that is insanity, essentially, right. So some part of our brain does know the difference, if we're normally functioning human beings, the difference between imagination and reality, the challenge is that some part of our meaning making hasn't been led into that information. And therefore, it's still acting as if, when you have an imagination of a fear or worry, or a concern about the future that hasn't happened yet. It's almost like we're animating it and acting as if it's happening now. And it's real, even though it's not real. So the process of waking up is coming out of these kind of trance states of believing in things that are fears, concerns, worries, limiting beliefs, constructions that are, are imagined, essentially coming up people coming in. And just want to check, does that Is that making sense to people? Not sure. Yes, or good? Clear, right? Now, the reason we animate these imaginations from our history, from our kind of fears, concerns, worries, in rational thinking, is because at one time it was functional, and it was the best we could do. And we made those meanings. And it's almost like that little pocket of consciousness or that app is still running that belief or that experience, and it's taking up a little bit of our energy. And where do we model these from, from our family of origin? We, you know, saw our parents doing and thinking it's certain ways, and we either just took that on, and then just assume that was the world, or we wrote rebelled against it, and we went, I'm not going to be like that. But weirdly, if you're I'm not going to be like that you're still subtly in opposition to that thought, right? Family, people are still struggling with their limiting conditioning from their parents, their society, from how they grow up all those things. So we're gonna look at how to use some processes to surrender, release those kinds of things, and fear, because when we're quite young, the constructions of mind we can make is that I'm either in the tribe or out of the tribe, it's very black and white, it's like I have to belong, or I don't belong, rather than much more complexity and nuance as we get older. of well, you can choose how to relate, and what aspects of your upbringing are amazing and fantastic. You know, how many people here can think of the incredible qualities that they got from their values that they got from their parents from society, from, you know, uncles, aunts, schools, institutions, teachers, all those things. And what we want to release is, is the conditioning that feels limiting, basically, the conditioning where it feels like for you to be fully you, most people, what they try and do is fight against their conditioning. Right? We don't want to do that. We want to recognise that when we think about our conditioning, it creates a body mind state, right, and then we're the one making that. So it doesn't make sense to fight it. Right. So if we can step back and realise that we are moment to moment, using this nervous system, this consciousness to construct the experience of our existence, the very map making meaning making of the reality we're having, that is a key waking up moment, right. And we can know it in theory. And what happens is progressively more and more and more of us gets it right, how many people have been can remember a time when they can, we used to get caught up in something. And now it's just not an issue. It's just not a thing anymore. Right? Literally woken up out of that trance of that experience. Okay, so that's what we're going to be doing today. So in also, in the second session, what we looked at was, we moved through what's called the Seven plains vegetation. And the basic idea is that when you are in a certain experience, so what we did in that you'll see on the recording, but what we did in that experience was we moved through a map of states of consciousness into very lofty, what might be called states, which is really just a function of our nervous system, right. So if you ignore the content, you have the capacity to be within a very short period of time that meditation was about 20 minutes, in a much more spacious, expansive, free state. And so I like to think of this training as skill. Just as, as education, you know, like when you get physically fit, you get better at it, you do it, and you get better at it. And the same as your capacity with states of consciousness. It's a skill and a talent that you can develop, as you practice. And what we did was we moved by moving into a very spacious, expansive, very free and light state, it allows you then to bring up challenges, problems and issues without getting caught up in it. So every time you ever thought of something in the past, it really animates in this moment, right? to it. And so, there's two ways to do that. One is you can think about something and it doesn't have much effect or emotional response, right. So you can think about it very objectively. Other things you think about or bring up can trigger a huge response in the body mind system. And so what we're learning to do is the capacity to deliberately dis identify, to be able to think anything really, because the human mind is unlimited, really, in that way, without being limited by having a negative feeling that we then have to rile against or rattle against. And this is where this emotional regulation tools come in. Right to be able to quickly and easily release old holding patterns and attachments. And as we do this, we get freer and freer and lighter and life becomes more fun and enjoyable. And the the trick to it. And it sounds a bit paradoxical is basically not to believe the narrative. So this Memories that our minds tell are useful to the extent that we can navigate the world with them. But they are not true in any absolute sense. And the reason we know that is because someone else has a different view and their view can be equally valid. Even however much we think, no, they're wrong, they shouldn't be thinking that way. How could they? Right? Okay, so. And then today, we can also go into goals, as well and look a little bit about goals and taking action, how many people you know, the actions you want to be taking. And for some reason, you're just not doing like, this is a big one. So we're gonna really go into that one and tackle on today. Alright, so let's start with the family of origin. So there's two elements to this. One is that Bert L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] Hellinger, who was a family constellation therapist suggested that we have something called suffering, obligation, suffering obligations of love. And the idea is that when we're young, the way we show our love is to be like someone else. So in the tribe, and difference when, you know, and still when people get to full adulthood, that, you know, people are in that kind of them and us tribe type thing. The the belongingness comes from a difference from other, right comes from I'm in this tribe. And that can be coded as love, that acceptance that belonging of you belong in this tribe, you belong in this family, you belong in this society. Now, as we start to shift and change, especially if our families and families of origin and the way we're conditioned and brought up as limitations, then those can start to get in the way. So I had have a friend and Xena for a while. And she was a web designer, and she lived in West Virginia, in a small town. And because mentally for her earning $60 an hour, kind of fit, you know, that was like a big number for the kind of environment the area she was in. And it's kind of a certain amount of shame about earning more than that. She was doing web development for a company that could comfortably pay her way more than that. And so her very way of thinking, linked her identity, which is Ima, ima hired help. And I go in and someone tells me what to do employee, and then I just do it, right. But what was actually starting to happen is the very structure of how she put their website together, was starting to define how they ran their business. She was basically a strategy consultant being paid $60 now. And as we talked about raising her rates, she started to get these internal sense of fear, and I won't belong in my in, you know, no one would know, right? But these kinds of things can be running. And so what we want to do is start to move on, like we started to do in the last session, move our imagination into where we want to be, start to kind of bring to mind the outcome that you're looking for. And then notice, because you don't have to go investigating with kind of thoughts. Notice what happens in your body mind energy system. Do you get some kind of fear resistance, reluctance, or pulling that any kind of reaction? That is a signal that some part of your psyche is has fears, concerns, worries, is not in alignment with the outcomes you're trying to take to take? Most people what they do is they suppress those feelings, and they try to override it. And what's worse is they say that those feelings they're having that resistance is the world. Right that they will code the world is difficult and hard and it's challenging out there. So the example I gave in the last session was my my juicer masticating juicer, I thought I It takes like, you know, three, four or five minutes to clean it, and actually measured the time of it. It only took 23 seconds. And I realised what I was measuring when I was measuring 345 minutes was actually my feeling sense of how much reluctance I had not wanting to do it. And when I actually realised how, how easy it is when you decouple all of the you know, I don't want to do it. This is horrible. This is difficult. I don't like it, all of that stuff. And you actually start to clean up all of that stuff. You can look at the tasks and the actions you want to take in your life and see what they actually take. Someone said to me one of the classes said, you know, do a landing page for a website or think it's too My current customer avatar, and she said, I'll take about that about a month. Right? And what she was measuring is how much she didn't want to do it. And actually, when we kind of got down to it, she said it'll probably take about an afternoon. Right? So everyone will have this experience. How many of you had a term paper to do? Right? So you had eight weeks or 12 weeks to do it? Right? You actually did it in the last four days. So it is a four day assignment. It's not a two month assignment. Right? So it's these kinds of misunderstandings and myths codings, where we think about our tasks and challenges in life. And then we add a whole bunch of other meanings that make it so much more challenging. So what we're going to do today is start to release those in the second half. So put your feet on the floor just for a minute. Just tune in consider how you know, it's a little bit of a strange question that you have a self and what I mean by that is as soon as I said that, what happened with your attention? Did it go to a thought did it go to a body sensation? What happened in the microsecond, Archer said, you know you have a self as you do that, just without resisting or making any meanings or judgments, just feel that sense of having yourself it's a I like to call it a shape. It's a way of having your physiology. How you're breathing is the physicists amongst us, it's the superposition the overlap of every meaning you've ever made. All with different values, trying to compete to show up in your body mind energy system right now, as you experience like every thought every perspective you've ever had you're still identified with laying it's tiny bit of claim over animating your body mind energy system, your muscles, your breathing your thoughts. Without trying to do anything with it, just attend to now get curious. Just a number of percentage points bring to mind how much of that is from your family of origin your parents, mom and dad that you just learned just by modelling by seeing and imitating which is how children learn. Don't try and do anything with it but just breathe and relax. And notice notice that if you don't fight with it, but just is if you're just curious and interested in some of it starts to turns up and then starts to drop away when you relax this contraction or attachment doesn't mean you lose the thing. It actually means you gain choice to candy that way, and you don't have to you have it now rather than it has you. into mind what you have in common with your clan with the people you hang out is as a felt sense of what connects and binds you. Notice that if you relax and loosen that binding. What it brings is fluidity and choice and you can still interact with those people sometimes even better than you ever can a sense of the felt sense of your commonality of the tribes and the groups that you spend your time with if you can expand your awareness to L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] include not just yourself but that network of connections cuz that's as much you they you that you think is having those connections right now then just giving yourself permission anything that's ready to resolve things that are old out of date and close those maybe even chapters still retaining access to all of the experience and the learning from those times we call recalling and reclaiming your energy you have to be able to dispatch in the future in the ways that you want to your centerline up and down your spine you can organise yourself around your alignment with yourself and then bring your attention to your DNA your genetic lineage and just relax around it and attend anywhere where you've attempted to use your energy to heal the transgressions of the past other generations other times as I said before, you cannot be wrong about your subjective experience or whatever is arising can be with it. Breathe relax release and maybe you have some gratitude for the lineage the gifts that have been handed down some people have physical strengths some people have psychic abilities or whatever you want to call it some people have intelligence heart whatever your gifts are that have been handed down through your lineage give yourself permission for those to flourish and then very gently open your eyes coming on back Feel yourself here. Just take a breath. As I mentioned before, when we use altered states like this, one of the important pieces is the generalisation into our everyday lives. So when the challenge when people go off on, you know, extreme trainings, is they're going to a very altered state. And when they come back to their normal environment, then it's almost like, you know, the state dependent learning. So, you know, they leave the, the, the learnings behind so just from this for this moment, to imagine what you've just done, to generalise out into all areas of your life where it'd be useful. Consider times and places actions, thoughts, people, feelings, events that can be informed by this new perspective. When you're ready, open your eyes, wiggle your fingers and toes. Stretch if you want. Okay, and then put in the chat. And that was what happened. And if you want to raise your hand and secular ones, can do that to say some common sentences. That was that? relaxing and freeing, lovely calming century and liberating. And quite an experience. I like the DNA moment. Remember Mandela and said, What if you were there? Why is it on day? One? Is that what's happening in terms of brainwave states is that we're taking this, you know, I think it's two or three, three pounds of grey matter, that it's kind of like a holographic computer, you might might think of it. If you know what, we're making it up. I don't think you can buy a holographic computer, but we have one in our heads. And what that means is that when we put our body mind brain states into a certain configuration, that is the access point to those thoughts, feelings, memories, right? So my next door neighbour has a 16 year old, and she's older now. But when she was studying, she was study lying on her bed, feet in the air, headphones on. And her dad said, you know, it's quite wise, he said, that state is where the learning is happening. Right? That's a very different state than if you're sitting at a desk, with pen in hand in the quiet with other people around, right. And so what you got to do is to practice closer to the state in which she wants to have those skills and that learning, right, so many people have done this, you walk out of the room. And this probably happens as you get older, you walk out the room and you go What was it? What was it i i know i want to do remember something and you walk back in the room. And when you walk back in the room, that thought pops back in the mind. Right? So what we're doing with these meditations, is we're moving in and out of alpha and theta states, which are brainwave states that we had when we were younger. And it's there's what it creates in the mind is coherence across our brain. So we actually look at brainwave kind of EEG EGS, you get much slower waves that kind of go all the way across the brain. So it creates integration. And actually, we know that if you deny people Delta, like slow brainwave states to sleep for anything more than a couple, two or three days. It really messes people up right so getting that kind of deep restful sleep sleep is incredibly important. So alright, so the first and then used about lift, flourish. Absolutely. Come but didn't feel much. Yeah. So with this, so what's happening here as well, and this is a leap of faith is that in this model, the energetic realm, there are such things as thought forms, right? And you might think of thought forms as let's assume that this universe is one giant information system, that like a big hard drive, and most of us only have access to our own little bit of it, till we realise we can actually have access to all of it, which is all in Star Wars, episode two, season two, or whatever. Was there was actually episode six, I think, anyway, fine. So. So thoughtforms is the idea that that we can be, they almost have a life of their own. But they can't they don't can't live unless we animate them. Right. So this idea of, you know, you probably at school, one particular phrase, and it kind of spreads across the whole school or means in society. So you can almost think of a human being as the container that has the ability to animate and live different thought forms. Right? Now, question is, though, are those the ones that we want to be living? Right? And I only have to say a word, one word. And I could activate a whole bunch of thoughts, feelings, emotions, reactions, I'm thinking which one to do, actually. So let's use one that's nearly finished nearly in history. Right? So I only have to say the word Trump. People get either huge laughter, or a whole bunch of physiology and reactions and responses. I won't use the most recent word, you probably guessed what it is begins with B. And, and so the question is, then, are we having our own thoughts? And has anyone ever got lost down YouTube or Facebook channel? Right? Especially the Facebook channels where people are fighting and arguing, right? If you've ever felt that kind of, there's a pool or like, I feel compelled, I have to write something, right? You're getting sucked in to a vortex or L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] a thought field? Essentially. Right? And the question is you and you can only ever get dragged in, if there's something in you. That's kind of hooky, right, hooking into that, right. Now, the more conscious you get, the more subtle these become. And the more easily you can choose whether or not you're engaged in a certain road or not, you know, has anyone been in an argument with someone they just can't leave. They know that they should just exit. But they they're still there. That feeling that's that King feeling the compulsion feeling is kind of getting, that's that feeling getting caught. Alright, so let's do it round on that. Now that we know we're talking about. Alright, so. So you just follow along. And I'll give you some space to say these words. Notice how you're feeling right now. Just tune into your body mind state. And tap on save your hand like this. Just when that fleshy bit is and then repeat these words to yourself, I'll leave a gap. Even though I get hooked into things. Sometimes it's almost like I'm compelled. Even though I don't want to. And I love honour and accept myself anyway. When the eyebrow meets the bridge of the nose, these hooky feelings it's like I get pulled in. I'm doing the thing before I didn't even know I'm doing it. My body is being animated by these thoughts before I got a say in the matter, choose to take my power back. Not by fighting with these things. But by feeling them fully. And tapping and releasing the breath in through the nose out through the mouth Okay, now how can we didn't work on anything specific? And here's why is because if you actually look at the set of, of animating behaviours and responses that human beings have, there's not a huge number of them. Right there are patterns. And so when we kind of do coaching and therapy, the temptation is to go for you know, one challenge then another challenge then another challenge and another challenge and this can take a very long time. But actually the way we approach getting stressed, getting frustrated, getting annoyed, getting unhappy, has, we only use one or two different strategies for some of these things we have decisions is good example. Right? Some people will make all their decisions the same way. So if they're in the Chinese restaurant, and there's 20 pages to look through, some people just go down, and the first thing they get to that they like, they go, Yep, got it. Fantastic. I'm having that. Other people have to go through the entire menu, right, to check that they're not missing out on something. Now, consider if that person is using that strategy for dating, right, or finding a secretary or things, it's a really bad strategy, especially for dating right? Now. So what we find is that human beings operate by patterns. So the way you get hooked by one thing, will have pretty much most of the time, the same physiological response and animating change in your body as all the other things right. And it'll be big chunks. I like to think of it like this. How many doors? Do you know how to open one direction? Put in the chat? How many doors? Do you know how to open? And it's a silly question. Five or six? Is any that's unlocked? 55. Any? Yeah, exactly. So you better not locked, actually, a lot of them are not locked, but they are pushed doors, and we're pulling on them frantically trying to get out. So the point is that you can open 1000s of doors, but you only need to open know how to open a door that opens inwards, a door that opens outwards, a sliding door a revolving door, you know, maybe a couple of others, you know. And because once you've got five or six kind of patterns, you can open 1000s and 1000s of doors. If you've never seen a door before, you probably pretty much figure it out fairly quickly as you cycled through your three or four approaches. We're a bit like this with our problems that we think we people think they've got endless challenges, but they often haven't, they've got one or two that has a very specific physiology connection to and when we use these tools to release those physiological patterns and we target and hone what what we're doing, right we can get actually quite generalised changes and shifts over a relatively short period of time. Right. Now, the thing about programming conditioning is some programming and conditioning stops us undoing the programming conditioning. How many? How many people had parents who said just do what I say don't question me. Exactly. So so now we're adults we've got to go through have be able to have the feeling that comes up when we question anything that's lurking in our space that pretends to be an authority Okay, so let's stick around on that that tap inside of your hand even though parts of me submits to authority I love honour and accept myself anyway these authorities that I modelled from the world now I simulate them and run them in me they're not real but feelings come up when they challenge them imagine challenging that authority now imagine challenging that authority now. Keep breathing. I choose to channel channel Challenge Challenge this authority. Maybe even channel it and feel the feeling that comes up when I think about challenging authority. Choose to release this now. Deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth put in the chat How you feeling yawning is good many people are feeling lighter and freer. So here's what I'm doing. I'm going through my Just assessment of what the strongest pattern that's in the field that's available for transformation right now. And then the next one shows up and the next one and it's a bit like you know, the dinner plates that the canteen where you take one off and the next one pops up, take one off the next one. Eventually, there's less than less and it's lighter and lighter. And then the last one pops off and there's no more left. And you can do what you want. So, alright, empowered to make my own choices. Excellent, very relaxed to happy. Yes, like calm serene, these exercises are tiring. Yeah, so if you're feeling tired, drink a little bit of water have a little move around. Because what happens when we shift at these kinds of levels, is your brain starts to go into, okay, we need to rewire this, you've just had new input has anyone been on like a new day on holiday, and there's all this new input that's coming in. And so at the end of the day, you're like, Oh, I'm L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] exhausted, I need to get to sleep. Or the other experience people have is, if they've been skiing all day, and they lie in bed, and their body mind energy just suddenly animates as if they're still on slope skiing, you have, you know, Twitch, that kind of thing. Alright, so just having a little check in. Alright, so I want to run through and this is the power of a group actually, which is going to play your meditation, it's about 10 minutes or so it's 11 minutes, and it's got a bit of music to it. So it's kind of a little bit trancing and really kind of go with it. And when you hear the words, animate the words and consider what they mean and what they bring up for you. So allow the words to activate the experience and I'll tell you what it is it's transgenerational healing and it takes you through your mother's line and father's line and just if any emotions come up at those Go and release and you'll will see how things are no sign of it okay, so this is the risky bits whether sound sharing works on a stream audio capture okay open with this okay chance as it gets going close your eyes and let's just check it works I'll start in just give me a thumbs up if it's working take a deep breath close your eyes just notice your centre line. So that your head is square upon your shoulders. And before we even do anything just like we saw earlier, a lot of things are ready to leave and to go. So give permission for anything that is ready to be dropped. Like go all released. Thank you for being there, let it leave your energy space and then any spaces that are formed call back your own energy. So it can be what does it feel like when you just feel like not imposed upon not impinged upon none of those things just you being you might free at ease I want you to go to pay attention to your father's line first. If you want to do it as a visual, just have sort of a family tree pop up for your father and then his mother and father and their siblings and and just going to trust your unconscious that any of those that show up in different ways. So in my mind, you know, one of them shows up a little bit dark. So I just bring attention and awareness to that and it loosens and softens, and releases and then goes back from dark to kind of clear. Notice any body sensations that come up, when you attend to your father's line going back one generation to your father's siblings, and two generations, to your grandparents on that side three generations saying we're in April 2021. Now, so any of the programming you might have received, or any of the traumas that they went through is the intention that you choose to intend for them to heal, resolve and recognise that it's over now as you become the healer of your lineage anyways ways in which those energies from or programming from that line has been stopping you in your life just choose to let that go let yourself you own if you want to like other people are doing some of you might start to feel lighter. And anywhere where those that programming or more energy has been inhibiting you or restricting you from moving forward there's no longer any need to fight with it. resist it. Once you see what is often being Returned to sender if you're getting any physical symptoms, feel free to stretch shorter release. The suggestion I would say is not to contract, feel free to move your body and let it loosen and release from your body. And you don't have to do it all now. So you can set an intention that the stance now but over the next three or four nines for some of the time when you're sleeping, that you'll be releasing the lineage limitations that you took on from your father's mind any any mistaken idea that you need to save them as children tried to save their parents you can put that lock people in that line you father back in touch with his own wisdom, intelligence and let him live his life and the sole purposes and reasons that he needs to solve or his to solve and yours or Yours Yours to solve. And then, as we said letting that continue if you move over to your mother's line now I get really curious when I say move over to your mother's line, what images come to mind what body sensations change fascinated by the fact that we have this wonderful instrument of a human body you're learning to take charge or navigate the compassionate leader, often with an hours and then on your mother's line noticing anything from her sending back any obligations with compassion, any agreements especially agreements that you might have unconsciously made your competing commitments let her know that you want to live your dharma and your path in life and this allows her to live has to and then moving to her parents blanks then back one more generation on the mother's side start to realise there's a part of you that's wise and knows how to do this. That works in pattern then as that clears, come back to noticing your centerline, your presence, how much more space you have for yourself. Start to fill that up with your own intelligence, your own wisdom and compassion. And realise you can have your own feelings. We get overwhelmed when we try and experience the energy of other people's feelings. But actually, when we have our own feelings have you ever felt strong when you felt angry? Have you ever felt a beautiful melancholy when you feel sad when you're having your own feeling, there's something quite exquisite about about all human emotions, and feelings and body sensations. And when you have your own, you don't have to be afraid of them. You don't have to be scared of them. You don't have to resist them. You can have your feelings rather than them having you. Okay and now anything else that's available, we'll just take the opportunity any calm any contracts don't need to know what those are just throw those in the mix in case some of those can drop and let go. And your test is your what's called your phenomenology, whether your body responds, then you know a shift is happening regardless of the narrative or the story. Okay. Take a deep breath. Very gently notice that your state has changed because I want to talk a little bit about altered states before we close. And then rather than kind of zipping back, travel the journey back to your ordinary open eyes waking state slowly setting intention. Fingers and toes you can imagine sending out memos to all the people that you know letting them know that you've changed, L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] especially pets otherwise they'll look at you quizzically and go. You look familiar, but I'm not quite sure who you are. Just laying pets now that your energy is changing and has changed. And if you yawn, that's okay, that's the body resetting and releasing tension and also releasing energy. Coming down just take a breath for a moment your feet on the ground and notice just in in coming up to an hour, just the felt sense of any subtle physiological changes, you like feeling lighter, feeling Freer because part of the practice is that we're essentially training two things happening. One is we're training states. So the ability to be able to more and more easily go into the states on a regular basis. And the other is that sometimes when you go into these states, you get a permanent repatterning old conditioning programming drops away the energies of it, if you believe in such things, and those things never come back. And so what happens then over the, the, you know, the days to come, is that if one of those kind of stuck places is kind of opened and released, the rest of your system, then reorganises all of its meanings around that new way of being. Okay, so let's go on to goals. So who here has any goals that they want to achieve? Especially around love and money? I guess. Okay. Now I think of goals very differently to how most people think about goals. So, if you have a goal, you have an outcome, right? Somewhere you're intending to go towards. Now, if you get that goal, then you feel good, right? If you don't get it, then you don't feel good. Is that right? That pretty much? Right? Okay. Now, when you have a goal, then you have a direction, right, you have an outcome, something you're moving towards. And on the way to that goal, you have life experience. And when you have that life experience, some of it is great. Some of its not so great. When you have these tools to release anything on the way to the goal, one of two things happen. Either the goal happens a lot quicker, or you find you can take the actions a lot quicker. And I'll separate those out in a second. Or you find out that that wasn't your authentic goal. And here's why. Because a lot of goals are made in compensation to not wanting to feel a certain way. Right? They're not kind of like I'm here and present. What do I want to do now? That kind of thing, right? They're more like, you know, I never want to be poor. Or, as an example, I'm thinking of someone I know. And therefore that's driven this person to become very wealthy. But it's still in compensation, it's still living life of, I don't want to be poor. Does that make sense? Right? Rather than here we are on this planet, having this experience, and we can explore different avenues and directions of what we want to experience. And the way we do that is we set a goal. And what that does is it organises our behaviour towards an outcome, right? And then we get to engage with the world. And to me, the engage with the world bit. That is your life. So as you sincerely engage with your life, day to day, and everything that's coming up for you, that is the experience of your life. And to me, that is the purpose of a goal. It sets a direction and therefore it takes it away from a black and white, do I get my goal or not, too, depending on which goal I said, what direction am I going in? So that makes sense. When am I going to experience all the choices that I'm having right now? So I put a few things up. Forgive me for these being the least interesting slides. However, okay, so a few different things. Right. So whether your goal is going to manifest or not, to me, it's whether your internal energetic alignment is congruent. Because in the final stages of kind of realisation, spiritual realisation is that there's no outside this world is a reflection of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, karma history backgrounds. And it's not that that's true, but it's possible to have an experience where you recognise or realise that your nervous system is constructing your experience, moment to moment to moment to moment, without exception, right? It always bothered me that, you know, they tell you that, you know, that lamp or that book over there, is being constructed inside your head. But it really doesn't feel like it's in your head, does it? It feels like it's over there, like as it get back outside. Right? Unless, and this is your mind actually is what you're experiencing? Is the construction of your nervous system. It's a 3d. In that sense, holographic full rent fully rendered experience, right? Is what your nervous system is generating, right? So the narrative that it's happening inside your head, is true in the sense that if you, you know, stop that happening, then experience disappears. But that's more of a correlation, it doesn't actually match your direct experience of existence, which is stuff seems like it's on the outside. So how is your nervous system then putting it? Right? Where does experience feel like it feels like it's over there? Right? Okay, so that's the first thing. So if you take that premise, then when you get these internal alignments, the world starts showing up in different ways, for two reasons. One is there's some mystical, magical element. But the other is because you are literally rendering it differently through the lenses you're looking through. And because of the lenses you're looking through, new opportunities become possible and new behaviours become possible. And you start acting in new and different ways. And therefore those two components together, people move towards love and money in their life. And if you take this approach, which is what's in the way is the way that every day you sincerely release the kind of the resistances and blockages coming out, then you just you're gaining freedom, more and more, you're utilising your experience, I think in the most effective way you can use it. Now, outer clarity is what we really want the outcome, what we've seen, hear and feel, often people have an idea of an outcome. But you say, well, what would a movie camera see if you actually had that outcome? They can't tell you. And so making tangible the experience that you would like to have. One of the reasons people don't do it is that they do it too vividly. It brings up feelings and emotions they don't want, because it conflicts with certain beliefs, they might have, like, I don't deserve this, or I shouldn't have this or, or L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] can't happen for me, or there's some things. That's why you need these tools to release through those feelings that come up. Because if you can't really make a vivid imagination of your outcome, right doesn't mean that that's the outcomes gonna come. But it's the felt sense of that's what you're looking for, then it's very hard to get there. Now, here's a key one, which is why we did a lot of what we did today, many people are playing out other people's goals and outcomes. My father wanted me to be a lawyer, that kind of thing was never my goal. So as you release more and more this programming and conditioning, what it starts to feel like is the reality you're living into is is real time appearing from your own goals and desires. It's like the gap between you and the world kind of starts to disappear. It's like I'm, you know, a bit like in a computer game, you're stepping into the next rendered moment and the next rendered moment in the next rendered moment. Always afresh, never step in the same river twice. That kind of feeling. key element is letting go of the how, you know what's actually important about the goal. So often people will go for a goal, and they conflate that with how they want to get it. So somebody wants to relax, so they smoked cigarettes, because they don't really want to smoke cigarettes, they want to feel relaxed, but the how is is very dysfunctional way of getting there. Right. So if you think about your outcome for love and money, think about the conditions that you currently have in place of what you think needs to happen or needs to be done to get Ah, right. And if they're coming out of your current body mind energy system, then what's happening is we're limiting the creativity of and I mentioned the beginning goals set up a direction, or a trajectory, which I think is more important than the outcome. Because outcomes are unpredictable. However, you engaging with your life is entirely predictable. Every night you go to bed and go, I engage with my life. Well, today is a good day, right? And that's entirely within your control. Okay. Now, attempting or achieving goals can also invoke meanings that are much more important than the outcome. So often, a goal is actually a ritual that has a meaning attached to it. So let's say I'm afraid of public speaking. And I go, and I do a public speaking course. And now I'm uncomfortable with public speaking, often for people that the meaning that changes for them can ripple through in other areas of their life, right. So think about picking goals, not just for the outcome of that goal, but what it means to you. And what I said before, what you achieved on the way to your goal can be much more important than the outcome. So as I've been doing these three sessions, there's been a lot of wobbles, and glitches and changes and shifts and things. And I treat that as the prime one of the primary functions of this process, I get to grow. If it all went perfectly and smoothly. If you went to the gym, and you're trying to lift weights and get stronger, and someone came along, they kept stealing the weights off you. So let me help you, they just took away all the weights, you wouldn't grow. Like that wouldn't work very well. Plus your life would be a bit dull, I think, okay. Now, this is a strange one, which is the paradox of the more neutral you are about your goal, the more you okay, you are whether you get it or not. Right, that moves you forward in your spiritual development, because attaching to a goal is taking some of your consciousness and your attention and binding it to an outcome. And now the stakes are high for you about whether you get that outcome or not. You're that attention, that awareness is not liberated, it's not free to move fluidly. So this actually moves you forward because the less you're identified in a kind of rigid, well attached way to the physical world. And it's a tricky one because it doesn't mean dissociated, the more free you are to have your experience of life and enjoy all of it. You know, the highs, the lows, the good spots, everything. And there's also this old one, which is getting the balance right between you the universe and surrender and intention. What I mean by that is some people have just yanked their way through life like sheer bloody mindedness. Right? Other people, let it flow, man, just whatever happens happens, right? And you kind of need to get this edge, right between the two. You know, it's like if you've got a dance partner, and they kind of dominating the leading, that's not going to work. But equally if you're just flopping and not kind of following and I had an ex girlfriend, she was a cello teacher. And she said with the bow, it's not too late, not too tight, not too loose. Or in spiritual terms. You've got a bird in your hand while you're holding a bird, I don't know, but not too tight, or you'll kill it and not too loose or It'll fly away. But why you'd want to contain it, I don't know. But anyway, that is the story all right. So, think about think about this now, right? Which is that why do you have goals? Having heard this and just thinking beyond the most obvious reason is because I want the goal, right? Why else could you want goals? What are the reasons? For growth, help team helping you focus, better place clarity, direction, purpose, new experiences and growth. some level of dissatisfaction with current reality. greater good of group. Absolutely. So the point is this if you have a single lens onto reality, which is I want to get my goal. Right. Then you're you're set up for achievement or disappointment. That makes sense. But if you have, if you add lenses, and there isn't a limit in the physical world, you can only kind of have one, you know, if I'm looking from here, then I'm not looking over there, right? But actually in the mind, we can look in multiple ways simultaneously. So think about if you have the outcome, if your goal is to grow, right, then you've got now you've decoupled from, do I get my goal or not? So make sense? Right? Because you can, because even if you don't get the goal, you can go well, I got the growth, right? If it's fascination and interest, then you go, even if I didn't get the goal, it was fascinating going on the journey. So the more you can set up more perspectives, and reasons why you're doing something, you're not limited to one, the freer you are, to be able to glean benefits from L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] reality. So making sense. Because this is the challenge that when we were young, the way we our minds made meaning is that if either I get my goal or no map, like off the off the edge of the abyss. And therefore people get, you know, anxious, they get terrified, if they don't get the outcomes they want in life, the minute you have a backup plan, right, which is if I don't get my goal, I'll still be okay. Then a lot of anxiety drops away, a lot of fear drops away. And examples of this, if somebody gets let's say they're doing sales, right, and they get a discovery call, and now they've got potential client. Before they had the potential client, they were perfectly fine. Like going along in line. Now they've done the call, and the person hasn't called back in two days. Now they feel awful. They're actually in no different position than they were a day before they got the call in the first place. Right? The mind is constructing the the polarity of a get the goal, it's gonna be fantastic. But don't get the government's gonna be awful. Is this making sense? Because we're gonna do a process on this in a second. Yeah. So think of a goal or an outcome that you have, where there's a big difference between getting it versus not getting it that you've made a huge difference, like getting it is. I've got to have it. Got to get it. If I didn't get it, I'll be disappointed devastated. Can't even contemplate not having it. Just let me know that you've got one of those. Yeah, everyone. Yes. All right. Now measure the polarity, like the difference between those two, right? So nine or 10? is I can't even contemplate not having this outcome. And zero is, yeah, okay. Life will go on. It's okay. Live and learn. And where are you on that scale? Right now? Some 85677885. Okay. All right. So here's what we're gonna do. Right, we're going to use a message from a guy called ziggurats Lewinsky and no longer like suddenly. Or maybe not maybe the having a whale of a time, we don't know. So take two fingers and put them on here on the bridge of the nose, or the eyebrow meets, bridging the nose. And now vividly imagine having your goal and wanting it and insisting on it. And all of the sides of having the goal. feel those feelings. exaggerate them, get them as most as you can. And then take a deep breath in, in through the nose out through the mouth. Makes it nice and vivid. The side of having the goal getting or wanting it all you have to having to have the goal and then relax that side. And then go to the other side and two fingers just where the eyebrow meets the bridge of the nose. And then just this moment, be willing to feel the feeling you would have if you didn't get that goal. Just keep breathing. Allow it to be here. Exaggerate the feeling. When you get it at its most take a deep breath in, in through the nose out through the mouth. Okay, back to the other side and think about it the clinging the wanting the goal having to have this goal outcome. And then when you get it at its most deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth and then one more, that's the other side. And feeling of not having the goal or the outcome, to feel that feeling. And take a breath in through the nose out through the mouth and just kind of brush over the top the head and shoulders. And maybe shoulders, take a breath. And then now tune in and see if that kind of polarity that opposite what it is now, and then just put in the chat what you had before and then you know, narrow or, you know 7722 Or six, two or three, you know, any, whatever the changes. Pick 5238245232217248257 to five. All right, we're going to do another another process. Because I want to bring this down, you'll see what happens when you bring this bring the charge down on these kinds of polarities, we'll just get back to havening which is just striking down the outside of the arms, you just feel that feeling or the the having to having a big difference between the two. I've got to have this goal, I can't not have this goal attached attaching to the outcome and the resistance or the avoiding not having the outcome and then relax. And then put into the chat. What the third number is so you can see the sequence. Everyone's got 531643211842854741 Okay, let me just go around a tapping and just go through a few different things. It's been a review that's on your hand. And just feel that feeling of I've got to have this can't not have this tap here feel that polarity how much you're invested in wanting one side more than another deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth. And then you can just put the start number and the end number actually where you are at now. 822823 Centre for I don't want to keep them. No, exactly you want you want to. What you'll start to notice is we'll ask in a couple of minutes, but 62162272182 to do one more. So keep your head absolutely stretch like this. And then you're going to move your eyes to the left eyes to the right, like this. So keep your head still. Breathe in through the nose out through the mouth. You can and then diagonal top right bottom left and top left bottom right. Okay, deeper into the nose that's from and I'll show you one more. Before we put the numbers in, just grab something that you can throw from hand to hand. It's called bilateral stimulation. preferably not $1,000 iPhone, okay, so now tune in to whatever's left in that polarity of, you know, strongly preferring one side to the other on or probably not as strong anymore. And just feel that feeling. And then the thing you're throwing kind of goes, you can see that the hand that's left behind stays in the middle. It's very rhythmic. And what's happening is your attention is actually going from left to right, which kind of balanced the hemispheres left hemisphere, right hemisphere, left hemisphere. And then take a deep breath. And now, from this state, as we've been doing before, go back and think about that polarity now. And see how much more kind of mild life doesn't depend on it kind of thing. And just put in the chat. Where you were at the beginning and where you are now. 82282072375217207 to a one. Right now? Excellent. Eight to 08 to three. So eight to a four, four to zero. I don't feel number I feel energised. Excellent. Okay. Now, here's the point. Previously, it seemed like a choice that you wanted that goal. Right. But it was actually a compulsion. That L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] makes sense. Right, because you couldn't not have it because you would have felt awful. But now, how many people are in a more harm? I could take it or leave it? Yeah, it's a bonus, it would add to my life. This is what we're trying to get to where your basic way of being in the world is fine. is perfect. I shouldn't use the word fine. is perfect. It's okay. You feel good. Right? And now we can talk about and now what would be interesting to add to it. Right? Does that make sense to people? Yeah. And the paradox of all of this, because we're actually what's happening is we're also taking away the second order response. So what that means is, let's say if someone feels sad, right, then it's just sad, right? But now, if they feel angry about being sad, or they feel sad, about feeling sad, and we get into these loops, then we start to get it, you know, it starts to bind up our attention and our energy. So we are freeing ourselves from all of the second order suffering, that that goes on that we add to situations, events are just events until we start adding meaning to it. Right. I still want it with but I won't die without it. Exactly. Yeah. Can you feel the freedom in that? Right? And, and often what can happen is when we do this, the it's the it's the compulsion that I talked about a compensatory behaviour if the goal is because you feel like you have no option but to have that goal, because otherwise you'd feel terrible. When you clear up the terrible, you realise you didn't want that goal in the first place anyway. It was just an avoidance of wanting to feel terrible, of not wanting to feel terrible. Okay, so we're coming up to time for an hour and a half. Thanks to you last time for the guys that indulge me going over like 20 minutes. I'm going to stay with the timing for today. But I just wanted to give you a pointer, we won't we won't actually do this one. But I'll put it on the screen. So you have it here. By the way, I missed out number eight, some Thank you. It's gone. But thank you for the guy who I think it was Robert, which is clarify and take the action steps that will get you there easily and enjoyable as possible. So once you've out once you've clarified your outcome, right, and cleared up the emotions around that, then you clarify the steps to get there and they can have emotions associated with them. And it's what I was saying earlier, which is clean up the the the resistance, the reluctance to doing the steps, and then you end up with the steps or just the steps to take right? And I'll put this up we won't go through it. But in terms of taking action in the world. What you want to do is take the smallest example of that habit for 30 days. So the way Ken Wilber puts this as if you want to learn to meditate, don't learn to meditate in the next month, right? 20 minutes twice a day. That's not what you want to learn. You want to learn to sit down to meditate. Right? And so If you're sitting down to meditate for one minute, fulfils the requirement, which is it's the smallest example of the habit for 30 days, I'm not sharing my screen. Right? So you're learning, you're not learning to meditate, you're learning to sit down to meditate. That's what you're wiring in. That's the new habit, right? And then that is what will build the habit much more easily. Right? Because our brains learn by patterns, they like the door example, right? Do your very best to do it for 30 days, if you miss a day, no big deal. Just do it the next day, right? Maybe doesn't matter. You haven't failed, nothing's dot world hasn't ended start again. If you resistance or emotions come up, use emotional regulation tools, I like to say that the journey to the beginning is half the work. Right? Because if you hadn't how many people here haven't started something for ages, but they keep meaning to do? Yeah. Okay. Now, the work isn't to do the thing. The work is to get from here to the start of the thing. And that journey is all of this releasing all these emotions and things, and you don't know how much freedom you're going to generate just by getting to the beginning. So you can thank that goal, if you even if you never do it, of just getting to the start of it. Or clearing up emotions and thoughts and feelings. And here's a very key principle, which is that no habit is too small. Right, because you're actually getting good at the habit of implementing habits. So just pick a small habit, that you that might not actually be a significant one that you actually want the outcome for. Right? But you're just learning to get the identity of someone who can implement habits. Right? This is a tricky one for most people, because it's the highest leverage thing you can do. And it's the trickiest one to get people to do. Right? Because of that thing of if something's too small, we feel it's futile. Right? But actually, if you built the habit every day of something really simple, you know, let's say you, you are not checking Facebook daily, of putting a key on a hook, right, rather than just like throwing it down on the table as you come in. Right? That, that you're building the habit of building a habit. Right. So my friend, Brad, he read is a whole different thing that atomic habits has this link to identity, and he made his bed for seven days. And he'd always like 20 years been like a disorganised not very disciplined person. And for some reason with him making a bed for seven days, just generalised all into the rest of his life. And he ended up doing all his taxes on time was never late to pick up his kids there again, for some reason that you can never really know how much a small habit can influence you. And here's why is because we're experiencing the world. But the experience we're having is only the one that's being represented back to us by our consciousness. Right. But right now, your your left toe was having an experience until I mentioned it. Right. And now it's in your conscious awareness. Right. But it was it was carrying on and experiencing, and it would let you know if you know, it got bitten, or you stepped on something. But until then, so you're actually we're having like, huge amount of experience that's not being represented back to us. Right. So if you go and do some small habits, where you go, you know, I've got an intuition that might work. But it probably won't, right. Even if you have that kind of attitude. It's worth doing because some of these can really ripple through. And actually when you get L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] really attuned to your own energy system, you start coming up with things like this. I don't know why this was work. But for some reason, if I tried to get a recent example. It was an audio file, I was doing something I was thinking, I don't know why. But if I clean up this audio file, it's going to do something that was really kind of silly to the idea. And so I cleaned up the noise on this audio file. And the next day for about six hours, my mind was so silent. Who can predict that that's not predictable. But somehow some part of my brain when if you clean up this audio file and get rid of the noise then some part of me kind of knew what to do with that. Okay, so let's wrap up, put your feet on the ground. And because you'll have the recordings in the last three sessions in these three sessions, I've introduced you to some new ideas, hopefully some new ideas, and an approach to change. Which is to apply emotional regulation tools and techniques, to common human experiences, and the physiological component of how you've been doing them in the world, as a very highly leveraged move, in order to be able to catch shifts and changes in your life in elegant and easy ways. And a part of you has been learning consciously. And we know because we don't represent the whole world back to ourselves. Other things have been happening, your unconscious has been making associations. Your energy system has been responding to being in this field, this group consciousness you came into this programme with some intentions, and you did some energy clearing along the lines of clearing up the pathway to the outcomes that you want manifest in your life right now. As you continue to learn and play, and to grow. And what you can see is that this more direct approach to change can be fun. The easy, for those of you seen in the chat can be predictable. Seeing physiological responses, that we can actually influence directly and measure and see that they've changed over a period of time is like fitness, like physical fitness, our nervous system gets the pathway out of suffering, and into freedom and ease and flow. With that in mind, wiggle your fingers and toes, yawn and stretch. Take a deep breath in through the nose up to the mouth. And I do want to take a minute to let you know what's coming up, I did tell you there'd be no sales. So there's hardly any sales. This will take like a minute or two and one slide. And then you can go and get the information and look at it whenever you want. I hope I earned that, right. So a couple of options. And I've made it super easy. A completely no risk option, zero risk option. So let me just share my screen. Okay. So as of August, starting next Thursday, I plan to do this, these sessions, they'll be a little bit different to to how we've been doing these three, because it'd be much more interaction laser coaching. And the nice thing about this approach is you do not have to share content, right, you can literally the other day, I think you saw somebody was kind of agitated, and there's just rubbed here, put a couple of fingers there. And you can see the shift, you know and experience it immediately. So we can do laser coaching without content and q&a. So it's eight hours, eight hours of training, laser coaching, and q&a per month 297. First option for you is if you can see the value in this and how quickly you can move forward through some of these challenges and the kind of content that we're doing. Then you can join at this link. I'll put it in the chat in a second. We'll be live sessions exactly like this membership area recordings, offer some bonuses in there as well. And if you're ready, come to the live sessions dive in and this is like a regular practice. So two hours a week, eight hours a month, and we'll take the fifth. If there's a fifth Thursday we'll take that off. And if you join I won't do the if you joined today but if you join in the next few days by the end of the month that say then you get 100 pounds $100 off the first month. Your second option if If you're still, if you don't know me that well you don't know this work, you're still hesitating, still thinking about it, which is totally 100%, fine, then I've got a risk free trial. So this one also comes with a money back guarantee, I don't want to, I don't want to keep people's money if they're not happy. But you pay absolutely nothing to begin with, right, just go and sign up at this link. And I'll send you all the Zoom links for August. And then towards the end of August, if you want to continue, if you've seen the value that you're getting during the month, then I'll send you a link, and then you pay for August and then onwards, right. But you get to decide later. A little bit of an incentive, if you decide, by the end of the month, after we've done a couple of sessions, and you joined by the middle of the month, then you'll get 50 $50 off that first month. So at these two sites, there is a free healing and clearing session from when Annie and I did the original healing and clearing. So that's option one. And that's on there directly. You don't have to sign up or do anything, it's right there for you. All the details are there, there's you know, the why should you join this course. But my belief is that the the the programme is the marketing, right, you come and experience it. And if you feel like this is working for you and the trade, which is the shifts and changes I'm getting easily worth it, then I want to join up. These are the people I want. Because then you form a group energy and a group collective that are in and want to make these kinds of shifts and changes with this kind of work. So that they're in just the sales piece. Go and check it out. Actually, I'll tell you why I'm just clicking in to get the whole thing in there. And then we'll have a five minute break. And then we'll do laser Q, closer coaching and q&a. Now, I didn't say it last time, we really can do things with our content. You don't have to share content, because the minute you start to think about the thing, you're literally animating that body mind energy system in the moment and then we can work with it directly. Okey doke. So I will see you guys in let's get back together at quarter two and then go half now depending on what people need, but thank you guys, thank you for showing up bringing your energy retention, your sincerity, doing this kind of work. And also for the the free thing is L&M July Free 3 audio20220728-200405 (TS).txt[15/03/2023, 13:21:22] completely free to try. So if you want to share that with others, please feel free to Okay, so I'll see you in I'll see you at quarter two, and we'll do some later catch. Alright bye for now. Transcribed by https://otter.ai